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International human resources management

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International human resources management is currently faced with many challenges especially in dealing with a multinational corporation. Yarden Mex is one of the leading casual dining chain of Mexican restaurants which has its headquarters in Sweden. The business has prospered, and It has subsidiaries in developed and developing economies. Some of the challenges that have been facing three of its subsidiaries are fall in sales and increase in the staff turnover rates, and the firm is looking for ways to address these issues. The firm has plans to transfer headquarters which are based in Sweden to its subsidiaries which are an activity that is likely to trigger another set of challenges in the process. Further, the company has plans to transfer MNC policy on recruitment and selection to the subsidiaries (Doirean Wilson 3 ). This move is regarded as the standardization between the subsidiaries and the headquarters of the Yarden Mex. These process of standardization is very challenging because of cultural differences, diversity, economic, institutional, and economic which may be challenging to the human resources. The paper seeks to explicitly expound on diversity issues in the three countries through use literature on the issue of selection and recruitment in the subsidiaries. The paper will also incorporate theories related to talent management, cross-cultural management, international business, international human resource management, and global diversity issues. The paper will also address the challenges that are faced in the development of the glocal talent management as well as the challenges faced in the development of the glocal diversity management development policy.

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Finally, after analysis of the case, challenges, and application of the theories, suggestion will be offered as to whether the goal of Yarden Mex is achievable.
The issue of globalization is an activity that many companies have been adopting despite many challenges associated with the issue. The distance between the headquarters in Sweden and other subsidiaries in UK, India, and China is an issue that has presented a set of challenges in implanting the policies applied in the headquarter. Yarden Mex is expected to address these issues that are being faced and also making sure that the application of such theories and practices is of relevance beyond the Swedish borders. According to Wesley, the effectiveness of the older workers is not expected to be lost since they greatly contribute to the success of an organization through providing efficient human capital (Wesley 411). The valuableness of the human capital is an issue that should be taken as a matter of great importance. Placing older employees from the headquarters in Sweden to the three subsidiaries is an issue that will work to the advantage of the of the Yarden Mex.
Workforce diversity management is another issue that need be addressed during the process of transferring some of the practices from Sweden to the other subsidiaries. Studies have revealed that workforce diversity management is an issue that can lead to the emergence of discriminatory employment practices. Therefore, Yarden Mex is expected to make sure that it does not make a mistake made by many companies of diversity without inclusion. The inclusion of all the employees is termed as an effective tool that is often applied in efforts to reduce employment discrimination (Nicole 74). The move is of great significance because it increases the minority representation in the various organization a factor that will make it easy to adopt some of the practices from the headquarter that is in Sweden. The geocentric strategy is an issue that will favor the motivation of the employees. Employees are expected to stay motivated for the success of the firm. According to Sarkar, there is a huge relationship between the motivation and the employees and the stress levels that they experience which has a direct relationship with the differences in the countries (35). These factors of stress ad motivation have a cultural underpinning, and the Yarden Mex should be keen on addressing these underlying issues.
The issue gender is crucial for the Yarden Mex to consider in making sure that the activity of transferring some of these activities to subsidiaries have become a success. The firm is expected to make sure that it has created a gender-diverse workforce through the provision of rewards parity and attracting women to the workforce. Studies have revealed the issue of gender imbalance is one of the major issues that are attributed to decrease in productivity in most MNC’s. In some regions like China and India, social pressures are extreme to the extent senior-level positions are exclusively filled by men thus leading to the underutilization of the talents possessed women. The HR in these three subsidiaries must ensure that they have used the HR analytics as a tool for the workforce planning. The approach has proven to be an effective tool in other multinational companies in curbing the shortages in skills in organizations. The incorporation of gender alongside other metrics of diversity will increase efficiency in understanding the recruits as well as matching them with the required incentives tom increase their performance (Seyed-Mahmoud 21).
