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VolP Video Conferencing Revised

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Background information
The advent of technology has transformed the operations and methods of communication in diverse sectors. Technology enabled systems are enhancing effectiveness and efficiency with which organizations execute their activities. In particular, the systems are enabling individuals and companies to interact effectively with each other. They also enable the entities to share information, encored data easily, transfer data among multiple users and store information for future use (Beal, 2015, p. 1). Stakeholders affirm that the technology remains a critical determinant of performance, especially in the current competitive environment. Any institution that lacks technology-enabled systems cannot compete effectively in the present business environment. Such entities may suffer from limitations of idea sharing and communication with customers.
This report gives detailed information about VolP that is referred to as a group of technologies that are used to deliver voice communications and multimedia sessions. The sessions are executed over the internet protocol IP network that is known as the internet. VolP is associated with synonymous terms such as IP telephony, Internet telephony, and broadband phone service including broadband telephony (Beal, 2015, p. 1). It aids communication in organizations to diverse locations provided the supporting incentives or protocols are installed.

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Many organizations have used it effectively over the years to reach out to many of their customers and to relay essential performance information to employees in various business units. The organizations have benefited from the technology through the voice, SMS, fax and voice messaging incentives that it provides. This has fostered timely response to emergencies and other issues that require prompt attention.
The report gives credible recommendations about the effectiveness of VolP and its integration processes. The information is to enlighten the small healthcare providing company is looking forward to integrating the technology in its business units on how to execute the project. The company that has over 200 employees and 20 branches is seeking to improve effectiveness and efficiency with which it delivers services or serve customers. The aim of the network is to boost service delivery and competitiveness of the company. Subsequently, it seeks to enable the company to match the technological standard needed for speedy progress in the present competitive world. This report gives a clear roadmap of how the small company can integrate VolP in its major business units giving clear-cut recommendations on its appropriateness to the organization.
How the VolP works and control protocols
Based on the specifications presented, VolP works by transporting audio and video streams via sever identified IP networks. VolP also works by transporting audio and video streams over systematic IP networks using quality media delivery protocols. The protocols are used since they aid data encoding, encoding of voice, video and audio codes. The coding is what transforms to live streaming through digital audio platforms and streaming media protocols (Beal, 2015, p. 1). They allow information to be shared from one center of operation to another within the system. VolP relies on stream-based applications that include network bandwidth, narrowband and compressed speech. The applications are preferred given that they support codecs with high fidelity stereo capacity. The popular codec’s that are used to aid the system’s functionality include U-law and a-law versions of protocols that are popularly known as G.711, G.722 and ILBC codec that remains an integral open source voice protocol (Andrews, 2010, p. 1). The system uses 8 Kbits/s that is called G-729 including others.
Recommendations for the company to have, VoIP and VC equipment
Evidently, VolP system is highly appropriate for the small-scale company. The system is suitable for the company to enable it manage its over 200 employees and over 20 branches effectively. This is evident given that the company has been experiencing performance downturn due to inferior communication and sharing of information between departments (Andrews, 2010, p. 2). For instance, the company has been facing serious challenges in communicating business objectives and new policies across its business units. The company has also been facing the challenge of coordination the provision of health services including management of customer data. Therefore, it is highly recommended for the company to integrate the system to enable it deal with the eminent challenges. First, the company will enable the company to reorganize its activities and communication system. The VoLP system is integral for its survival especially at the current time when the company is aspiring to roll out video conferencing and streaming of information. The move is to allow the company to coordinate its affairs effectively.
