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Nutrition of Burn Victims

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Nutrition of Burn Vitamins
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Nutrition of Burn Victims
A burn is a destruction of the tissue by high heat voltage, radiation or through chemical reactions that destroy the cells structure and at times causes the death of the affected cells. Some of the causes of body burns include direct exposure to heat, electricity or fire (Murabit & Tredget, 2012). The body also burns reduces the weight of an individual by a great percentage. Some nutrients increase metabolism rates when consumed in the body hence causing burning down of fats. The majority of athletes maintain low body weight and body shapes that are fit. Some of the types of the burns include first degree burns, secondary and third-degree burns. In the first degree, only the upper layer of the skin is damaged causing pain and swelling on the body. The burns of the first degree heal within a very short period of three days (Morris, Wardrope & Ramlakhan, n.d.). An example of this category is the sunburn. The second degree entails the damage of the dermis part where internal cells interfere with to a certain percentage. The burns can heal in a period of about one month. The last category entails full skin burn. The affected area becomes less painful due to the destroyed sensory nerves as compared to a slightly burnt part. The damage to the epithelial cells is of great level, and this calls for immediate check up in the hospital (Morris, Wardrope & Ramlakhan, n.d.).
Vitamin D is the first type of vitamin that is affected by the burn damages on the skin.

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The damaged skin becomes unable to synthesise the Vitamin D from the environment especially the sunlight. Similarly, calcium nutrients that are used for bones formation are lost during the burn effect.
Burn patients usually have a deficiency in protein, fluids as well as calcium nutrients. The first thing that should be observed by the patient is to drink plenty of fluids to aid in the blood circulation and quicken the repair process (Gerdin, 2007). Food rich in proteins should be taken by the patient in large portions to enable the body to repair the worn out tissues as well as build new ones. Supplementary nutrients that contain high calorie of nutrients helps an individual to replace the lost energy and tissues at a fast rate. For the case of a minor burn injury, applying cold water for about 15 minutes helps to reduce pain and prevent extra swelling (Rowley-Conwy, 2010). The approach aids in reducing the activeness of the sensory nerves of the body near the affected area. One also needs to avoid applying anything at the place of burn till the environment at the place becomes cool and viewable. Another activity that can help in a minor burn is the use clothing to protect the burnt place from infections and exposure to germs.
Some of the other activities that can aid in quick recovery include stress management, relaxation, exercising, as well as visualizing. Stress slows down the recovery rate of an individual. Keeping away from stressful situations guarantee quick recovery to the patient. Relaxing is similar to the reduction in stress. A relaxed mood gives the body an opportunity to recover fast. Additionally, exercising keeps the body active hence a constant flow of blood in the body (Gerdin, 2007). Exercising does not mean that you involve the injured part but the other parts of the body. The last activity that can increase recovery speed is the visualization where one becomes confident and hopeful that they are recovering by observing the injured part.
A diet consisting of liver, milk, tomatoes and fruits with purified water once a day is a recommended diet for any patient who has burned injuries (Rowley-Conwy, 2010). The main content of the diet should be rich in vitamin b5 and vitamin c.
A nutrition course is a very important course due to the derived knowledge that is vital to the wellbeing of the society. A nutrition course helps one to enlighten the community about the best meals to consume when ill and those that can be used to prevent deficiency diseases. A nutrition course also helps an individual to understand the best environment in which food need to be prepared as well as the best ways of preparing a delicacy meal.
Gerdin, B. (2007). How do we talk and write about patients in burn care?. Burns, 33(1), S104., F., Wardrope, J., & Ramlakhan, S. Minor injury and minor illness at a glance.
Murabit, A., & Tredget, E. (2012). Review of Burn Injuries Secondary to Home Oxygen. Journal Of Burn Care & Research, 33(2), 212-217., G. (2010). Infection prevention and treatment in patients with major burn injuries. Nursing Standard, 25(7), 51-60.

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