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How climate changes such as Hurricane Sandy impacted my life.

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How Hurricane Sandy impacted my life
A hurricane is a strong spiral weather that result from a surface of land or water that is described as a low-pressure system. A low-pressure system has the atmospheric pressure lower than its environs. The typical characteristics of a hurricane are heavy rainfall during and after the hurricane, lightning and thunderstorm are frequent, and the spiral effects stretches for over 500 miles from its epicenter. Hurricane Sandy was the second most dangerous hurricane to have been experienced in the USA. It affected 24 states in America apart from other Caribbean islands. It occurred in 2012 October and caused a damage of over $70 on properties. I am a resident of Staten Island, Newyork and also a victim to the hurricane. Out of the experience my life changed, and I bear the testimony always and share it as many times as I can to help change some perception about people. I was changed emotionally, financially, and also physically. The following illustrations of the changes I have are based on the personal experiences during the hurricane.
Impacts of the hurricane
Hurricane Sandy had been reported to have swept various regions starting from the Caribbean islands through Cuba. Various broadcasting channels from Europe and Britain had explained the progress and the expected outcomes and the states vulnerable from the attack. Our local disaster preparedness and management department had introduced mitigation measure, but, unfortunately, they were not sufficient to shield the local people from the hurricanes activity.

Wait! How climate changes such as Hurricane Sandy impacted my life. paper is just an example!

The hurricane came at around am in the morning while I was preparing to go back to school to start my last semester for the final year at the University. I heard a strong trembling sound like a roaring lion, but I ignored the sound for it did last for long. No Sonner had I taken my last sip from my cup of coffee that I saw water running through our door opening furiously. Instantly I was struck by the idea of a strong storm attacking our island and immediately I asked my family to move to the upper floor since outside was not approachable. Panicking was all over, looking outside I saw the all my neighborhood totally flooded homes wrecked, and I didn’t know how some got the live boats they were having at that moment.
People were looking desperate, and that is the moment when my father’s words made sense. He used to say “I build this house on a strong foundation it would be hard to shake it.” At that moment, I looked at my father without saying anything as I recalled how I never took his words seriously. Water filled our ground floor, and now it was coming to the upper room, I tripped and hurt my knee badly, that gave me more pain to imagine that I had become part of the ongoing problem instead of the solution. Looking through the window, I saw young children drowning which made me remain to wonder how long we had remained with before the rescue team came or before we drowned in our home.
The hurricane lasted almost one month eating the little we could spare for the next meal as we waited for starvation on top of the roof since our ground and the upper room had been filled with water. There was no communication since electricity had been disrupted and even after the hurricane it was flooded all over so nowhere to drive upon, and no cars since the hurricane had swept all of them away. I was the of a person who never expressed concern over other people but since that day on a scene of a drowning child and helpless parents I was so desperate to help the situations. . I was so emotionally touched; I saw some of my friends in the neighborhood losing their parents and siblings, and this made me love and respect my family members so much. I had always conflicted with my father, but I promised myself always to show him the respect he deserved. I realized that we are mortal beings with no defined time one dies. I realized that I should treasure those around me and never ignore them at all cost. I emerged a totally changed person emotionally and how I valued other people and my family.
My father had been telling me to exercise as frequent as possible so that I could have strong joints and bones but I always to the advice for granted . The moment I was tripping dislocated my hip joint and injured my knee patella, I realized that my father had a sense that I needed to apply, but it was late. It is never too late for anything we want to do in life as long we are alive. I changed my life to include a morning workout in the gym and the evening after the day’s activities. I promised to promote the idea of physical fitness wherever I went. I started to join my father on his morning run, and this made him proud of the new changes that had implemented in my life. In fact, the morning run activities bonded my father and I for we got more time to talk and understand each other. At one moment, I wondered why the hurricane came, was to revive my relationship especially with my father and to change my attitude towards life. I got to understand what is to starve and to be so desperate to eat anything edible at your convenience. I used to be the person who valued the clubs for fun but now I took my tickets to buy street children a meal and visit children homes at often as I could. My family started to wonder why the change affected my life that much. I never wanted to see food being thrown away; I would rather pack it nicely and take it to some street family somewhere.
In conclusion, the hurricane had affected many people across the USA and outside. Others were affected directly and others indirect. I was a direct and an indirect victim, after the hurricane I experienced an urge that changed my emotional, mental and physical perspective in various aspects of life. I became more sensitive to other people’s needs and advice, and I am benefitting a lot from the experience. I promised myself to take serious all the new I watch on television and accord it the proper response it deserves. After the hurricane, my family bought a home far from Staten Island just for future preparedness to ensure that we don’t experience direct impacts of the hurricane in future.

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