In this regard, it is recommended for the company to put in place adequate resources towards the acquisition of relevant software and hardware set-ups. The set-pups are necessary for the smooth implementation of the new concept. Similarly, relevant programs and applications such as a-law codec’s must be put in place to facilitate effective integration of the system (Perlman, 2000, p. 2). Another recommendation is for the VolP to be integrated using modern systems and applications. This will enable the company to enjoy using conventional communication systems and protocols such as Skype and Google talk. The modern system will as well encourage the use of federated VolP and architectural networks that are vital for effective communication. Other recommended programs, applications, Software and hardware set-ups include H. 323, Media gateway control protocol, H.248 (megaco) and session initiation mechanism (Ozer, 2015, p. 1). Skype protocol, Jingle XMPP VolP extension, secure real-time transport protocol, and inter-asterisk exchange IAX also forms key support systems necessary for the project.
Notably, the protocols will assist the company in achieving its objective that revolves around enhancing performance through effective communication. The communication approach preferred is video conferencing due to its ability to foster online contact or physical presence via the internet or integrated networks.
Justified suggestions for specific hardware
The suggested hardware, software, programs and applications are important for effective integration of a working VolP. The control protocols are justifiable for the project given that they influence the quality of communication including the coverage level of the systems adopted. Software’s such as the real-time transport control protocol is vital for ensuring timely conveyance of information. It will enable the company to secure the encoded data or information and guarantee accurate handling of the issues relating to performance that may arise (Perlman, 2000). Skype protocol will also facilitate video conferencing whose main idea is to aid communication between individuals where image visibility is evident. Skype is one of the notable and effective platforms that enable people to communicate with others when they see each other.
Personal computer
The personal computer is necessary for effective integration of the VolP system and ensuring its functionality. PCs also aid telecommunication since they provide the requisite platforms through which internet networks are connected (Ozer, 2015, p. 1). The networks are the major links that allow timely streaming and sharing of information among individuals, teams and organizational departments.
Jingle XMPP VolP extensions
This hardware protocol is vital for the functionality of video conferencing since it allows effective transfer of information from one part to another. The extension is one of the essential protocols that the company must integrate into the new system to boost the video conferencing activities. The aspect justifies the imperativeness of the hardware in the process of video conferencing that remains a modern communication system that is effective.
Multiplexing TDM networks
Multiplexing is another important hardware that the company must integrate for efficient operations of the video conferencing (Beal, 2015, p. 1). The hardware contains a multiple of networks and IP packets that help in the process of information interpretation and conveyance via designated networks that are centrally managed. They originate from the multiplexing service provider that is linked to the internet.
Audio codec’s
The codec’s are the centrally located that aid data encoding and storage in the system. Their work is instrumental in the video conferencing process in many ways. First, they ensure that the information relayed is accurate. The accuracy of information starts from the source and at the preamble stages of the communication process. When information is poorly encoded, the results cannot be expected to be exemplary. However, when encoding is done correctly, limited mistakes and misunderstanding occur both by the people dealing with the information at the source and exit points.
The relative benefits
As noted by Ozer (2015), video conferencing and streaming is one of the latest communication technologies that have been developed. The technology is considered appropriate for small and large organizations especially those aspiring to improve performance, increase sales and provide timely service delivery. The system is suitable for the small company due to its numerous benefits. The first benefit is that the technology allows the visibility of the individuals communicating. Likewise, it is cost effective since low charges are attributable to the phone in case it remains unlocked. Another benefit is the real-time service delivery including information sharing between departments. For instance, workers and customers can get information relating to their welfare easily ort within the short time of conveyance. The employee and employers can link easily and in good time due to the existence of the MBA requirements.
Voice over internet protocol (VolP) is equally beneficial as it ensures proper management of information over the internet. It creates a favorable platform that facilitates ending of voice information digitally via discrete packets and forms instead of the traditional circuits. The voice information is also transferred via the telephone network hat is publicly switched (Ozer, 2015, p. 1). VolP is not included in the to service providers by the ordinary telephone service provider. The monetary benefits accruing from the uncharged tolls will enable the small company to benefit from the reduced cost lof operation and activity. VolP also derives its support systems and other incentives from key equipment such as CISCO, Netspoeak, VocalTec. The support systems enable the company to promote the use of standard formats for sending voice videos, audio among others. The process is supported by the use of IP that is found on the internet, ITU-T and H, 323. The incentives help system users to locate other partners accurately. In addition, VolP uses RTP that is known as real-time protocol. The protocol helps in ensuring effective delivery of packets and that they get or reach the real owners.
