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The History Of Diabetes Mellitus As A Disease

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Diabetes is a disease that was already known and which was treated many years ago, specifically in 1550.c. by the ancient Egyptians. An archaeologist named George Ebers was the first one who found a papyrus in 1873, called Ebers papyrus in his honor, in which the disease was already discussed. He found it very close to Luxor’s ruins and is currently in Leizpig, Germany, in the University Library. It talked about people of that time which had concrete symptoms like a lot of thirst, a lot of hunger and still lost weight, they wanted to constantly urinate and lack of energy. These symptoms today are those suffered by diabetic patients.

In the second century D.c. In Greece a famous doctor named Galeno de Pergamo, named the pathology as the disease thirsty precisely for the symptoms described above.

Another doctor between the 80s and 123, Capodocia Arartus, gave name to diabetes (run through) although Apollonius of Memphis is also attributed. In this case also in reference to one of the symptoms of the disease, by polyuria (frequently urinating). At that time the cause of the disease of the disease was still unknown. Capodocia Aratus thought that the problem came from a failure in the kidneys of those affected by not retaining water. A Roman writer in the 1st century.c. Celso, wrote a detailed definition of the pathology in which he advised to perform frequent physical activity and a specific diet.

In 1675 an English doctor named Thomas Willis expands the name of the disease to diabetes mellitus (sweet honey) by the urine and sweet blood.

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Also appointed as insipid diabetes that in the urine had no flavor.

In 1776 the British Donson discovered that in the urine of the diabetics is glucose.

In 1857, Claude Bernard, erroneously he thinks that the problem of diabetics falls into the liver that is where excess glucose occurs.

Two philosophers in 1889 of the University of Stranburg, Oscar Minkoaski and Joseph von Merig, carry out several animals with animals. Specifically, a dog removes the pancreas and begins to suffer the same symptoms of a diabetic patient and as a final result the death of the animal. Thanks to this experiment it is demonstrated that the cause of diabetes development is the absence or malfunction of the pancreas.

In 1921 there is an important discovery, insulin. The Canadians Charles M. Best and Frederick G. Bantin were the promoters as well as the benefits of this discovery to be able to treat the disease. A puppy, Marjorie, took the pancreas and injected the liquid extracted from another pancreas of a monkey and saw that the results were satisfactory being able to live like this for two weeks. In the end he had to be sacrificed, since the injectable ended.

In 1922 the first insulin experiment in a human. He was a 14 -year -old named Leonard Thompson at Toronto Hospital in Canada. The results were so favorable that they offered the free formula to the companies. For this reason they won the Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Leonard Thompson died 13 years later as a result of bronchopneumonia. When the autopsy could observe several serious complications in the pancreas.

In Spain there was also a doctor, Rossend Carrasco, who extracted in 1922 the liquid from the pancreas of slaughtered pigs to obtain the long -awaited insulin. In Europe the first experiment with a human went to Francisco Pons, 20 years old. The problem generated by this new insulin were the side effects that caused, such as serious hypoglycemia, as well as various complications. It was in 1923 when insulin was already used in Europe and in the rest of the world.

Harold Himsworth in 1936 was able to verify how some diabetic people suffered reaction to insulin and is not lacking from it.

Another important discovery was the mixture of components to be able to create the insulin made in 1954 by Frederick Sanger and its collaborators.

Janbon and Colleague in 1958 discover a first oral via drug to treat the disease, sulfonylurea.

Sterne in 1959 discovers that metformin helps control blood sugar glucose.

In 1979 an article was published in a magazine in which the first classification of the disease is already made. Type 1 diabetes (dependent insulin diabetes) and type 2 diabetes (non -insulin -dependent diabetes). Diabetes was also classified as pregnant women as gestational diabetes, as well as other types of diabetes. The World Health Organization declared it and typified in 1980 and maintained the DMID and DMNID initials to name type 1 and type 2 diabetes respectively. This extended and recognized internationally.

It has changed since then and improved, both in treatment and in recommendations and insulin, everything related to diabetes. As investigations began, progress has been reached that ever in those days ago they had imagined. Currently a diabetic person can have a more or less normal life with adequate treatment, although it is still possible to improve many aspects or complications of the disease.

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