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The Development Of Sustainable Cities

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The development of sustainable cities

 In 2015, the United Nations member countries approved the 2030 Agenda with the aim of achieving sustainable development with prosperity, peace and cooperations, this agenda has 17 objectives that will guide the work of the United Nations around 2030, it is an agendaGlobal where the participation of all the countries that make it up is taken into account by pointing to the economic, social and environmental factors, for this it has to be eradicated poverty and the reduction of inequalities in all fields of economic activity . supported by technical assistance and instruments, etc. of ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) and which hopes to comply with this ambitious agenda.

It is important to mention the resources that in a way have the greatest weight in the current quality of life of the population where the negative impact is greater in countries called in developing roads

Clean water and sanitation. – It is a world concern the current shortage of natural resource such as fresh water and also inappropriate sanitation, considering that there are countries called in the way of development that present serious problems due to droughts causing hunger and greater malnutrition.Goals in its sets set out to consolidate as is an adequate use of this resource and that all human beings have access without price discrimination and quality, but we have to be aware in terms of pollution, proper usein its consumption and with the support of measures at the level of governments.

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Given this objective set by the UN that seeks access to sanitation and drinking water services for population sectors in order to reduce statistics in lack of access to these services and the incidence of infection by COVID-19, before thisI consider that the collection of funds (UNICEF) for this purpose is fundamental since in this way, the social issue is addressed in relation to class integration, that is, sectors that have economic resources to accessA service either of drinking water or sanitation, where it is sensitized with the population that does not have the service.

Affordable and non -polluting energy. – Energy is essential for the development of peoples, since, it is used in the activities of the country, with goals how the improvement of performance and the increase in the use of renewable energy such as the use of solar energy.

As argued by the UN in terms of accessibility to clean energy for the poorest communities, services is increasing at the end of the issue which has benefited many sectors such as health, which in times of pandemicAllowing intensive work to cover the wide demand for cases of CORVID-19, despite this even in the poorest communities of Latin America, access to clean energy is scarce, so the population of these areas more than all inRural places uses polluting energy that not only damages the environment but also itself so it is still necessary to continue enhancing what is proposed by the UN.

Sustainable cities and communities. – The problems that overwhelm cities are congestion, lack of funds to provide basic services, adequate housing shortage and infrastructure deterioration. But this has to be revealed with the participation of the same population its government even contemplates international support both in technology and financing.

Production and Responsible Consumption. – This happens by efficient use of all the resources involved in the economic activities of society, from its production to consumption seeking a profitability of well -being in economic activities, that is, all the factors that are involved in this aspect so that they achieveadequate efficiency in its use and that in the end will lead us to a better quality of life.

Climate action. – This is a climatic phenomenon that is not yet become aware of how negative that is being with our planet, which is gradually affecting everyone and that we are in time to change or contain this advance of the phenomenon called climate change, for this it hasthe population to continue accelerating and changing attitude and continuing to resort to the use of renewable energy.

We can conclude that important and necessary is to get involved in the fulfillment of these objectives, that if these goals are met, we will obviously leave our families a better place in living conditions especially in societies currently lacking these resources, we hope that that can be given thatchange in attitude in the use of resources and expand the search for renewable resources that do not affect the environment. 

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