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Free Chemistry Essay Examples and Topics for Students

The competition between countries and its success Why, in an international competition, some countries triumph and others fail? Perhaps, it is its economy, the assumption that is m...

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The chemistry of the 21st century, its evolution over time Oposite feelings Most people also have contradictory feelings when they listen to chemical or "chemical product"...

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The chemist and bacteriologist Louis Pasteur Introduction Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and bacteriologist born on September 27, 1822 in Dole France, had various fields and na...

The atmosphere, structure and origin The atmosphere is a thin layer of a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, with a thickness of 20.000 km, gases remain retained on......

The alchemist and the materialization of dreams  In Paulo Coehlo’s book, the alchemist says, “When a person really wants something, the entire universe conspires so that he ca...

TEST FOR RESOLUTION Devproblems It is very important to point out the project model that was carried out in this case, and that is, if specifying it from the beginning,......

Technologies for Learning, Advantages and Disadvantages Introduction Today it can be noted that technology has become a key piece in all areas of everyday life;Impressive electroni...

Technological advances in health: improvements applied to medicine ABSTRACT Technological advances are evolutionary processes for the creation of tools that apply scientific knowle...

Survival in Auschwitz: If this is a man Written by Primo Levi between December 1945 and January 1947. This book opens the trilogy in which the author tells the experience......

Studying organic chemistry Within the world of organic chemistry we will find countless contexts that in order to understand them must be analyzed. To give rise to our research we....

Solar storage batteries, quality and different uses Summary The present work is focused on a brief analysis of the storage batteries of solar energy in which we have set out......

Social networks: an environment of two options That today a person does not have a profile on Facebook, or hang photos on Instagram is a very unusual exception. Especially if......

Sleep deprivation and its phases Introduction Sleep disorders more characteristic are: insomnia, apnea-hypipneal syndrome of sleep, restless legs syndrome and sleep alteration in d...

Shared knowledge confidence I often wonder about the foundations of current shared knowledge and what have been the methods to verify the veracity of them. This is an unknown that....

Sales and pharmaceutical products review Introduction Coronado literature review, J., Jiménez-Martín, s., Marín, pl. An empirical analysis of multimergated contact theory in pha...

Rosalind Elsie Franklin: Double DNA scructure Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) was an English chemistry and crystallographer, responsible for important contributions to the unde...

Ribonuclease, the enzyme that hydrolyzes ribonucléic acid Introduction Within our body, there are hundreds of chemical reactions necessary for life all the time, occurring simulta...

Relationship of Chemistry with Mechanical Engineering First, chemistry is the science that studies the composition and properties of matter, knowing that matter is everything that ...

Reading in the first years of a person's life Introduction At present, take a book and sit down to read, a simple and fun gesture, which, mysteriously, is getting more......

Quantitative research as a source of knowledge generating Introduction Civil Engineering is a profession based on applied sciences, that is, it manages technical and structured kno...

Pseudoscience and its relationship with another science Introduction The pseudosciences: Among the main issues addressed are: definition of pseudoscience, philosophical dimensions ...

Playful play as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen students learning Introduction This essay is written about recreational games asdifferent dimensions, mediation is focused on t...

Pharmacies in Chile currently Introduction Pharmacies in Chile are currently governed by a free trade economic context, during the military government the circuit law was repealed,...

Personal opinion about Deckard's book The book ends when Deckard after withdrawing the 6 androids, fed up, flies towards a completely uninhabited area and finds a real toad that hu...

People in the face of anxiety disorders Introduction Anxiety Anxiety is a natural human reaction that affects the mind and body making the person suffer from an inability to societ...

Pandora's box and a new way of life according to science Imagine a place where chemical and environmental conditions are presented so that there are small or large organisms that.....

Origin of the scientific revolution in the 16th century For the 16th century, one of the characteristics of the time was the curiosity of man to discover the world;restlessness tha...

Nanotechnology may be a revolutionary science in the future First to be able to understand that it is nanotechnology, it is necessary to know that the nano prefix is a......

Marie Curie Life perspective My birth name is Maria Salomea Skłodowska, I was born in Warsaw, Poland on November 7, 1867. I nationalized in France where I also changed Marie's......

Marie Curie: Life events Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first professor at the University of Paris, the first woman to be buried by......

Marie Curie, her contributions to medicine, awards and death Biography Maria Salomea Sklodwska-Curie, better known as Marie Curie, was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland an...

Mariano Fortuny and Madrazo Introduction Painting is one of the most controversial artistic facets of this author. Fortuny's pictorial work is complex and varied. It goes in the ge...

Love, a special and supreme feeling Love is a very special feeling which you feel for a person, thing or animal, it is a very important value, since it forms......

Life on Earth with coal Life on earth is something curious. The beings that inhabit it are complex and different;We develop each in our own rhythm, in our own way.......

Le Châteliere's principle report Abstract The principle of Le Châteliere is a qualitative principle which consists in the modification of variables such as the pressure, temperat...

Influence of Christianity in the Middle Ages Introduction The medieval era is related to the so -called feudalism as a mode of production;with the consolidation of Christianity as ...

Importance of organic chemistry Introduction Organic chemistry studies the structure, behavior, uses and properties of everything that contains carbon both of animal, plant or arti...

Importance of microbiology in life and its application in biology and chemistry INTRODUCTION When we talk about microbiology, we refer to the science that studies and analyzes micr...

Importance of Human Genome Project Introduction In this brief introduction I will talk about the importance of human genome in society and diseases that triggers this whole issue. ...

Importance of economy as positive science Introduction It is important to define the scientific principles of the economy since, in a certain case, it has more and more importance ...

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