Indeed, VolP is a gateway that receives packetized voice transmission that is relayed from users within the company. The received information is then rooted to other intranet apartments. The information transfer can also be executed using T-carrier system, E-carrier interface that forward them to the public network and again sends them over the publicly switched network of telephones. Issues of using VoIP
VolP is a delicate communication technology that must be operated by those who understand its nature. The technology remains one of the detrimental systems that may hinder an institutions progress in the long run. According to Antonakos & Mansfield, (2009), many issues surrounds the usage of the technology. The issues range from structural, monetary to usability complications. The first issue is a lack of finance to aid its holistic integration and maintenance. Many institutions find it difficult to own and use the system since they cannot afford. The system and its running programs are expensive and difficult to find readily or locally (Antonakos & Mansfield, 2009, p. 3). The system also requires unspecialized skills for its operation to be successful that is lacking in most instances. Only a few trained people who can manage and fix the machine once a mechanical breakdown occurs are available. Similarly, accessing spares for the system is equally difficult given that some of its operating parts are not locally available.
Structurally, there is always no guarantee on the availability of relevant mechanism within the protocol used that facilitates delivery of information effectively. It is the duty of the receiver to use relevant applications to recover or detect loss of information from the corrupt files using error correction techniques. This aspect increases the loss of data and information regarding important organizational operations. Therefore, the small company must take precautionary measures to ensure holistic protection from non-protected delivery programs.
The other issue is that at times, the reliable protocols that include Transmission control Protocol TCVP may stop to respond effectively when delivering information through live streaming. Lack of response may be witnessed when media stream in each bit is executed. The system becomes more complex to implement when such a thing occurs since the protocol normally registers rapid timeouts and retries that stop streaming processes. The issue results to further complications that include stopping of the direct media stream while the protocol struggles with the loss and retransmission of the lost data (Antonakos & Mansfield, 2009, p. 4). Despite the detrimental nature of this issue, companies including the small corporation under study can mitigate the effects of the problem through buffering of data for display. The frequent occurrence of duplicate data flows is a vital issue that affects the smooth operation of the system especially when live transmission of information is done. The duplicate streams happen since the network protocols reduce the server or network loads within the system.
Recommendation for streaming hardware/protocols
From the study of the functionality of the VolP system and its affiliate protocols, a number of recommendations are evident. The recommendations are essential as they aim at solving the issues that compromise the effective operation of the system. If not addressed any organization including the small company cannot realize its full potential and operating mission (Antonakos & Mansfield, 2009, p. 23). The first recommendation is that any institution aspiring to integrate the system or upgrade to video conferencing mode of communication such as the small company must mobilize adequate resources. The resources are necessary to guarantee the acquisition and availability of necessary systems, protocols, hardware, and software set-ups, procure relevant applications and operating programs. Resources are also required to aid systematic hiring of qualified personnel who can deliver in case any issue occur or the system faults. Similarly, the company must put in place relevant security measures by integrating them into the system. The integration is vital to curbing the rising cases of delayed or incomplete media streams. Effectiveness in streaming is achievable using standard media protocols with high adaptive bitrate streaming systems.
System users can also adopt effective data buffering especially the information that is ready for display to minimize media stream challenges such as loss of data. It achieves this by reducing the number of timeouts and retries in the system. Companies integrating VolP system must, first of all, execute a detailed feasibility study to establish the effectiveness and sustainability of the program. They should do this to enable them understand what is needed at what time and implementation protocols that cannot be ignored (Antonakos & Mansfield, 2009, p. 29). To achieve this, the use of datagram protocol and user datagram protocol should be adopted. The protocol is valid as it facilitates the integration of real-time streaming protocols including real-time transport protocol. Effective unicast protocols, internet connections, powerful television sets, computers, phones and other transmission devices are necessary for the streaming effectiveness. No streaming can take place effectively when connectivity to the internet is inherently inferior.
