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The Purpose Of The Catholic Church

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The purpose of the Catholic Church

What is the purpose of the Catholic Church?

According to holders.It is "the Church is in Christ as a sacrament, that is, sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of the unity of all the human race". (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 1) This means that the Catholic Church aims for people who belong to it to have an intimate union with God, but how true this statement is ? Throughout this essay it will be proven that the Catholic Church far from having the end of simply joining people with God is a very extensive organization that expands “by force” and in addition to handling a large amount of money. Next, the first argument will begin to be exposed in favor of this thesis.

First, we can see that the Church has applied certain tactics to get closer to the native people of Latin America during the viceroyalty era, in order to "evangelize it". According to “ ”The first measure to be taken was the baptism of indigenous peoples, who had to abandon idolatrous practices and all forms that went against ecclesiastical laws and Catholic commandments in conflict. It should be clear that the first tips were nothing more than attempts or indigenous grazing experiments of the various religious orders that came to Peru. Each had their own method to approach and indoctrinate the natives. The third council of Lima marked an important change in Peruvian evangelization, since it reaffirmed what the previous councils proclaimed about the way in destroying the huacas and removing idolatries.

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This would be one of the first evidence that the Catholic Church expands to force, since Latin America arrived and dedicated themselves to eliminating customs that the natives had and forcing them to follow their Catholic doctrine. This agrees with the thesis exposed since it is a clear proof of an expansion "forcibly".

In second place we can see that the Catholic Church has taken very drastic tactics to "evangelize" people in Europe during the Middle Ages. According to the University of Rosario, the Inquisition was an institution I was born in the seventh century that was consolidated in the sevent. This institution was dedicated to the investigation of people who could be accused of energy either by a rumor or an assumption, a torture was consolidated if the accused did not admit guilt, this was taken as a legitimate means to discover the truth.After the defendant’s confession, it was sought to find a reconciliation with Christian dogma, if not possible, torture was used to resort to torture or even the death penalty. This means that he took not only to torture! To send people who were not willing to belong to the Catholic Church which is a total injustice that threatens people’s freedom. In addition this is clear proof that this expansion of the dogmas of the Catholic Church was made by force forcing the people of Europe in the Middle Ages to belong to the Catholic religion.

Third, there is the proof of how the Catholic Church handles an immense amount of money, according to the Post Digital Mexico, the Vatican is the state city, where the Holy See is, which is the legal organization that leads theCatholic Church, given the impossibility of having productive activities due to its size of only 0.44 square kilometers, for the Vatican state there is no gross domestic product, but handles budget with income and expenses, such as a company.The income of the Catholic Church, which in 2011 were estimated by the World Factbook of the United States Intelligence Agency in 455.5 million dollars, come from the sale of tourist products, books and entry to the Vatican museums, in the state, and the money that comes from abroad through the contributions of Catholics around the world.According to the 2014 annual report, the most recent published, the IOR (Institute for Religion Works) had assets for 3,210 million euros, among which are 567.4 million in cash and banks, and 1,718 million in financial assets.While the operating income for the year were 104.5 million euros and the profit of the year was 69.3 million euros. In terms of dollars of 2014, income is 133.29 million, and the earnings of 88.39 million.This compared to various countries such as Peru with 211.4 billion USD (2017), it is not much but taking into account that it does not have economic activities that amount is much more than what would be expected.You can also see that 567.4 million euros, of the 3210 million euros are in cash and the rest in different assets that means that these 56 7 7.4 million dollars are not in use.

In conclusion, the Catholic Church far from simply having the end of joining people with God, is a very extensive organization that expands “by force” and also manages a lot of money, since as we can see in the argument oneThe Catholic Church had a very drastic idea when evangelizing the native peoples of Latin America in the viceroyalty. He also took drastic measures including torture or even death when trying to evangelize people who were accused of energy during the Middle Ages. Finally we can see that the Catholic Church has assets for 3210 million euros which is an immense amount of money taking into account that it does not perform almost any economic activity. Then it is more than clear that the Catholic Church does not have the sole purpose.


  • What is the Catholic Church?. (s.F.). Retrieved December 2, 2019, from https: // www.Portantos.It is/that-is-the-catolico-catolica
  • Campillo Prado, to. J. (s.F.). Universidad del Rosario – Bogotá – Universidad del Rosario. Retrieved December 2, 2019, from https: // www.Urosario.Edu.CO/MAGAZINE-NOVA-ETA-VETERA/VOL-1-ED-8/CULTURE/INQUISITION-Y-CENSURA-EN-LA-NUEVA-GRANADA/
  • How much money does the Catholic Church have? |Digitall Post. (2016, February 13). Retrieved December 2, 2019, from https: //
  • The Church – Evangelization – Educared Peru – Students. (s.F.). Retrieved December 2, 2019, from http: //
  • World Development Indicators – Google Public Data Explorer. (s.F.). Retrieved December 2, 2019, from https: // www.Google.COM/PUBLICDATA/EXPLORE?ds = d5BNCPJOF8F9_ & Met_y = ny_gdp_mktp_cd & idim = country: per: Ec: Col & hl = es & dl = is it

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