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Theories of Power in Society and Power beyond the Rules.

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Theories of power in society and power beyond the rule
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According to the topic of theories of power in society and power beyond the rules, they discuss the aspects of spreading of power throughout the US population and the causes of revolution and terrorism. However, power has been considered to be the most complex topic to be studied hence sociologists have come up with theories of competing for power in the United States. On the other hand, revolution and terrorism are considered to correlate with the aspect of political conflict whereby political activity indulges in a controversy with the political system hence leading to these two unpopular endangering factors. Moreover, this paper develops an insight on the theories of power in society and the causes of both revolution and terrorism.
However, there are three models to be discussed which are considered to be developed by researchers as competing models of power in the United States. These models are; the pluralist model, the power-elite model and the Marxist model. In addition, they are classified according to the theoretical approach which is applied in the US politics and analyzing how power is distributed throughout the society. For instance, the pluralist model is regarded as the people rule hence it is linked to the structural function theory which is applied as the theoretical approach.

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In short, the pluralist model is a political analysis that develops an insight of how power is spread among many competing interest groups such as NGOs, rich entrepreneurs and the society in whole so that the policies enacted by the political system can gain strength through support from the majority. Moreover, this model depicts that power is spread in the widely in the society so that all the people may have one equal voice hence this factor promotes democracy in the United States.
The power-elite model is applied a different theoretical approach compared to the pluralist theory thus, it is based on a social-conflict theory. However, it is a political analysis which analyzes that power in the United States is contained by some few individuals who are rich or are either political or military leaders. This model can be stated as a few people rule where by some few power elites are considered to head three sectors of the United States society which are the government, military and the economy. In addition, these power elites keep rotating in different corporate positions thus refusing to accept withdrawal from those powerful positions in the society. However, this model depicts how the essence of democracy is minimal in the US society and, as a result, the middle class is denied the right to access power due to differences in political affiliation.
The Marxist model is the third approach applied to understand United States politics. However, it is based on a similar approach of social-conflict like that of the power-elite model. In addition, it focuses on the operation of the society’s economic system whereby it focuses on the biasness of the system. In broader details, Karl Marx argued that the political system is built by the society’s economic system which entails the capitalism and the socialism. However, this aspect is affected by the power elites who are rich and controls the society’s economy whereas they fund specific politician’s campaigns who are also power elites for the sake of self-interest. This aspect affects both the political system and the society’s economy hence leading to deprivation democracy and denying middle class a chance to vie for political positions due to the effect of political economy of capitalism.
According to the subtopic of Power beyond rule, it focuses on two criteria. Revolution, which is regarded as overthrowing one political system to replace it with another one, is a that is an action that would be attributed by foreseeable unfavorable factors which are not taken care of by the political system in existence. For instance, bad governance is amongst examples of a factor that may lead to political revolution since it oppresses the society. On the other hand, terrorism is a global burden which is also considered to be caused by political interest whereby terrorist uses violence as a strategy to bother a stronger enemy which is the political system. In addition, terrorism can be used by a dictatorial government as a way of neutralizing and controlling the population for instance when protesting against the government. In short, terrorism is not a good approach to deliver grievances or control population since it leads to destroying lives of innocent people.
In conclusion, United States will have a political unrest and a big task of battling with terrorism. For instance, the unrest of the ISIS group of terrorist will continue whereby they will continue radicalizing more young people and increasing the threat. On the other hand, the factor of inequality will continue to lead the domestic unrest whereby the system biasness will remain constant in future. For instance, the people who are vying in the next general election are the same power elite leaders who have been in the previous governments and maybe they are in the current government. This example correlates with the political-elite model which analyzes the politics of US.

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