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Monograph On Hunting: History

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Monograph on hunting: History

The hunt! The term hunting and the fact of hunting is an act that has accompanied human beings since its origins.

Since the prehistoric era, the man hunted with the main objective and purpose of achieving food for his survival, and used the skins of these animals to cover the body and thereby protect himself from the weather.

What would have happened if the human being had not discovered hunting? Could the species have been maintained and evolved without the food it provided? Or would we have extinguished?

In my opinion I believe that hunting was vital for man, since it allowed him to feed and thereby guarantee his survival and thus be able to ensure the development of the human species until our time.

However, over time, the concept of hunting has been changing. Currently hunting is considered a sport or a form of leisure, rather than as a subsistence mode.

Throughout the reading of the almost 400 pages of the book The Hunger Games, the theme of hunting appears repeatedly, despite not being the main theme of the novel. The protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, is responsible for maintaining and feeding her family, this makes her look for life in the forest hunting with her friend Gale. Thus becoming an expert hunter. This ability, in the same way, serves to survive in a scenario of hunger games;forests in which thanks to what hunt and her experience in that environment facilitates the subsistence to be able to take the victory.

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In the work therefore the issue of hunting as a means of life, of necessity, of survival is reflected. In this sense, the reading of the book reminded me of the prehistoric stages in which individuals hunted for this reason.

And therefore, I have been interested in this topic to develop research work for my monograph.

The term hunting refers to the action or activity of hunting, which can generally be recreational, sports or even only to be able to feed. It is carried out based on laws with which it is tried. All living beings hunt with the aim of getting food to survive, but according to, "only man practices hunting for pleasure".

Hunting in living beings, understanding it as a means of subsistence, is an act that exists since on earth we have the appearance and existence of animals. That is, all animals, including man, have had to hunt to get food and survive. Taking this idea into account, we could take for granted and affirm that hunting has always existed.

To learn more in detail the act of hunting in humans, we are going to carry out this study focusing on the origin and evolution of such action and the weapons that men have been using. In this sense, all historical studies and all archaeological investigations point to the prehistoric stage as the origin of the hunter man.

In the first phase of prehistory, in the Paleolithic stage, the man made a hunt with very basic weapons such as carved pebbles, wooden spears, etc …, which faced them almost directly in a fight with their prey, which IHe run great risks for his life. In this period, the hunt they made was little specialized, and, although they did not make a large selection of dams, there was a tendency to hunt large animals.

Advancing in prehistory, the tools were evolving and improving. And so in the Neolithic period, the arc and arrows stand out as hunting utensils. This way of hunting with arches and arrows is the one that is reflected in the book Los Games del Hungo. The work, despite being a contemporary novel, clearly and precisely shows how the protagonist uses prehistoric methods and tools to hunt, and with the sole purpose of feeding and surviving.

With this improvement of the tools, hunting became more specialized, abundant and diverse. And this fact of improvement of weapons also influences that hunt. This is because the hunters begin to dress with the skins of the dams and adorn themselves with parts of them such as bones, cornals, teeth ..

Subsequently, with the development of agriculture and livestock, hunting is reduced and restricted to areas of forests and mountains. Interest in hunting smaller animals and exquisite gastronomic quality arises, and so the so -called minor hunting appears. This classification of hunting has remained until today.

Although it is at the end of prehistory when hunting begins to be done as a way to obtain trophies from dams, it is really in the Middle Ages when hunting acquires a purpose as simple entertainment or sports practice. That is, hunters seek fun and pleasure of being in contact with nature.

This idea continues to predominate today, however, there is a clear advance in the development of weapons. Today, hunting is carried out with shotguns, rifles, and other firearms.

In the world there are many hunting modalities, but we can basically classify hunting according to two different criteria.

Taking into account the size of the dam, the hunt is divided into big game or minor hunting. These two types differ as to whether animals are hunting larger than a common fox (big hunt) or smaller animals than a common fox (minor hunting).

As we have already indicated, the big game is one in which the dams pursued are animals larger than a common fox. In Spain, this type of hunt is exercised on the following species: wild boar, corzo, Iberian deer, gamo, muflón and Montesa goat.

Not only is there a way of making big hunt, but there are various techniques for it. Among them we can highlight:

Hunting in quiet: the hunter when I see the dam, pursues her until she is very close to her and then shoots.

Wait or wait: the hunter remains in a fixed position waiting for an animal to be able to shoot him.

Montería: It is the most carried out hunting mode in Spain, and the oldest. In the monteria a land is delimited in whose perimeter there are some positions where the hunters are placed;and there is the help of dogs or people who try to make noise and draw the attention of the dams to direct them to the stalls and that the hunters can shoot.

Whipped: This is a technique similar to monteria. It differs in that in this case, the land and the number of hunters is lower.

Refers to hunting whose prey are smaller than a common fox. The main animals on which it is carried out in Spain are: rabbit, hare, quail, pigeons, red partridge, faisán and some water birds.

Minor hunting is usually done on foot and with dogs help. Several types or techniques are distinguished. Some examples of them are:

Hunting in hand: It consists of a group of hunters that are placed and advanced online by the land where they intend to hunt, leaving between them a variable distance. They don’t always carry weapons.

Jump hunt: the hunter, alone or with the help of dogs, travel the ground in search of dams to hunt them.

OJEOS: It is a technique similar to monteria and whipped (big game) but differs by the size of the dam.

As for the legal field, in hunt we can distinguish between legal hunting and poaching.

We talk about legal hunting when killing in a controlled manner and respecting the limits established by the laws of each country. To carry it out it is necessary to have a license. In relation to this concept, the existence of hunting preserves can be pointed out. A hunting preserve is a land that is limited and regulated for the development of sports hunting in order to take advantage and not harm the existing fauna.

Unlike the legal, poaching is performed outside the established legality. Pasting hunters do not have a license and practice hunting without respecting the laws, putting in grave danger the balance and preservation of species.

In our country there is a great fondness for the art of hunting. Proof of this we have in the data that manifest:

Taking into account that with the act of hunting animals are being killed, we might think that hunting only has negative effects for fauna and ecosystems. And in this sense, it is true that poaching and excessive hunting contributes to the extinction of many species. The disappearance of some species in turn determines that other animals can run out of food and thus also disappear. In the opposite, if they do not hunt prey of any species in particular, it could lead to an overpopulation. These two phenomena are serious problems for ecosystems.

Another negative aspect is the fact that thousands of cartridges that remain in the forests are fired during the hunts, filling the terrain with lead. This contaminates the environment.

However, I think that if it is carried out in a controlled way, hunting can be positive to establish good demographic control.

Throughout history, all animals have developed their predatory instinct in order to guarantee their survival. Similarly, man, thanks to the fact that he discovered hunt could evolve and perpetuate his species so as not to extinguish.

Therefore, as a conclusion to this study, it seems to me that hunting has been of great importance in the history of humanity, because thanks to it the human being has been able to feed to survive.

Although we currently have hunting as a sport or entertainment, it is still used as a livelihood, especially in some most disadvantaged and underdeveloped countries or regions of the planet. 

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