Implementation of a Staffing Policy is an issue that is complex, and it requires the HR department involved to conduct a thorough evaluation of the cultures that exists in regions where the subsidiaries are situated. Yarden Mex needs to ensure that there is a balancing of the societal cultures and the corporate cultures that have a goal of promoting diversity. The management style of command-and-control requires modification so as to fit to fit into local cultures. The modification of the management does not in any way compromise the human rights policies and the integrity policies. The HR is tasked with addressing most of the complexities that are associated with the protection of the values and the ethics of Yarden Mex. These decisions can at times call for selecting the elements of the corporate culture that need to be changed (Steve 32). Training programs from the HR that are aimed at assisting the executives in adapting to cultural and societal norm all regions especially when they are called upon to shift to the head offices in Sweden. Cultural training is crucial for the members of the staff who will be transferred from the headquarters to other subsidiaries. The training om culture is expected to cover the culture that the company requires to be implemented as well as the existing culture of the in the local environment where the firm will be situated. The company is also expected to take into consideration the issue of talent management. Different recruits are endowed with different capabilities (Doirean 4). The move will ensure that the company has created a system that is balanced and the one that appreciates different talents in the employees. The incentives, opportunities for promotions, and leadership positions will be some of the factors that lead to high retention rates due to job satisfaction. Talent management in these subsidiaries will be aimed at making the company the best in the employee retention and hence reduce the turnover rates.
Yarden Mex is facing many problems which are leading the company to experienced declined sales and increased employee turnover. The different subsidiaries are engaging in different human resource practices, and this is affecting the company. I would advise the GHRM to ensure that the human resource issues are addressed to ensure that the company works in an effective and efficient manner. It is vital to transfer the Swedish-based global diversity policy to the various subsidiaries. Some of these subsidiaries do not have diversity policy which is affecting how they are recruiting employees. There is a problem in the staffing area since some subsidiaries are opting not to employ people who are not locals and women are also not being given a chance to be in the workforce. The global diversity policy will help to ensure that there is uniformity in regards to human resources issues (Wesley 412). It will also serve to ensure that the subsidiaries do what is acceptable based on the company’s headquarters. This plan would be helpful in removing confusion and helping the company to practice things that they all agree with, and this will help in ensuring that the leadership of the company is felt up to the grassroots.
The plan of the GHRM is to transfer the MNC policy on recruitment and selection to the subsidiary would also help to remove the many practices that are against the headquarters’ recruitment and selection policy. If the recruitment and selection policy is transferred to the subsidiaries, it will help in curbing some problems that the subsidiaries are experiencing. This step can help in improving the working conditions of employees in regards to compensation and other working conditions that can help in retaining talented employees.
The company needs to ensure that its most employees are offered jobs on a permanent basis rather than part-time and temporary basis. Most employees are discouraged working on part time, and temporary basis since the methods are used by the company’s subsidiaries to pay less compared to what other employees working in the headquarters in the same roles are receiving. Employees seem to be discouraged, and they are moving to other companies that offer better compensation terms. The turnover rates have increased due to poor payment and also poor working conditions (Yong 24).
Low to medium levels of remuneration is also contributing to the high turnover rates of employees. The company needs to ensure that the remuneration system is streamlined such that employees in all subsidiaries receive equal pay for the same job positions. This step will help in decreasing employee turnover since their compensation issues will have been solved. The company is also experiencing talent and skills problems, and it is crucial for the company to ensure that all employees working in all subsidiaries are well trained to ensure that they deliver the kind of goods and services that customers desire. Without training, employees will not have the ability to perform their roles effectively. Lack of skills is what has led the company to have decreased sales since employees are not able to deliver according to the needs of customers and the company as a whole (Nicole 75). The company is facing trouble developing talent and also maintaining talented individuals in the company. This problem can be severe to the organization since talented individuals are utilized to take the company to greater heights. The company needs to ensure that all its subsidiaries retains and develops talents to ensure that employees contribute their ideas into the company so that it can be better day by day. The subsidiaries have to let their employees join labor unions since there has been less employee joining labor unions. These labor unions will help in ensuring that employees engage in collective bargaining so that their needs and concerns can be addressed. Cross-cultural and multicultural learning are essential especially with the different subsidiaries. This kind of learning will ensure that employees and the management understand their roles and responsibilities in serving customers from different cultures and this will ensure that customers get the products as well as the services that they desire (Sarkar 36).
