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Poverty In Peru Due To Lack Of Opportunities

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Poverty in Peru due to lack of opportunities


It is said that poverty is a social phenomenon, which indicates is the number of people who do not have the goods and services that are considered vital, in a simple way it could be said that poverty is an economic problem.

The main problem of regional development in Peru is the inequality of growth between departments and, above all, of each department in relation to Lima. Growth and development tend to focus on precise territorial spaces: large cities, coast, Lima. Poverty is the result of social inequality in the distribution of income and opportunities to access them. Its central problem is unemployment and ignorance. Their approach implies creating sustainable sources for poor populations and instructing them to climb in any economic activity or appropriate new technologies.

The multidimensional poverty index (IPM) measures poverty beyond economic income. According to the United Nations Development Program (PUND) and Human Development of the University of Oxford (OPHI), 10 countries within them Peru were followed up. Of those selected, Peru is the one who has experienced a more significant reduction in its IPM. Since 2006, Peru has reduced its percentage of population in multidimensional poverty from 20% to 12.7%.

In the last 10 years, Peru, significantly increased the resources destined to numerous social programs to relieve poverty and favor the development of the population of lower resources.

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Various elements of judgment suggest that the effectiveness of these programs can be improved significantly. Even with limitations, these programs, associated with economic stability and general economic growth, allowed a significant reduction in poverty until 1997. (Newspaper Management)

According to Américaeconomic magazine, it indicates that: one of the programs that has had the most impact, according to the authorities, is one called ‘Together’, which gives US $ 30 per month to 200 thousand women head of the family. The objective of this is to ensure that all children, especially girls, go to school or school every day and visit health centers to receive regular vaccines and controls.

However, in a country with 32 million inhabitants (data obtained from the INEI) there are still serious problems. The poverty rate is still high.

Poverty factors

  • Education: ignorance means lack of information or knowledge It is important to determine what information is missing. Many planners and people with good intentions of helping a community to strengthen believe that the solution is education.
  • The health issue: when a community has a high disease rate, absenteeism is considerable, low productivity and less wealth is generated. Apart from the misery, affliction and death that derive from the disease, it is also an important poverty factor in a community.
  • Apathy: The human being is a volatile person, there is a moment of joy, sadness, anger, among others, sometimes people feeling unable to be able to do something, they begin to feel envy of those who continue trying. Sometimes apathy is justified with religious precepts, "accept what there is, because God has decided your destiny". This fatalism can be used as an excuse. We have been created with many capacities: to choose, cooperate, organize and improve our quality of life;We cannot use God as an excuse to do nothing.
  • Corruption: When the resources destined for community services and benefits deviate in the private pocket of someone who is in a situation of power, more than morality is at stake. The corrupt officer is an important poverty factor, while the thief can very well be a victim of that same poverty caused by the official. If we reward to the one that causes the major damage, and we only punish those who are actually victims, our miscarriage contributes to poverty.
  • Dependency: there is an attitude, the belief that a person or a group is so poor, so helpless, that he cannot help himself, and that he needs to depend on foreign assistance. This shared attitude or belief is the self-justification factor that most contributes to perpetuating the condition that a group or individual depends on foreign aid.


Types of poverty

  • Endemic poverty: in this type of poverty affects people with very low levels of life, with a high proportion of unsatisfied basic needs and that also lack access to labor markets and basic social services. It is mainly inhabitants of the rural areas of the Sierra and Selva. And that is strongly influenced by its isolation and its marginalization of modernity. This marginalization has not only been accidental, in many cases it has been the result of discrimination and exploitation, aggravated by the scarce presence of state institutions capable of meeting the demands of this type of poor and defending their rights.
  • Chronic poverty: This type of poverty affects a large number of Peruvians living in the periphery of urban areas and in relatively more advanced rural areas. The poor chronic have greater access than the poor endemic to basic social services, although these are of low quality and do not meet their needs properly. The poor chronic have a greater degree of organizational capacity than the poor endemic, as demonstrated.), these play an important role in helping to improve the living conditions of this type of poor.
  • Coyuntural poverty: the poor in this category differ from the previous ones due to their greater degree of integration of formal economic structures, greater access to social services. This is generally inhabitants of rural areas generally inhabitants of urban areas that have education training levels that allow them to actively participate in the labor market. However, economic conditions make it difficult to access a formal job and receive adequate remuneration. The poor conjunctural do not require special measures to improve their access to basic social services and, usually, have a level of education and training that will allow them, in normal situations, to overcome this situation of poverty (in some cases it is aboutpeople with professional title).


The main demand the poor shortages is to access well -paid jobs, for which it is necessary that the economic growth strategy grant priority to the sectors of the economy that generate more jobs. Peru has abundant natural and human resources. However, these have not been rational and efficient;Many have been predated and overexploited. 

On the other hand, the country’s productive infrastructure is insufficient to support a balanced growth process and meet the basic needs of a population that grows at an accelerated pace. A first conclusion that can be extracted is that the efficient use of Peru’s resources demands a great investment effort.

Peru is a country of medium low income, with a small economy, dependent on foreign supplies and technology and vulnerable to fluctuations in international raw material markets. GDP is very geographically concentrated: in Lima and Callao almost half of national production is generated. In sectoral terms, the most significant sector is services (trade, transport and financial establishments), which explains almost 50% of GDP and uses 46% of the PEA. It is followed by the manufacturing sector with 23% of GDP, the agricultural sector with 11% (using 37% of the PEA), the mining sector with 10% and the fishing sector with 1%. However, these last two sectors generate more than 50% of the value of exports.


  1. Poverty is a lack of opportunities, in which an optimal standard of living cannot be achieved.
  2. The lack of knowledge or information is important, since a person who does not have the necessary knowledge can be exploited labor, causing him to carry only some money to his home, and if that person gets sick, all savings areThey go fleeting, so it is important that a person be educated, who has the desire to overcome, achieve development as a person and manage to support others, this would not only reduce poverty but also contribute to the union of the country,since it would form ties helped others and these in turn would help other people forming a chain. But this is just my opinion and I hope it will be done, form a country developing and united.
  3. In Peru, the causes are diverse, among them we have: climate change, corruption, unemployment, the mass increase of the population and poor educational quality.
  4. The consequences range from infant mortality, poor health, famine, frustration and migration to other countries.

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