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The Teacher And The Reflexive Practice

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The teacher and the reflexive practice

This essay is about the teacher and reflexive practice, this has some definitions on reflective practice according to some authors, its importance, the characteristics of a reflective teacher and some activities that must be carried out to promote reflexive practice in classrooms and educational centers.

Reflective practice refers to rethinking, investigating and meditating on what we are doing to continue doing what is done well and improving what is not done so well.

Donald Schon. Define reflexive practice as an intentional and conscious action that the subject performs in an eagerness to correct possible errors, analyzing his practice to transform it, developing practical thinking. Likewise (Perrenoud, 2007). He affirms that reflexive practice as an activity that encourages the professionalization of the teacher’s trade, which seeks to overcome the vision of this as a transmitter and knowledge informant to place it as a constructive agent of these from the knowledge generated in their practice,And that your main objective is to train reflective teachers capable of solving practical situations as expert professionals.

I totally agree with these authors since reflexive practice seeks to create in the teacher a reflective habit about their practice to transform their interventions and become a teacher who meditates about their practices and that thanks to this recognizes their weaknesses and works to convert themIn strengths.

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Reflective practice is very important since it allows us to make a self-assessment of our performance and question the activities we carry out in order to improve our pedagogical intervention. In addition, it also allows us to analyze, think, meditate, criticize and guide our teaching practice. It is important to train reflective teachers so that in the midst of difficulties they can face the various problems that come from their practice.

The teaching practice is a bit complex because the teacher must respond to a certain group of students and have the ability to transmit knowledge to that group of children using various resources, strategies and activities that respond to the needs of the group. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes it is not for that reason that reflective practice should be incorporated so that the teacher thinks about what he does and how he does it to observe what are the things that work to achieve significant learning in children always. In addition, Perrenoud (2004, 2002). Consider that constant reflection is fundamental in the preparation of teachers. And I agree because all professional activity must be subject to a reflection to identify failures and transform them.

Anijovich (2006) argues that teachers only reflect when there is a problem or when there is any difficulty, that is why she suggests that the teacher not only reflects when there is any situation, but also do so when he performs good practices and that theShare with your classmates to strengthen weaknesses and transform your team practices.

Likewise, this author says that to create reflective teachers, the training model must be modified and for this he proposes some ideas:

  1. Observation of peer practices.
  2. Generate in teachers the ability to reflect on their practice systematically.
  3. Build practices communities.


It seems very pertinent to generate in teachers the ability to reflect on their own practice since thanks to this the teachers would realize what they lack to do good practices and thus make quality interventions in the processes. In addition, it would be enriching and productive to build communities of practices, that is to say a group of teachers who have the same concern either how a good intervention is carried out, how competences can be developed in children or any subject or restlessness and that all theMembers seek information and try to respond to that concern through continuous interaction.

Among the characteristics of a reflective teacher are:

  • The interest of questioning and checking the theory in practice: that is, ensure that what the books say can be done and that it is not only to read by reading, but what is read can be put into practice.
  • It is autonomous, capable of making decisions based on elements offered by the analysis and understanding of the complex and changing reality.
  • Reflective teachers have the ability to solve the problems that arise in practice and also apply specific solutions to unique problems with the aim of doing a good practice and that this leaves good learning in the students.


Reflective practice can be implemented in educational centers and classrooms carrying out the following activities:

  • Pairs observation
  • Pedagogical encounters
  • Accompaniments to practices
  • The realization of the reflexive newspapers after each intervention.


I consider that if teachers implement these activities, they will constantly reflect on their interventions and with this they will carry out good practices that will generate quality learning in children. 

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