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Kush Kingdom and Bantu Kingdom/ Compare and Contrast

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History of the Kush and Bantu Kingdoms
The Kush kingdom
The kingdom of Kush was established after the disintegration and fall of the New Egyptian kingdom. The geographical location of the kingdom was in the current day Sudan. Budka (2015), states that the kingdom was ruled by pharaohs of the 25th Egyptian dynasty, and their dominion lasted for a century preceding their expulsion by Psamtik I in the year 656BC. The kingdom was a classical representation that represented Africa’s earliest civilization. The kingdom was rich in gold deposits, and their capital was Meroe which persisted up to the 4th century AD when it collapsed (Budka, 2015).
Budka asserts that the existence of this kingdom impacted the world so much that the kingdom has been recorded in historical scriptures like the Bible, and Roman literature, which indicates that Emperor Nero was planning for a second attack of the kingdom before he died (Budka, 2015). The mode of production in the kingdom was enhanced by the presence of the strong administrative units headed by the pharaohs. Besides, the Kushites utilized animal-driven water wheel to enhance their Agricultural produce along the Nile as stated in Budka (Budka, 2015). The kingdom was also boosted by heavy mineral activities of gold and iron mining.
The Bantu kingdom
The Bantu’s originated from Central Africa in the predominant Cameroon forest as stated in Reid. Reid mentions that the heavy Roman empire activity in the Northern part of Africa as one of the factors that caused their migration from their cradle land.

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Consequently, lots of populations were forced to migrate and the Bantus were not spared. The Bantu started spreading to the border of Savannah, but after a battery of wars, they were defeated. The Bantu were also organized, and the general who became their king was Namula (Reid, 2011). The dignified and strong ruling ability of Namula enabled him to assert control over what is today known as Lake Tanganyika up to the shores of Lake Malawi while the capital of the Bantu kingdom was Bujumbura (Reid, 2011).
The socio-political, cultural, economic, and military comparison of the Kush and Bantu kingdoms.
The kingdoms of Kush and Bantu had various activities that ensured that they lasted. The two African civilizations had properly structured governance bodies that were headed by kings. The Kush had Pharaoh’s as their ultimate leader, while the Bantu had their kings both who reigned in the kingdoms one at a time successively (Reid, 2011). Both the kingdoms had organized military activities aided by the gift of iron technology, that enabled them to equip their warriors with arrows and spears. With regards to religion, even though they believed in deities, the Kush kingdom had a better-organized form of religion (Reid, 2011). The god of Kush was Osiris, and they utilized the pyramids as burial sites for their leaders. The Kush kingdom was more advanced with regards to wealth and political strength. Reid states that the Kush kingdom had merchants who traded goods as far as Europe, while foreigners like Greeks and Persians flocked their kingdom for trade activities (Budka, 2015).The Kush kingdom was more advanced and civilized than the Bantus.
The early kingdoms of Africa, were well organized and advanced, just as other kingdoms of the world such as the Incus of South America, the Aztec of North America, the Greek empire, and the dynasties of ancient China.
Budka, J. (2015). The Pharaonic town on Sai Island and its role in the urban landscape of New Kingdom Kush. Sudan & Nubia, 19, 40-53.
Reid, R. (2011). Past and presentism: the ‘precolonial’and the foreshortening of African history. The Journal of African History, 52(2), 135-155.
Reid, R. J. (2011 a). A history of modern Africa: 1800 to the present (Vol. 7). John Wiley & Sons.

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