Encoding options and their relative merit for transmission
Encoding is the process of feeding particular information into a system or network of networks ready for transmission. It entails a representation of repertoire of characters that are fed pinto the system using specific encoding systems in patterns referred to as bit patterns, octaves, natural numbers and electric pulses (Ozer, 2015, p. 1). Encoding characters are used in the computation, data transmission, and storage to facilitate time dissemination at recovery. The process influences the outcome of the outcome of transmitted information from one system to another. Any mistake done at the encoding stage replicates at the decoding point. Therefore, it is prudent for organizations keen on integrating video conferencing set-ups to consider installing quality-coding systems. The coding must be of quality to guarantee safety, accuracy and timely transmission of data.
The notable codec’s that the small company should integrate to be safe include a-laws version of G.711, G.722, open voice codec with aloud source that is referred to ILBC and audio codec’s (Ozer, 2015, p. 1). Other codes include H264 and flash player that support Adobe flash players, H.264 video producer that helps in the transmission of video content live or after the live shooting. Another important coding protocol is the H.264 encoding parameters. The parameter present different encoding techniques and options that are essential for live streaming of information between individuals and organizational departments.
The codec’s presented are of high merit and suitable for adoption by the small company since they ensure streaming of accurate information. They facilitate the entry of correct information into the system and effective conveyance through video platforms thereby creating a direct contact between the communicating parties (Ozer, 2015). The codes are also suitable since they are easily available and user-friendly. Their user-friendly nature gives many people the opportunity to use them effectively given that some of the users are not versed with technology matters.
Recommendation to the best codec
As noted, the best codes that the small health providing company should use to enable it reach out to clients and employees effectively include H.264 code. The code is suitable as it provides a high screen resolution mode, quality closed caption mode, enable scene change detection and improve the number of B-pictures. The code also provides a quality and effective entropy-coding mode under an established profile. Likewise, H.264 advanced coding is appropriate for the video conferencing system. Its suitability is because it has a vibrant IYDR interval system that allows for systematic streaming o information. The code has a high-quality IDR frequency protocol that is necessary for superior audio and video streaming.
Other important coding includes as-laws version of G.711 and G.722, audio codec’s and Skype programs. The codes rely on narrowband and compressed speech that is instrumental in the process of achieving high fidelity stereo codec’s and results when executing video conferencing.
Indeed, the small company should not hesitate in its quest of integrating or upgrading the communication system from the traditional modes to the video conferencing that remains a preferable modern system of communication. The new system will enable the company to reach out to its customers including employees and other stakeholders effectively. It will guarantee effective coordination of services and tasks in the organization. Likewise, it will help the company to solve the perennial communication challenge it has been facing. The move will in turn around its performance and competitiveness in the operating sector. To execute the project effectively, the company needs to mobilize resources and lay down a viable plan of action to adopt. The plan should technology-oriented and sustainable given that data transmission via video conferencing demands reasonable attention.
List of References
Antonakos, J, & Mansfield, C, 2009, Computer networking for LANs to WANs: Hardware, software and security, Clifton Park, N.Y: Cengage Delmar Learning.
Andrews, J, 2010, A+ guide to software: Managing, maintaining, and troubleshooting, Boston, Mass: Thomson Course Technology.
Beal, G, 2015, VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol, Accessed on 6th Dec. 2015,
Ozer, J, 2015, Encoding options for H.264 video, Accessed on 6th Dec. 2015,
Perlman, R, 2000, Interconnections: Bridges, routers, switches and internetworking protocols, Reading, Mass. [u.a.: Addison-Wesley.

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