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Penicillin Action In The Human Body

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Penicillin Action in the human body


In 1945, the Nobel Prize in Medicine at the Branch of Physiology was given to scientists Alexander Fleming, Howard Walter Florey and Boris Chain for the discovery of penicillin, its synthesis and mass production during World War II. Fleming observed the behavior of Penicillium notatum in a streptococcus culture medium in the year of 1928, however he considered it to topical use but not as a systemic antibiotic, in 1939 Florey and Chain analyze the biochemical behavior of this, discovering thatIt was an enzyme, but it was a highly insertable molecule capable of inhibiting the action of the bacteria present in the middle.

Through spray they stabilized the molecule and tested it intravenously in sick rats being cured 100%, so its production at an industrial scale began, saving thousands of lives of children and adults.

Today it is known that they are a group of antibiotics belonging to beta -lactams, giving the expected results for minor bacterial treatments to mortal, however there are a group of people to whom their organism does not accept this type of medicine, causing adverse reactions.

Side effects of penicillin

The main side effects that could occur when administer

  1. Anaphylactic shock: Anaphylactic shock is the direct consequence of immunoglobulin and IgE hypersensitivity, causing respiratory system blocking, also altering blood pressure and patient’s dermis.
  2. Dyspnea: It is summarized in breathing difficulty.

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  3. Glotis edema: It is characterized by the inflammation of the larynx mucosa causing dyspnea, incurring respiratory strikes causing death to death. 
  4. Unconsciousness: Loss of meaning, without obtaining answers or physical signals of the reflector activity.
  5. Arterial hypotension: Low of blood pressure, being the normal values ​​of 80 mmHg and 120 mmHg for systole and diastole respectively causing fainting and dizziness due to the lack of blood irrigation to the brain. 
  6. Seizures: caused by a neuronal crisis of simultaneous downloads, being impossible to control them.
  7. Epidermal toxic necrosis: also known as Net or Lyell Syndrome, causing the skin to detach in large quantities.
  8. Cianosis: presence of blue blood, that is, blood with excessive deoxygenated hemoglobin.
  9. Cardiovascular arrhythmias: Decrease in heart rate can be presented dizziness, unconsciousness and/or fatigue in chronic cases is necessary pacemaker implementation.
  10. Cardiac arrest: This condition is based on the termination of cardiac activity due to lack of circulation.


Methods for detection of penicillin allergy

The detection methods are based on controlled tests of tolerance or administration of penicillins, the methods to be analyzed are:

  • Subcutaneous Methods: In subcutaneous detection methods we find the puncture. It focuses on injecting the study penicillin on the forearm or in a section of the shoulder blades.
  • Oral methods: also called PPO, it consists of giving oral penicillin base in low doses waiting for the immune response.


The methods of detection of allergies to the selected penicillins are the subcutaneous and the oral, in the last decade the increase of patients with allergies to the penicillin is 20%, in its study carried out it was possible to verify that of every 100 patients 20 of them They did not tolerate any type of penicillin. It is for this reason that, in order to avoid adverse reactions, that they put the patient’s life at risk, it is essential specialist must give or know the procedure and the results that can be expected.

Penicillin encompasses approximately 50 varieties, between natural and synthetic which have the same mechanism of action, these belong to the beta -lactams used in gram (+) bacterial infections, penicillin originates from the penicillium notatun fungus, this antibiotic inhibits the bacterial action.

Penicillin encompasses approximately 50 varieties, between natural and synthetic which have the same mechanism of action, these belong to the beta -lactams used in gram (+) bacterial infections, penicillin originates from the penicillium notatun fungus, this antibiotic inhibits the bacterial action.


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