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Gluten -Free Food And Diabetes Risk

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Gluten -free food and diabetes risk

In recent years, diets that restrict gluten and lactose have popularized. Its defenders postulate that these nutrients are the cause of inflammatory processes and adverse reactions. In this way they maintain that the healthiest is to remove them from food. However, these measures can turn healthy people into patients.

There are currently no conclusive studies that relate the restriction of these nutrients with a decrease or prevention of complex diseases. Nor are the physiological mechanisms by which these measures allegedly reduce inflammatory processes.

They generate intolerances

The body has enclosures to synthesize nutrients. However, it tends to savings, that is, if you do not frequently notice the presence of a certain nutrient stops producing the one that degrades it to save energy. In this way, if a long period of time is suspended, gluten and lactose intake an impossibility of metabolization is generated. Healthy people have thus become intolerant. It is one of the great risks of the restrictions that many people do not know and that endangers health.

The justification for the withdrawal of these nutrients in the diet are the possible intolerances that could already generate in itself. For this, their defenders are usually supported by food intolerances analytics that lack evidence. In fact, the only intolerance that can be demonstrated by a blood analytics is gluten intolerance. To demonstrate lactose intolerance, a breath test would be needed.

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It can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes

‘Gluten’ foods compensate for the lack of this protein with fatty acids and sugars. Therefore, this variation of nutritional composition can bring consequences for the operation of the organism.

The most immediate of all of them is the greatest ingestion of simple sugars and the redition of fiber consumption. This is directly related to complex diseases such as type 2 diabetes. It also presents a relationship with the development of obesity. Studies conclude that gluten food intake decreases the risk of diabetes by 13% with respect to people who consume the ‘gluten -free’ variety.

Normally gluten is abandoned by also looking for a weight loss effect. It is true that abandoning gluten involves reducing the consumption of defendants and fast food. This can present a beneficial effect on short -term body composition. However, the increase in gluten -free food -free food consumption would significantly worsen food quality.

The truth is that there is no scientific evidence today that corroborate the benefits of a gluten -free food on human health. Studies that relate gluten consumption with diabetes are carried out in animal models and are not conclusive.

Restrict or moderate?

Although there are foods that are not recommended for habitual consumption, restrictions do not usually cause a good effect on any diet. In the first place they suppose psychological stress that can lead to anxiety. On the other hand, the restriction can lead to a deficit of some nutrient that can even be essential.

Therefore a fairly effective idea is usually to carry out a flexible diet. It is positive to reduce the consumption of defendants, and ingest them around the hours of physical activity reached. In this way we will take advantage of the sugar peak to use in sports practice.

Put to restrict the only thing that deserves to be eliminated from a varied diet are toxic compounds such as alcohol. That not only do not produce any benefit on the body but entail the worsening of the functioning of this, both in the short and long term. There is also evidence that toxic consumption increases the risk of complex diseases. On the other hand, they are the great enemies of sports practice, reducing the performance of the one who consumes them considerably.


Eating gluten without increasing diabetes risk. It can also generate intolerance to the nutrient itself due to the body’s savings system. Therefore it is to follow a varied diet, in which all nutrients are present. The variety of foods decreases the risk of nutritional deficits and improves food quality.

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