The way forward for the GHRM to bring all the managers of the different subsidiaries together in a meeting and helping them to understand the changes the company wants to implement. There needs to be a written plan on how the different subsidiaries have to change their operation practices. There should be recruitment and selection policies as well as diversity policies that regulate how these different subsidiaries need to conduct their activities. The meeting will ensure that the company can convince the managers the need for the change and the implementation of uniform policies for the leadership of the company to be consistent in the different subsidiaries (Seyed-Mahmoud 31).
The external factors facing diverse subsidiaries are several since thy exist in different countries. Religion is not considered in the diversity policy of Indian Subsidiary called ‘The Haus.’ This aspect needs to be considered since women are most targeted when this religion is ignored. This factor needs to be emphasized for the Indian subsidiary to ensure that more women are included in the workforce. Due to the knowledge of the Indian culture only locals are employed in this subsidiary. I think that even non-locals can be employed and trained so as to ensure that diversity in the company is increased that will ensure that different opinions and ideas are brought in by different people.
Yarden Mex China employs people based on two approaches which are the direct and the indirect method. The company employs the permanent employees while agencies are given the role of recruiting temporary employees who are only the male population. This system needs to be changed such that the company needs to do all the recruitment and not outsource this responsibility since it could be the cause of the increased turnover rates (Steve 33). Discrimination of women when recruiting should stop, and there should be equity in assigning jobs to both males and females. Recruitment should not be divided across social lines, but rather every qualified individual should have an equal chance of being recruited. All employees need to be trained regardless of their behavior of looking for better jobs. The training is essential as it will help the company develop better employees who will be offering the best services and commodities to customers. The rural employees need to be paid the same wage as those working in the urban areas since when employees realize that there are wage discriminations they would not want to work in the rural firm (Yong 24 ).
Yarden Mex UK is facing the problem of staffing. In spite of the region having many unemployed individuals, most of them do not have the required skills to be employed in this company. The company needs to invest in training employees so that they can be equipped with the necessary skills to be in a position to perform the job (Steve 34).
Yarden Mex should outline its global diversity management policies and practices and therefore ensure that the three subsidiaries understand and implement them. The headquarters will ensure that the subsidiary carries out things based on its vision for the whole company. The glocal talent management should be different for the subsidiaries based on the diverse external factors that affect them (Wesley 412). The benefit of having these two policies and practices is that it will help the headquarters to control what the subsidiaries are doing to ensure that the company’s goals and objectives are accomplished. This approach will serve to ensure that the subsidiaries make their decisions based on the external factors that they experience.
In conclusion, Yarden Mex need to transfer the Swedish-based global diversity policy as well as the recruitment and selection to the subsidiaries as this step will have many benefits. It will ensure that the companies operate in uniform and consistent manner. This step will ensure that the company will achieve its goals and objectives as opposed to when the different subsidiaries are doing different things than what the headquarters desires. The glocal talent management policy also needs to be implemented depending on the different external factors that the three subsidiaries experience. The glocal approach will help in solving the different problems and issues that are unique to the individual subsidiary. Geocentric approach to management will be crucial in ensuring that all subsidiaries move to one direct on for the success of the whole company. Talent and diversity management is crucial for the company to reduce employee turnover and to be able to increase sales. There are numerous difficulties that can occur during the implementation of the geocentric management, but there is a need to work closely with managers to ensure that there is no resistance experienced.
Works Cited
Doirean Wilson Yehuda Baruch Patti Boulaye Mary Hartog . “”Is this your cultural place or mine?”.” Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 23 Iss 5 (2015): 2-4.
Nicole Böhmer Heike Schinnenburg . “”How gender and career concepts impact Global Talent Management”.” Employee Relations 38(1) (2016): 73-93.
Sarkar, Anita. “”How to build an inclusive workplace”.” Human Resource Management International Digest, 23(7) (2015): 34 – 37.
Seyed-Mahmoud Aghazadeh. “”Human resource management: issues and challenges in the new millennium” .” Management Research News 22(12) (1999): 19 – 32.
Steve Newhall. “”A global approach to talent management”.” Human Resource Management International Digest 20(6) (2012): 31 -34.
Wesley A. Scroggins Philip G. Benson,. “”International human resource management: diversity,issues and challenges” .” Personnell Review 39(4) (2010): 409-413.
Yong Han Hongdan Zhao, . “”HRM is strategic at Shanghai Shuozhi”.” Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 21 Iss 1pp (2013): 23 – 25.

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