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Pandemic Time Audience Needs

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Pandemic time audience needs


This article aims to make known that every company is based on the needs of the public and the communication case of the audience. The audience is quite diverse and has different preferences. According to the approach developed by Eliu Katz there are four types of needs to which companies pay attention to make products and services that satisfy these same. Abraham Maslow complements this by exposing his five levels of needs from psychology.


Need, audience, purchase behavior, influence.


In this section the thematic background and the bibliographic background are briefly presented to give way to the subsequent development of the article and that is more understandable for the reader.


This article has as a thematic background the importance of the needs that people have to make purchases or obtain services. All part from the simple desire to obtain something new and this is the basis for companies to exist and subsist in the course of time.

It is important for companies to meet your audience, what you feel, what you think and what you want to get. This knowledge skill will be indispensable when deciding the product or service to be offered.

This is the starting point for the existence of a company and precisely here lies the importance of this article, because, due to the circumstances that the entire world is going through many of the perceptions and preferences of people will change enough.

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In any case, the administration will always be the basis of the organization and management of companies and should immediately change vision to be able to correctly meet the needs of the target audience as Chiavenato expresses ”in a time of complexities, changes and uncertainties such asThe one we are going through today, the administration has become one of the most important areas of human activity ”(Chiavenato, 2007: 10).


As a bibliographic history, it starts with some concepts proposed by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong about the needs and some purchase attitudes. The concepts of necessity, desire and demand begins by differentiating.

Need is defined as the "states of perceived lack. They include basic physical needs of food, clothing, heat and safety;Social needs of belonging and affection, and individual needs of knowledge and self-expression ”(Kotler and Armstrong, 2008, 6). Three types of needs are mentioned, the first type of need is physics and is located as the basic needs of life, food, being able to cover the body with clothes and feel safe;As the second type of need mentions the social relations that people have, to belong to a group and feel related to their environment;And as a last type of need, he mentions the ability to possess knowledge and also be able to transmit it.

These needs have to be the sights of companies;But in addition to this it is also mentioned that people have desires and this is defined as “the way they adopt human needs molded by individual culture and personality” (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008, 6);In other words. As if exemplified, the case of a young woman who lives in Cochabamba where her need is to feed but as food she chooses to buy sausages and not a lunch that has the same cost;or the case of a 45 -year -old woman who to shelter chooses a sack of formal cloth and not a corrugated jacket. Obviously these needs always influence the tastes and different conceptions of life that people have. Also, fashion trends that change continuously in the market can be included as a factor that determines consumer behavior .

As a third importance of importance, the demands that are defined as the result of the relationship between the desires and the resources that people have;that is, an assessment between cost and benefit will always be made so that obtaining this product or service is the best choice.(Cf. Kotler and Armstrong, 2008, 6).

Based on these concepts, companies take products and services that fill or supply these gaps, which is why there is currently an immense range of everything that occurs for consumption, before this the public must decide by some company based on the basisto your purchase expectations. Also with a good service the company can remain in the minds of people and this makes customers buy again and communicate their positive experiences with the product. (Cf. Kotler and Armstrong, 2008, 7)

Since this article is not communication, calling consumers as a public. A company that succeeds will be one that fully supplants the expectations of your audience.

For communication companies in the press, telephony or cinema, the work of knowing how much efficiency is reaching their audience is quite simple since they can calculate it with the number of specimens or people subscribed to these services;In the case of the media this task is complicated a bit because in our country most channels apart from cable broadcast also have an open television broadcast. This is why it is necessary to be conducting continuous audience studies.

Article development

A company is formed with the objective of creating goods or services that will be offered to a target audience, these goods or services come as a solution to the needs that each person has. As Zapata mentions "a need is the lack or shortage of something considered indispensable for the conservation of life" (2019: 16) to this can then be added that this need will seek in one way or another being solved.

These needs will therefore determine a different behavior in each person, to define the behavior of customers we will say that it is the behavior that “consumers exhibit when searching, buying, using to evaluate and discard products and services that they expect to meet their needs”(Schiffman and Kanuk, 2010, p. 5, cited Zapata, 2019: 16).

When we are addressing an audience you can say that we have to look directly in the media. The media maintain their life because of the importance that the audience grants it since it directly works with content that is addressed to people;In the same way as with the products or services, in the field of the media everything will be directed by the needs of the consumers and the primary objective of the media is to know precisely the preference of their audience;This is why at this point Eliu Katz is cited with a positivist approach to mention the theory of uses and bonuses.

