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A Camino De Santiago, The Royal Camino De Guadalupe

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A Camino de Santiago, the Royal Camino de Guadalupe


With as much history as the same Camino de Santiago, the Real Camino de Guadalupe rises as one of the most important pilgrimage roads in Spain and consequently in Europe. Much less exploited to date, by pilgrims and athletes, its tourist use, and of course spiritual, which consolidates its attraction even more if possible if it fits its attraction, is being enhanced from associations and municipalities. 

In this article we offer you curiosities of one of the 26 municipalities that form the road and that, as a good traveler, you cannot ignore. Casarrubios del Monte in this town originated in the S. XII, you can walk through streets that still retain its medieval layout. It has a rich heritage, among which the Castle of the fourteenth century, the palaces of the lords of Casarrubios and Veracruz, the parish church of the 15th century, the Mocha Tower and the Gothic Roll of Justice stand out. 


The town takes force after the repopulations initiated by Alfonso VI after having been reconquered to the Muslims in the S. XII. From the time of the monarch Pedro I have had the Gothic Pillory and the Hospital. However, his high point was during the reign of Felipe III that Casarrubios County had created in 1599. Onion, Ecuador of the Royal Camino de Guadalupe at km 114 is onion, located between hills and bathed in the waters of the Tagus. This town of the Talavera de la Reina region fixes its first manifestations written in a Mozarabic text of the year 1184.

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This recounts the existence of an alqueria or set of farmhouses on the site of the current onion. 

There are two theories to explain the origin of your place name. The first is the result of the Castilianization of the Arab term Yevayla, which means Montecillo. The second origin of the Arabic term Gebel-Alá (Gebel´la). God means me, referring to the mosque that was where the church is today. Of special interest are some of its monuments such as the Parish Church of San Cipriano, work of the S. XVII or Villalba Castle, built by Muslims between the XI and XII centuries. The villa also has the hermitages of San Millán and San Blas and a contemporary modern style palace. 

Archbishop Bridge, Puerta to Extremadura arriving at the gates of the province of Cáceres we anchor at the next stop of the Royal Camino de Guadalupe. This village, raised after the construction of the bridge in the S. XIV, owes its origin to both economic and religious reasons. Pedo Tenorio, Archbishop of Toledo, saw the need to build here a large stone bridge that facilitates the passage of pilgrims and herds that have crossed the earth to the lands of the South. Apart from being constituted as a fixed stop in the Royal Way of Guadalupe, in this town you can enjoy an unprecedented monumental variety. 

Together with his great bridge of ashlares, we find the set of hospitals and the parish church of Santa Catalina, of Gothic – Mudejar style. In front of her, the Archbishop’s Palace of Pedro Tenorio, the hermitage of the Virgin of Welcome in her vicinity and a great roll of justice in exquisite state of conservation in her Cañada Real. It should be noted, the newly built chapel with the Virgin of Guadalupe, which receives all pilgrims at the entrance to the town. 

And of course, you can’t go from here without acquiring any of traditional ceramic items in any of its alfares. Navatrasierra on the Royal Camino de Guadalupe. Its steep topography and its difficult location make it a point of interest and of great beauty on the tour. Located on horseback between the region of the Jara Cacereña and the Sierra del Hospital del Obispo, it is part of the Villuercas team. 


Here the nature of the urban gains as the constant collided among those who settle. Historically, it was born as a small farmhouse, composed of a few houses and a small area of land. Today his heritage is headed by the Bishop Hospital. This was built by the monarch Pedro I the cruel one for lodging and rest of the pilgrims who were heading to the Guadalupe monastery. Routes, trails and a fossil interpretation center completes the varied heritage range of this unique enclave

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