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Sales As The Need To Maintain Business Stability

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Sales as the need to maintain business stability

Sales are essential for the maintenance of economic stability in a company, since it depends on its volume the income and profits of the good or service that is being offered to the consumer in the market.

The company "VH communications", whose main economic activity is the sale of electronic recharges wholesale and minor, lacks methods or techniques that allow it to know an estimate of the amount of recharges that will be transfered electronically to their customers in a future period, unfavorable situation that prevents you from making appropriate decisions in the administration, planning and control of your activities. Therefore, the reason that motivates the application of a sales forecast is to implement this valuable marketing planning tool, in order to organize the resources available and therefore have a certain budget for the needs thatTo present themselves.

The contents on which the investigation will be based belong to Unit 4: Marketing, 4.3 sales forecast, specifically at point 4.3.1 mobile average of up to 4 periods, trend and prognosis of sale using given information and 4.3.2 benefits and limitations of a sales forecast.

For the conduct of the research, primary sources will be used such as the interview oriented to the acquisition of relevant information by the manager, in order to detect the problem facing your company. Likewise, secondary sources will be used, such as: Reliable websites, documents corresponding to the management of the company of which the states of loss and loss will be required specifically.

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Books based on the contribution that research will offer for its economic growth will also be used: “marketing strategies” of the authors or. Ferrell and Michael Artime together with the book "Principles of Operations Management", which addresses a wide content oriented to the realization of a sales forecast.

Fundamentally the ING manager will be contacted. Victor Hugo Moreno in order to acquire relevant information about the current financial situation of the company, in which access to the volume of sales in previous years will be requested;indispensable to carry out the sales forecast based on time series analysis.

In obtaining data it will be used: the research method to recognize the current problem of the company. The quantitative method in the calculation and analysis of the estimated future sales based on historical information, the statistical method that will help in the elaboration of graphs as well as diagrams that facilitate the understanding of the data obtained and finally the deductive method in order to conclude with thedue recommendations at the end of the project.

One of the main difficulties will be the time of availability of the manager for the realization of the interview as well as the lack of truthful information that it provides, which can lead not to properly detect the problem facing its important company.

The company “VH communications”, located in the city of Loj. It also offers different products that are coupled to the need to keep the consumer in communication, such as: Locutory Chip Service (telephone booths), Prepaid cards, mobile phones and microchips, which have become indispensable in the daily life of our societyTo remain interconnected and informed, which is why some words that the manager expressed in the interview is resumed: "Communication has currently gained a lot of importance at the global level, becoming a priority as well as food".

However, in the last three years this important company has been facing financial problems because of the low levels in the sales of the products it offers, being also the competition, the main external factor that negatively influences its economic growth.

In this way, the research aims to contribute to the company with a sales forecast;Primordial tool in the planning and necessary in decision making for proper administration of resources that can be expensive and take time in its elaboration, but its importance lies in the numerous advantages it offers in terms of business development when applied to being applied,

Although there are various methods to make a sales forecast, after having compiled the sales volumes of historical periods, 4 methods were applied in different time horizons, that is, in short and long term periods, to determine the most appropriate toIn order to obtain a prognostication or sales projection as precise as possible, and from this also motivate it to be implemented by the company manager

The main information, unavoidable to detect the problem in an appropriate manner of the company under study, was obtained from the interview that was conducted to the ING manager. Victor Hugo Moreno, highlighting as the main inconvenience the low volume of sales that his company has been facing day by day during the last 3 years he has been operating in the market.

Similarly, access to profit and loss states was timely requested in order to carry out the respective quantitative prognosis based on the analysis of historical sales. However, because certain complications were presented regarding the obtaining of said documents, the solution was presented with the facilitation of the declarations of the Value Added Tax (VAT) acquired from the SRI platform, which also documented salespremises excluding fixed assets from past periods.

Therefore, the respective sales prognosis was obviously using the mathematical method in the calculations with their respective formulas and, subsequently the statistical method to graphically present the data collected and, in effect, make the information more readable for a betterunderstanding as well as timely analysis.

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