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The poverty existing in Latin America and its consequences Investigative history The poverty existing in Latin America is a reflection of the great inequality that threatens econom...

THE POLITICAL ECONOMY IN ADAM Smith The Scottish thinker Adam Smith, considered by many the "father of political economy", adopted the mission of exposing social sciences...

The passage from modernity to postmodernity according to Harvey The passage from modernity to postmodernity, there is Harvey possibility to expose the wide meaning of modern, in a ...

Theory of the spiral of silence Introduction No, I'm not in favor ... although ... thinking about it ... yes, I'm in favor of what my colleagues say. Many times......

Theory of organizations from Antiquity to the present We know that organizations arose since ancient times and that the different interpretations that have been made on it have bee...

The origin of philosophy in Greece Introduction Philosophy is a discipline that is responsible for the study and reflection on fundamental questions of existence, knowledge of life...

THE ORIGIN OF GENDER VIOLENCE Introduction When we listen to the term gender violence, most of us think only of men's aggressions towards women. However, gender violence is defined...

The organizational culture and the values ​​that surround it Organizational culture has become a controversial issue for multiple authors, since there are theoretical variation...

Theoretical review of work violence Introduction. Likewise, the investigation carried out by Bordalejo, Bucosky Yolde, Sicardi, Fusaro, carried out a theoretical review and its art...

The Nike sports brand and its non -market strategy In this essay I will talk about Nike, this is a company that is dedicated to the sports market mainly, offering......

The network society, review The book focuses on a social structure built around networks: the network society. To start, we clarify that a network is not a node, but a......

The need to solve the problem with customer service As in all large companies the service is, in each of its contexts of great importance and in the administrative area......

The music and the ease of society to consume it Music and its consumption in society is determined by the ease of obtaining this. Development: First, the consumption of music......

The most important stage: adolescence The stage of adolescence is a very vulnerable period during which individuals begin to expose themselves to great risks. It may be one of the....

The moon can affect the dream Introduction Over the years, the full moon has been blamed for everything from the crime peaks to madness and baby booms. But could it......

The monopoly and its structure in the market Introduction Monopolo refers to a market structure in which there is only one producer that covers demand for a whole market. This......

The monarchy and the Republic Introduction If we talk about the monarchy, there are several types: absolute monarchy, parliamentary monarchy and constitutional monarchy. They diffe...

The media and their treatment with violence The media over the years, we have seen the evolution of the media, from the hieroglyphic writing to paper, television, radio, among othe...

The media and their links to politics The media in El Salvador both television, written and radial are very important in the lives of Salvadorans through them we find news,......

The media and power Currently the media are widely used in society, they arose due to the need to communicate among people in a faster and more easy way, precisely......

The Ladies of Avignon of the painter Pablo Picasso The ladies of Avignon is a picture of the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painted in 1907 and is currently preserved in......

The Knowledge Society: Group Reactions Before addressing the subject, it is important to know the background of the same, because it will allow greater understanding and approach o...

The key to Oprah Winfrey's success Introduction The most important vital lesson that Oprah Winfrey wanted to convey to the public was that each of us, regardless of their condition...

The Italian Renaissance Society During the fourteenth century, a large number of tyrants appeared, during a period in which only the influence of a very necessary law could be reco...

The influence of the media as an event The media is an event, if you talk about television at the time before that did not look. Television, radio, presses and......

The influence of St. Augustin on Philosophy The author of this text is Agustín de Hipona (354-430), belongs to works by San Agustín, “Sermon 43” 4. It was a medieval......

The influence of social networks on virtual education Social networks have great potential in online education. Many people perceive them as an updated source of information about ...

The influence of music, sexuality and eroticism This essay will talk about music, sexuality and eroticism. The guiding question is: How does music influence sexuality and eroticism...

The influence of malaria on the most affected population According to the data provided by a study carried out by UNICEF1 there were 216 million cases in 2016, a carafal......

The influence of love and tragedy in Romeo and Julieta Introduction A love and tragedy story, of rules and disappointments, written in the year of 1595 by William Shakespeare, the....

The influence of immigration in American politics in the twentieth century After independence, the American people are formed as a mixture of the contributions received both Europe...

The influence of drugs on student performance Educational institutes can be part of a drug trafficking chain where drug addicted students and in threatened special cases are seller...

The influence of a teacher's leadership in education When a teacher always wants to go beyond his established performances, having commitment to his work and wanting to achieve tho...

The influence left by the artistic process on social practices Although we know that the origin of art is intrinsic, that is, it is its own, with the origin of......

The inequalities in society and their evolution Social stratification has been primarily in the development of societies, however, for a long time more than a topic of reflection h...

The increase in migration Introduction The increase in migration and the violation of human rights of all people who are in mobility, constitutes one of the main concerns of today'...

The importance of writing: literature, power and responsibility   The objective of this essay is to reflect on several issues on the conception of literature and the function or f...

The importance of the past Introduction At present, nostalgia is moving the world, since many people consider that it is better what they lived in the past to what they......

The importance of the media today Although the role of family and school is decisive in the transmission of values. The truth is that the various media and new technologies......

The importance of religion in the world population The importance of religion There are numerous irrational beliefs in the world, many of them are believed by millions of people an...

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