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How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels?

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How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels? Today fossil fuel accounts for about 52 percent of the energy consumed in the United States (Siegel, 2008). The primary source of United States Oil has been from imports from Middle East Countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq and most importantly from OPEC countries. The largest import quotas come from Mexico and Canada. The oil imports supplement for the minor mining activities in the country mostly from the shale wells in the West California and Arizona. But still oil imports are at 42 percent, and the oil consumption is still rising in The United States, and this justifies that the country might need more energy from either imports or alternative energy sources (Neelesh, 2011). Currently, the United States can lessen it`s over reliance on oil and gas fuel through various strategies that are environmentally friendly that include a renewable energy source and conserving energy. Therefore, these methods will reduce the use of fossil fuel by offering an alternative source of energy and preventing energy wastage.
With the current market trends, the imports of oil are expected to hit 70 percent in the year 2020 (Csomós, 2014). From the trends, it is evident that our shared addiction is no secret, and yet our thirst is a well of need that we can never fill. This is not the collective legacy we wanted as a country both environmentally and economically. Research shows that despite negative environmental consequences the carbon industry fuels the economy, opposes new energy sources and ultimately sees the future in a very different light (Neelesh, 2011).

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Consequently, it has been proven that fossil fuel releases certain gases such as methane and carbon dioxide that plays a significant role in knowing the earth`s climate (Csomós, 2014). This is because these gases prevent heat from escaping the atmosphere. Hence, this will cause global warming effects such as desertification, and natural calamities.
The use of renewable energy is a way of reducing the excess use of fossil fuel. Renewable energy refers to the energy produced from nature resources like wind, tide, rain, geothermal heat and sunlight that are naturally replenished. Additionally, this energy cannot be exhausted since it is constantly renewed. Technologies used in generating renewable energy are hydroelectricity turbines, solar power, biomass, wind power, micro- hydro or biofuel. Simultaneously, the use of renewable energy has many advantages. For example, it has the benefit of conserving the environment through the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gas. Secondly, it also reduces the dependency on fossil fuel like gas and oil in the market. Thirdly, it creates the diversification of energy supplies. Lastly, renewable source of energy has a great effect on the cost of electricity. For instance, in 2013 the level cost of electricity powered by green energy was ranging between 0.0078-0.14 Euro/kWh worldwide (Csomós, 2014). It creates more employment opportunities for people working in green technology.
Simultaneously, conserving energy will reduce the use of crude oil because it involves limited use of energy. Energy use can be decreased by changing the light bulb with energy saving fluorescents bulb, switching off the light when a room has no activity, and switching on air conditioning only when you are at home. Additionally, using devices that are Energy Star labelled can save large capacity energy. Hence, this will contribute towards reducing the use of fossil fuel in the United States. On the other hand, many plastic products depend largely on fossil fuel resources. Therefore, reusing plastic items can save the over dependency of fossil fuel in the United States. Also, recycling of waste product can reduce the dependency on fossil fuel. So far, the country has about 75% waste that is recyclable (Csomós, 2014). Instead of throwing away unwanted items, people are encouraged to donate things like clothing, microwave, air conditioner, light and household staff through charity foundation. Live green is another way of reducing the use of fossil fuel. For instance, the utilization of green electricity service like solar power will discourage people from using fossil fuel (Siegel, 2008).
Contrary, the significance of reducing the dependency on the use of fossil fuel is because it influences global warming effects. Therefore, the effect on the global energy policy will be the increased substitution by alternative fuels, and this is likely to spur a clean energy revolution (Neelesh, 2011). This means better approach to the issue of global warming contributed to by the increased use of carbon-based fuels. This will bring a new platform for trade through new clean energy initiative that will replace the fossil fuels. The action will likely affect the global oil prices and the reduction in imports of the country is likely to increase the countries savings on energy. These savings can bring about trade balance and hence, the imposed tariffs will act as a solution and a gateway to research on alternative fuel and clean energy (Neelesh, 2011).
As the population of our planet continues to grow, so does the demand for energy conservation and renewable energy efforts will offset the increased demand to a certain point (Siegel, 2008). However, the reality is, fossil fuels are now and in the foreseeable future the most abundant energy source we have access to. While it is an agreeable fact that many countries have programs and policies in place to promote the consumption of clean and renewable energy, the evidence shows that we may not see a sizeable shift away from oil and gas for decades. “There are profound economic and technological reasons for the persistence of fossil fuels”( Neelesh, 2011). It is through the strain at higher commodity prices that the country stakeholders in the energy sector will increase their innovativeness and creativity. This can further impact on the quality of innovations if the imposed oil tariff is permanent.
I would recommend the government to subsidize energy through various forms of subsidies. For example, through the use of trade restrictions such as trade embargoes, quota and technical restriction the government can avoid energy wastage and overuse of fossil fuel. Secondly, the government also can offer energy-related service at a low cost. This is achieved through direct investment in energy technologies such development and research department. Thirdly, the government can utilize landfill and sewage to produce biogas. Lastly, the government can closely regulate the energy sector to ensure the accessibility, price and plans related to energy are closely controlled. This will limit the excess flow and import of fossil fuel in the country.
Concerning that, fossil fuel is very important to the country`s economy. However, it has a vital effect on the environment such as emitting carbon IV oxide gas that influence global warming. Therefore, adopting renewable energy source, conserving energy and the government taking the responsibility of subsidising energy production will reduce the use of fossil fuel by offering an alternative source of energy and preventing energy wastage.
Csomós, G. (2014). The relationship between large oil companies and renewable energy sector. Journal of Environmental Engineering and management, 13 (11), 2781-2787.
Neelesh, N. (2011). U.S oil Imports: context and considerations. CRS.
Siegel, F. R. (2008). Demands of expanding populations and development planning: Clean air, safe water, fertile soils. Berlin: Springer.

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