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Textbooks And Books Online

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Textbooks and books online


Without a doubt, technology has reached this world without intention to leave. We have seen how since the beginning of this has continued to evolve and gain ground in all areas that can be thought. From a task how to buy food, until sending money they have become an activity as simple as giving several touches on a screen and that is done, without the need for significant physical effort to be made. In the same way it happens with literature, more and more books that can be achieved online, without having to go to a bookstore and sometimes at more modest prices than a physical book.


This evolution in the literature has been lent to controversies and different perspectives regarding reading. There are many readers who prefer traditional reading with a real book in their hands and others that favor reading through a tablet or any other technological tool that allows it. To exemplify the two slopes of this, we can talk about the ‘Requiem essay for the role’ by Mexican writer Jorge Volpi, where we can appreciate his favoritism towards the transfer to books online instead of traditional books. 

It exposes different valid arguments so that more books are online. For me the most significant of this work is the title that Volpi decided to give you. The word "requiem" is the name granted to the Catholic Mass offered by a deceased. Knowing this, it seems to me that the title of Volpi’s work is a mockery.

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In colloquial words the title would be "the farewell of the role" of this in particular is what he speaks with his text. Some of the arguments that Volpi presents are very valid, others are somewhat questionable. 

In my opinion, the most important thing that mentions is the ease of transport that the books online have. Personally, in my student position, I prefer to have the books online and be able to have them stored on my tablet, without having to see me for physical and load them in my backpack. Another excellent reason for the use of online books is the tool that gives your reader to searches. According to Volpi, this is a great advantage, since it allows you to quickly reach anecdotes, dialogues of a particular character, etc. 

Not only is that, if not, the way in which there are images, also videos and even audios of a text, which in traditional books is an almost impossible task. All these reasons are of great importance to justify that they want to incorporate more line books. Although Volpi brings good arguments in favor of online books, several of them are also a bit questionable and worrying. To illustrate this we can go back to the prayer of the Volpi essay, where he says that piracy will not be an opponent for online books. However, I disagree with this statement, since there will always be people who will prefer not to pay for an online book if they can get the free PDF. 

Another detail that must be taken into consideration is that there are very few online books that are in Spanish;The vast majority of ‘e-books’ as their name suggests are in English. My greatest concern of everything mentioned by Volpi is that if the use of online books takes great boom, people who are part of the creation of physical books will lose their jobs or will not have as much demand as before. We are talking about publishers, graphic artists, typographies, among others of the pillars for the creation of a traditional book, that would be left without work or that were no longer as requested as before.

Another example of the different aspects about the perspectives regarding the online books would be the opinion of Vicente Molina Foix with his essay, “the 20th century;A reading hypothesis ”, which from anywhere you look at is a writing critic of Volpi. From the second paragraph we can see how Volpi begins to question his arguments in favor of the ‘e-books’. Molina Foix calls ‘well -intentioned paladins’ to those authors who have excellent writing and defend the books online Molina Foix. It makes a criticism of Volpi for just ‘prevail the need, efficiency and promptness’ of online books.

For Molina Foix these characteristics are only important for students and scholars, but not for the rest of the population. Obviously, Molina Foix’s point of view is against online books. The same accepts that they are considered an amateur of the book and their collector of them. This statement seems more than obvious of the reason for his position in favor of traditional books. In contrast to what Volpi raises, Molina Foix accepts that just thinking about a future as the one proposed by the Volpian about the preference of a screen at the place of a real book causes Grima. 

This is largely due to the fact that Molina Foix from an early age has developed love for books, letters and everything related to traditional literature. According to Molina Foix, in some parts of the world there will be no economic stability to have access to online books. To illustrate this problem, we can move to some places in Africa for example, where the economic condition in precarious;It is difficult for some people. This would be an impediment that we must keep in mind.


Internet networks and technological artifacts are not economical and in many poor countries this new reality would not be a viable opinion. Although this is a totally valid argument against online books, there is one that is visible in a peculiar way. Molina Foix compares the sensuality caused by physical books with the traditional sexual act. This parallelism seems totally absurd, since I do not consider that there is a possible relationship between the two. The sensuality that arouses the touch of a book is not related to the sexual field. The same level of satisfaction can be achieved by touching a tablet to pass the pages or to bring the text that is being read.             

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