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Reflective newspaper: Forensic Psychology


An expert witness is an individual who has special knowledge of a specific matter, fact or topic about where he or she must testify in a legal procedure. Educational headings can supply the basis for an individual to be an expert witness, but a special skill or experience based on experience can also qualify an individual as an expert witness. 

The testimony of an expert witness is based rather on his state as an expert. The purpose of this expert evidence is to be able to provide the judge with the knowledge linked with a defined subject or subject, where the expert witness has the domain and technical and scientific expertise where the judge is missing to resolve the controversies between the parties.


An expert witness can be defined as a deponent who has specialized knowledge in a certain subject and that, for different circumstances, witnesses the facts of a case, which enables him to issue opinions or technical conclusions within the framework of a trial that would be inadmissibleIn the case of a normal witness. 

The importance of an expert witness in one case is that he knows every detail of the crime or case in which he was called to testify as a professional called an expert is a rear character in the judicial process is a science professional who knows every detail of the case andhow it happened. The expert witness in this case would be the doctor who attended his case and attended his operation which was subjected to the woman.

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In this case the only expert witness who can provide data, tests and clarify what happened is the doctor.

What are the rules of evidence to admit an expert witness?

This rule is the one that, if a witness is not declaring an expert, its declaration of opinions or inferences will conform to the conclusions or inferences that are rationally based on the perception of the witness. Rule 52 expert testimony. Rule 53 qualification as an expert. Every individual is trained to declare as an expert witness if it has special knowledge, experience, skill, training or sufficient instruction to qualify as an expert. 

Rule 54 Contra -Interrogation of Experts. It is any witness who testifies as an expert who may be against such an extension and scope that any other witness. Rule 55 limitation on number of experts. Rule 56 Fundamentals of expert testimony. These are the opinions, conclusions or inferences of an expert witness that may be based on acts, facts or data received by the expert. Rule 57 Opinion on Ultimate Question. In this rule the opinion or inference of an expert will not be adjustable by the case that refers to the issue that is finally to be. Rule 58 Revelation of the opinion base. 

This rule an expert witness can testify in terms of conclusions and inferences in addition to express. Rule 59 Expert appointment by the Court. Rule 58 Revelation of the opinion base. This rule an expert witness can testify in terms of conclusions and inferences in addition to express. Rule 59 Expert appointment by the Court. Rule 58 Revelation of the opinion base. This rule an expert witness can testify in terms of conclusions and inferences in addition to express. Rule 59 Expert appointment by the Court.

What is the importance of ethics codes?

The importance of the codes of ethics is of the utmost importance for us as students, since a psychologist must acquire an extremely solid ethical and humanistic training, since it forms full awareness of ours as health professionals, in order to act in a wayappropriate to the various situations that may appear in a society. Keeping the highest quality standards in our profession and understanding, understanding and learning to assume situations of our performances so that we can provide a good service is very important to maintain the confidentiality of individuals information through the development of our workas a psychology professional. Set of norms that order and print meaning to the values and principles of behavior, which serve as the basis for their performance in all types of activity and environment. Helps prioritize company principles and values. The importance of the internal governance of the company and transmits the values of this.

Use some cases as an example to support your questions.

For example: if the plaintiff present as his witness to the spouse of the defendant automatically the lawyer can ask the Court to allow him to be direct with the questions. As we can almost always see these declarants are always prejudiced or deal with a way of doing the defendant with the interests of the party with which they are familiar with which they are familiar.

The following example is when a person changes the versions of his testimony several times implying that he is a liar based on the different facts he is telling. According to the established rule, we cannot oppose a witness for its peculiar quality

of their unrelated behavior on countenance when narrating the facts.

As we also take into account the behavior of the declarant

cannot object to rejecting because the fact that he is a murderer or a sexual patient.


And the last example to support everything said and related to the subject to be able to present a witness with a concrete and clear mentality trial when speaking or if the declarant at the time is contradicted most of the time would remain as a fake personIn your reputation in your community. When this kind of evidence occurs about the relative nature of the declarant, the opposite part can then present evidence to sustain the fake character of the declarant through its absolute criteria, (eg. Indirect evidence of some of the syndromes: sexually abused child).          

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