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Modern Knowledge Society

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Modern Knowledge Society


The knowledge society is a concept of social transformations that are seeing new changes in modern society. The current concept of the knowledge society is not focused on technological progress, but considers it as a factor of social change. Because the importance of knowledge as an economic resource grows, which leads to the need to learn throughout life.

 But in the same way the awareness of non-saber and the awareness of the risks of modern society grows. In this sense, we are talking about a new mode of production, this being a sense that deals with a projection to the future of the objective of reducing social injustices. The risks of social exclusion in the knowledge society are related to access to information and knowledge, and the effects of socioeconomic globalization.


Internet changed a change worldwide. Not only the way we communicate, but also in which we learn, we inform ourselves and interact. Throughout the history of humanity they have marked a before and after as internet did with their arrival. Why? Because all these inventions modified status and the way of living. But more importantly, because most of them refers to the access and dissemination of information, since the Internet was the construction of the modern civilization of individuals, since it entered tools to create, innovate and share their experiences lived.


Internet is not just a powerful communication tool.

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It could be said that it is the most powerful learning and innovation force since the invention of the printing press. And the central element of what probably represents the most fierce struggle and at the same time the greatest opportunity for people, because it is to define education as a new era of transformation.

According to the authors, the Internet if it is a tool of great help, since throughout our life the teaching-learning method has improved, it could be said that the internet in education is a new opportunity to improve tasks forThus not to continue in the traditionalist, since it helps the development of teaching modalities built around the collective creation of knowledge in order to provide learning of recreational sense, expression, reflection and explorer eagerness. Anyway, it could be said that the Internet in education is new teaching models open to learning and domain of technologies.

The Internet in society

Internet, at the center of these communications networks, allows to produce, distribute and use digitized information in any format. According to the published study. All the existing information on the planet is digitized and mostly accessible on the Internet and other computer networks. Ours is a network society, that is, a society built around personal and corporate networks operated by digital networks that communicate through the Internet. 

And since networks are global and do not know limits, the network society is a society of global networks. This social structure of this historical moment is the result of the interaction between the emerging technological paradigm based on the digital revolution and certain sociocultural changes of great draft. According to Martin Hilbert in Science in 2010, he tells us that the Internet in society has produced an extreme change of digitalization, since we live in the new era of the Internet, since this tool allows us to share, form, contend and treat the most necessary information.

Knowledge / information

Knowledge is what allows us to make decisions and act skills, attitudes, values, technical knowledge. Its raw material is information, but this does not allow acting until a medical analysis information-and the interpretation of the same knowledge becomes knowledge. It is made up of information, we need to have the memorized information, or on a paper or screen, or seeing a person doing something, but it is not enough to have the information. 

Knowledge is information aimed at carrying out an activity, to solve a problem, it is a ‘knowing how to do’. It is extremely complicated to define knowledge or establish its conceptual limits. Most of the approaches to what is, always depend on the philosophical and theoretical perspective that one possesses, since there are knowledge related to all the branches of human knowledge, and also to all areas of experience.

Personal learning environments

What is a ple? A ple is nothing other than the “set of information, tools, connections and activities that each person uses regularly to learn,” according to Linda Castañeda and Jordi Adell in their book Personal Learning Environments: Ecosystem keysRed educational. That is, it is an environment that includes all those resources that help us to find, organize, produce and share information and knowledge.


According to Linda Castañeda and Jordi Adell in their book Person. This overabundance of information has made our personal learning environments much richer and more complex.

 Hence the need for us to have to think, manage and explain them. For them we find varieties of pages such as Prezi, Google Drive, Facebook, Blogger etc. That helps us learn new things and through that sharing our knowledge and experience with others.

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