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why you and I should not smoke tobacco anytime anywhere

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Effects of Smoking
Body: Effects of smoking on humans
First argument: Smoking affects both the active and passive smokers
Second argument: smoking tobacco is likely to make one smell bad
Third argument: smoking affects the physical condition of a person
Forth argument: Smoking is also costly both in the short run and in the long-term
Fifth Argument: Smoking in public is a disrespect to other people

I am probably sure that most of you have seen a cigarette and you have probably even smelled the smoke of a cigarette. However, do you know the dangers that are associated with smoking? Some of you may have knowledge about some of the risks, such as causing cancer, but is that all that you are required to know about the dangers of smoking? Approximately 400,000 people die annually due to their high consumption of tobacco. Even though some of these cigarettes may contain small amounts of nicotine, it is still harmful to human health. Approximately 40,000 out of the 400,000 people die due to obstructive lung cancer, which is caused by the smoke particles accumulating in the breathing system (US Department of Health and Human Services, 12). Also, approximately 45 people die each hour; as a result tobacco consumption. Studies indicate that individuals who smoke typically lose about seven years of their lives. In that case, one who does not smoke is likely to live seven years longer than those people who smoke (US Department of Health and Human Services, 19).

Wait! why you and I should not smoke tobacco anytime anywhere paper is just an example!

Although some smokers are aware about the dangers of smoking, they tend to be conscious about all the effects of smoking. One of my friends usually tells me that (“Smoking doe not make you high. Being high is a mentality and a lifestyle of pure inner peace and tranquility.”) This is a clear indication of ignorance. There exist many reasons why you and I should not be smoking tobacco anywhere anytime.
Smoking affects both the active and passive smokers. Passive smokers are those people who are inhaling the tobacco smoke indirectly due to the presence of an active smoker near them (Shah & Cole, 917-932). Statistics indicate that approximately nine thousand people die due to passive smoking. Passive smokers tend to experience skin complications and chest pains. An active smoker usually consumes 15 percent of the cigarette smoke and releases 75 percent into the air, which other people around them smoke into their systems (Yanbaeva et al. 1557-1566). (Smoking in a public place is like dumping vial of poison in a public swimming pool). As a passive smoker, your lungs could start getting damaged by the thick smoke you inhale from the air, and it may affect other parts of the body. In this case, he or she is at risk of contracting lung cancer. Due to the effects on other people around us, we should not smoke anywhere, anytime since we are likely to harm innocent people who are not smokers.
On the other hand, smoking tobacco is likely to make one smell bad. Empirical evidence shows that particles of the smoke tend to stick onto the clothes of a smoker or his or her house or car, making them smell so bad after a couple of days. A smoker is likely to have halitosis, which is a condition where a smoker has bad breath. Bad breath is not usually attractive to any person, and thus many people will tend to avoid a smoker due to the bad breath that is coming from his or her mouth (Yanbaeva et al. 1557-1566). Although most of them consume mints and gum to reduce the bad smell, it does not always go forever. On the other hand, smoking may make a smoker’s skin to turn pale since his or her blood vessels are being restricted by the smoke particles in the body (Yanbaeva et al. 1557-1566). Brown or yellow teeth is not the worst problem that one may encounter since there are many people with that kind of teeth without smoking. However, imagine having wrinkles at twenty years old that seems much horrible. One may be twenty years old, but he or she looks like a fifty-year-old.
(Smoking is like a person sitting in a car that has a blocked exhaust system). From a medical point of view, smoking affects the physical condition of a person, thus making it difficult for such a person to participate in any sporting activity that may require physical assistance (Schane, Ling & Glantz, 1518-1522). Diseases such as cancer are caused by smoking tobacco, and it also reduces one’s lifespan, making the government use more funds in the fight against smoking. Maybe a smoker may not notice the physical effects of using tobacco, but he or she may regret all the choices taken to smoke.
Smoking is also costly both in the short run and in the long-term. When one starts smoking, he or she will only start with just a single cigarette, but with time, he or she will start consuming a packet or more daily (Shah & Cole, 917-932). At such a time, one will spend more money buying all these cigarettes to satisfy his or her dire need for smoking or addiction. These funds used to purchase these cigarettes would have been used for other important dealings rather than buying packs of cigarettes.
Have you ever imagined someone lighting up a cigarette in the presence of a group of people who do not smoke, but sees nothing wrong with his or her action? The person blows the smoke just into the same air that other people were just enjoying earlier before being polluted by the cigarette smoke. This is a clear indication of a lack of respect to all those individuals in that environment. When a person smokes in public, he not only risks harming himself, but he or she also harms the other people present in that surrounding (Schane, Ling & Glantz, 1518-1522). One should not be that selfish; to avoid such disrespect in the society, you and I should not smoke anywhere anytime to protect ourselves from such shameful acts.
Cigarette smoking has become very popular in the modern society, and there are many people who smoke today as compared to the past years. Once an individual begins smoking, he or she is likely to continue with the habit in his entire life (Shah & Cole, 917-932). Despite many people having knowledge about the effects of tobacco, people tend to ignore them due to peer pressure and high level of addiction. This makes one to wonder, (“How does smoking convince you to smoke, even when you gave a promise not to smoke?”) However, the effects as mentioned earlier clearly show that you and I should not smoke tobacco anywhere, anytime (since it is like being trapped in a pool full of rising water; its alsomst impossible to get out once you are in it and it may cause your death).

Works Cited
US Department of Health and Human Services. “The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke: a report of the Surgeon General.” Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health 709 (2006).
Schane, Rebecca E., Pamela M. Ling, and Stanton A. Glantz. “Health effects of light and intermittent smoking a review.” Circulation 121.13 (2010): 1518-1522.
Shah, Reena S., and John W. Cole. “Smoking and stroke: the more you smoke the more you stroke.” Expert review of cardiovascular therapy 8.7 (2010): 917-932.
Yanbaeva, Dilyara G., et al. “Systemic effects of smoking.” Chest Journal131.5 (2007): 1557-1566.
Filion, Kristian B., et al. “Trends in smoking among adults from 1980 to 2009: the Minnesota heart survey.” American journal of public health 102.4 (2012): 705-713.

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