For Eliu Katz there are four types of needs to be solved;The essential need is the affective that refers to people needing to awaken their emotions through the programs issued by the media, to explain this point Zapata gives the example of soap operas or films that have no other purpose than to entertain peopleand arouse emotions such as identification or sadness for the same characters.(Cf. Zapata, 2019: 20) These programs are quite successful within television because it connects people with their emotions to the characters or even create a friendship bond through the screen.

As a second need, the cognitive need is mentioned, this need is specifically information, the information is defined as “the data of general or particular interest” (Zapata, 2019: 21) To this it can be added that it is also a universal right to powerbe informed. Information on relevant facts are important in society as they guide to form opinions, to make decisions and also to increase knowledge. In this part, informative, news, and educational programs present in the media enter directly.

The third need is to evasion that "refers to occupying free time in search of an escape to the usual, to the problems that can be stress or unfortunate in order to rest or get an emotional or pleasure release" (Zapata, 2019: 23), that is, that the human being needs to have a time where it is distracted in other things that are not everyday, where they can leave their normality and even get unconsciously involved with the programs that the media have for this area andYou can mention some examples such as music, transmission of games programs and endless.

Finally, the relational needs that “are based on the sense of belonging that the subjects seek to perceive in their surroundings” (Zapata, 2019: 24) are raised, as the human being is quite obvious, it is a social being that seeks to be connected to thepeople and their surroundings all the time, a perfect means for this social interaction are precisely social networks, which have been exceeding this last time to traditional media.

These four needs are those that the media take into account to this day to carry out a program;But that will always change. As already mentioned in the background, everything influences so that the needs and preferences of the audience are changing continuously, it is important that the medium is ready to assume the changes.

Given this Abraham Maslow is also an author who, from psychology, proposes a pyramid of needs composed of five levels: in the fifth level the self-realization needs are located, which are the personal goals that people have and their environment of achievements;In the fourth level are the needs of esteem, recognition, self – esteem among others;In the third level are the social needs that are basically the relationships with people and our environment;In second level are the security needs both physical, health, property, etc;And on the top there are the physiological needs that are what keep us alive, air, food and others.(Cf. Chiavenato, 1999: 11) The media can be positioned at the second level since through information programs allow us to be aware of what happens in our environment and in a certain way they make us feel safe.

At this time that worldwide we are going through a pandemic all these needs will undergo several changes although the needs can always be divided by levels and being used for the good of the company, everything will have a turn of ideology and thought. Companies will have to put all their knowledge to identify the needs of their audience that with all this situation has changed a lot.

As a personal perception of which it writes when paying attention to the content of traditional media such as television and radio, it is evident that 80 % of what is broadcast is referring to the situation of the disease, this is advantageous for these media since it isjust what the population is needing at this time. The same will happen with the other companies that are not always communicational, their products and services will also have to follow the new guidelines that their audience demands.

As mentioned above at this time the need with reference to the media is cognitive, society is eager to know in detail of everything that is happening and also relying on the psychological levels of Maslow can be said that Cochabamba needs to feel securityknowing everything that this pandemic entails. Beyond questioning the effective or non -effective performance of the media, what is intended with this article is to emphasize the basic function of the means that is precisely to inform.


As we could briefly explain the situation we are going through will change our vision immediately and it is an event where companies with the help of the administration will be in an important transition;But first of this it can be simplified that the objective must be to identify the needs of the public you want to reach and supply them. With this the company has half the advanced road.

The administration cannot be limited only to product companies, communication companies are the ones that most need a rigorous administration because they work by carrying information and entertainment to people.

Four types of needs were mentioned to which companies must pay attention to be ableaffected;but they are also responsible for performing an analysis of all the events that are happening at every moment. The administration is involved in all the processes of our daily lives even in tiny things to which we may not pay enough attention.


  1. Chiavenato, Idalberto 1999 Human Resources Administration. 5th edition. Mexico.
  2. Chiavenato, Idalberto2007 Introduction to the General Theory of Administration. 7th edition. Mexico.
  3. Armstrong, Gary and Khotler, Philip 2008 Marketing Fundamentals. 8th edition. Mexico.
  4. Zapata, Zurita Gunnar 2019 Communication Business Administration. 1st edition. Bolivia.

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