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Relationship Between Reading, Understanding And Learning

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Relationship between reading, understanding and learning

"Reading is the process by which written language is understood". In this understanding, both the text, its form and its content, as the reader, its expectations and previous knowledge intervene, which can facilitate or hinder the decoding of the information. Reading is the knowledge that is acquired from a written text and what the reader wants.

Teaching to read is a complex process that requires an intervention before, during and after, it is a process of patience, reading is not doing so, reading implies concentration and attention to understand reading, as well as considering the relationship between reading,Understand and learn, this is the conception given by Solé around the reading process. It requires conditions for your learning such as:

  • Clarity and coherence of the oral or written text: expectations that are available to the text, it has to do with all its grammatical structure.
  • Previous knowledge: they facilitate or hinder understanding.
  • -Strategies: concrete reading objectives, allow to establish significant relationships between what is already known and what the text gives, to acquire, retain and use the information, the strategies are carried out unconsciously since they allow to interact with the text and finally understand it.


In the training of reading habits, students are oftenIt reads and reread for the bad attention the reader has with the text.

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Given this difficulty, it is vital, to promote reading skills through which Solé calls metacognition. The knowledge of the different mental (cognitive) operations that promote understanding and know how, when and what should we use, propose, evaluate and modify. Reading habits help promote correct understanding, that is, it favors the understanding of a text, it is important that students believe and use reading methods coupled to their interests and the purpose of the text. The reader is in charge of making reading easier or difficult when reading and understanding.

Critical reading is the main tool for children to begin to implement philosophy to their life, reading autonomously understands the meaning of reading, reflecting, predicting and above all infer on what the text is about.

In this way, learning begins from the fact of being interested in something, from its outside and then understanding and inferring it in real life. Critical reading helps people to begin to argue what they think and thus reflect it, it is the means by which it can be informed, but at the same time you can infer what is read and thus put it inPractice in everyday life by questioning and investigating topics that generate interest.

Teaching reading strategies means that children can read and can enjoy the reading of different texts whenever they need it, but that they do it critically, with conscience and much attention to understand what the author wants to capture. Reading is important to inform and acquire new knowledge to reflect the approaches of life, that is, to have different perspectives of the same situation in order to obtain a more concise solution. "Reading is the product between the reader and the text (…) the same text makes people understand information from different perspectives". 

If a student cannot understand what he is reading, he will not learn or understand the information well, many students can read a text well, but not everyone can understand it with reasonable results since previous knowledge can hinder or facilitate the understanding of information,Understanding a text correctly or erronethe same.

If a competition is always trained in the students in the same way, it will not allow to assume more complex challenges. Teaching as a succession of challenges where students have to show that they are competent, but not always in the same way, they have to learn to use strategies in various contexts."Reading is a complex activity and it is also a multifaceted activity which has different levels".

All types of reading have diverse complexity levels, the reading comprehension of a text of each person is the product of interaction with the same text and a reader. Reading is organized around a task that has already been assigned. It has various variables such as;The purpose, the knowledge, the meaning that the reader has with the text, the beliefs with respect to what is read and the strategies which can be achieved with the same. Each person reads every day with different purposes to transmit, request or be informed. Among other things, reading is not always the same and does not always have the same intention or purpose, when reading is read, reading can become more competence and understood. The objectives of the reading vary according to the taste and purpose of the text, if it is an informative text or a text for pleasure. If a person does not know what the intention of a text is not to know that it is neglected, and that it is really important, when the reading is not oriented there are difficulties at the time of understanding. "It is important to read with a purpose, with an objective to have an orientation or a map to guide yourself to your own understanding"

The ability to evaluate one’s reading is a basic component of the competent reading, the fact of self-criticizing the reading process makes it cognitively processed the information obtained, a cognitively metaine is analyzed if the text is understood. The component of the evaluation in reading is important for it to be efficient. It is important to know how to understand what is read and if it is a reading with purpose or has no purpose because we are what we read and what we understand of it.

Having a reading objective helps to make sense of the activity of reading, if a person reads without motivation the text is not effectively understood since reading begins with intention, it is not insensitive to emotional and emotional components. We read to acquire knowledge, rather than by leisure or necessity, but the same knowledge influences the reading that is allowed by the reader a quick or late understanding, this is a factor or a variable in reading when understanding a text, thePrevious knowledge about the content of a text facilitates the greatest understanding of the information of the same. "The most important role is the reader, with his knowledge, his ideas, with the ability to be interested in the text and its content".

We have a knowledge that transforms the information of the text, it is not a knowledge formed logical, grammatical, if not a semantic world, which makes us process and prepare the information. Each meaning given to a text or simple word makes the information clear or disorganized in this way, the reader can see the understanding of the text inquiry altered. Each type of reading is different and has a background of various kinds, so, it is there where the reader’s role influences allowing the text to be recognized or simply ignoring what the same statement mentions.

For Isabel Solé, reading is not a mere reproduction of the text, because when reading is productive for people not only the information of this is recognized, but it is transformed into knowledge into knowledge. It is important to read with intention, that is, to have a purpose every time a reading is carried out in this way, the information will be expanded and above all, more knowledge will be acquired that can help us to solve problems and the way of seeing thelife.

Reading competition consists in the possibility of understanding, internalizing and using the texts, and thus developing knowledge, enhancing personnel and being able to participate in society. Reading is not only a matter of school, reading is a social issue. Solé (2017) "We can all learn to read better throughout our life". Reading is not only a school process, or a necessary process of the human race on the contrary, it is part of the life of man and always in his day to day the evidence, for that reason it is important to learn from early ages toknowing how to look meaning for reading new knowledge and having various interactions with this.

The automation of reading gives cognitive resources that help to understand, integrate, elaborate and all these issues are linked to learning;It allows you to create texts, although they are not fully understood. The texts admit certain interpretations, but not all, to be able to reach different interpretations about the texts are interpretation, motivation, etc.;But also the strategies that are launched in a reading situation, when it is self-regulated looking for an objective, it has a purpose. Reading is strategic because when it has a purpose you can plan how to read. Whenever it reads it is vital that each person uses various strategies or habits to get the most out of the information that it makes it possible. Reading is subject to the evaluation that is being done as it is read. It is important that reading has a purpose, work it before, during and then to make a sense of this.

Reading serves to develop various cognitive skills such as speaking, writing and listening. Reading means beyond understanding a text and acquiring information from this, is the ability to understand that it implies reading as the meaning of a prayer, spelling, standards when writing, among other elements that normally in a normal reading the subject does notfinds out many of these factors.

To read texts it is necessary to use strategies to read well, in this way it is easier to acquire information (Solé, 2013). When reading is comprehensive, the content and intention of the text can be assessed, meaning is attributed to it. This is important for a critical reading that allows questioning information and thus transforming knowledge.

Critical reading allows us to integrate information from different texts, that reading is what allows us to see that they can present the same information from different perspectives. It allows to handle various visions on the same fact and contrast it with one’s knowledge or learn. At the time of reading it is vital to never lose the sense of reading without neglecting the personal perspective since this is the greatest factor when understanding a text, that is, the ideology itself is what makes the way in which it isUnderstand a text. "Reading goes beyond the text, which not only serves to acquire information but it serves as contrast with your own knowledge, when talking about reading you can approximate a text from many levels".

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