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Protocols for a charm destination Introduction For the optimal development of a tourist destination and the permanence of resources over time, not only the existence of an adequate...

Proposals about medical cannabis in New Zealand Introduction The New Zealand government has issued a request for proposals to provide doctors from the nation with a manual on medic...

Programmatic music, piano lesson Introduction Programmatic music is a composition that gives freedom to the listener of representing emotions, sensations, landscapes, etc. Programm...

Profile of a competitive person, personal strengths First, the profile of a competitive person will depend on the personality of each athlete and the motivation that he has.  It i...

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Procrastination in Higher Education Procrastination consists in the habit of postponing activities that can be resolved at a certain moment, replacing them with other activities of...

Processing heartbreak with music help According to El Heraldo (2012), "heartbreak is defined as a state of psychological paralysis, disorientation and emptiness". It is t...

Problems with academic development due to gender violence Introduction Gender violence in educational units prevents students from developing their academic development in totally....

Problems caused in Texas Introduction Texas was part of Mexico during the president of Santa Anna, this state had a great presence of Anglo -Saxon settlers who sued Santa Anna......

Principles of people and relativism Introduction According to the ethical position theory, individual differences in ethical judgments in individuals are based taking into account ...

Power and greed in man Introduction Man is a social being by nature, Aristotle begins this debate that follows from knowing between power and authority. All men are social beings.....

Polygenic and multifactorial inheritance in environmentalism In this bibliographic review we will deal with polygenic inheritance and multifactorial inheritance, in order to obtain...

Politics in Spain Introduction Although the three articles want to transmit more or less the same message, the article from 11 m to 17 A focuses on ideas and facts......

Political propaganda, a powerful instrument since its origins Political propaganda has evolved with society throughout history. Political propaganda plays a fundamental role in the...

Poem 'You love me Blanca' and the influence of modernism and postmodernism A well -recognized author in Latin America is Alfonsina Storni. She was born in Sala Capriasca, Switzerla...

Plato: The Republic and Life Plato (c. 428-C. 347 a.C.), Greek philosopher, one of the most nflucent thinkers in the entire history of philosophy. Plato was a Greek disciple of......

Pioneers and representatives of the Spanish Language We can define language as a complex human activity, which has a double function: that of communication and representation. Alth...

Physical characteristics of Ecuador and its influence on the biodiversity of Ecuador Introduction In Ecuador a great diversity of climates, landscapes, flora and fauna, which are a...

PHARMACY: The essential health sector for the economy The health sector is an essential part of the productive and social economy of advanced countries, it is a generator of wealth...

Personal essay on assisted suicide Do patients have the right to assisted suicide (euthanasia)? This little but great question in turn is today as a topic that sounds very strongly...

Personal circumstances and our strengths About how will the knowledge that we give, this degree of which people receive our knowledge is known as “cognitive capacity” which mak...

Persistent or dystimia depressive disorder Introduction Dystimia is a chronic affective disorder that is associated with inappropriate strategies for adaptation to stressful situat...

Perpetual chain must be customized Introduction According to the newspaper El Comercio, currently in the world there have Crimes, and this is due to various factors that alter the ...

Performance management and evaluation Factors that condition work performance There are several elements or factors involved in the management of performance within the organizatio...

Perfect competition in companies Introduction The traditional definition of market is from the site where people come together in order to sell and buy some good. Within the econom...

Perfect competition and offers Introduction We know that the market is where offers, demands and therefore sales where exchanges of goods and services take place. This is formed by...

People influenced by films  Information as an influence to reduce errors. The Kick Ass movie is mainly based on an organization of individuals called: "Justice Forever" ...

Pedagogical Model for the Improvement of Education Education has been improving over the years, despite the lack of state public policies, since, in the country with the arrival of...

Paul Ekman - Emotions and Body Language We start talking about Paul Ekman, a pioneer psychologist in the study of the facial expression of emotions after Darwin and William James.....

Past knowledge and its importance Today, we have made great advances that in the past could never be imagined, however, the products of the knowledge of the present could not......

Parliamentary Republic: Public Policy and State Action Introduction History: The parliamentary system gives rise to ancient Greece, as well as in Athens;All citizens (not slaves) c...

Parenting in pandemic times INTRODUCTION Confinement for the Covid-19 crisis worldwide could generate some raising some generations. 'Social distance' 'covers'' healthscope of life...

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Parental Alienation Syndrome Introduction In recent years, the traditional family model has undergone major changes, this becomes evident in a great increase in separations and div...

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Paranormal phenomena and its study  Chelitojbf states that “paranormal are all those unusual episodes in which a person perceives unknown phenomena, objects and beings that pres...

Ovid, reflective essay on a fragment of his work Ovid was born in Sulmona in the year 43.C. And he died in Tomis in the year 17 D.C. He was......

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Overpopulation, a problem that affects us all Introduction One of the problems currently facing society is overpopulation. One of the reasons why this problem is presented is becau...

Origin and knowledge of the Aztec civilization Aztec civilization is worldwide, their beliefs and way of living made them famous. Many have heard of this culture but few know their...

Organized crime organization and strategies Introduction The following case study seeks to explore the evolution of transnational organized crime in Colombia, with an approach to t...

Organization theory Introduction The leadership;There are people who have certain skills to influence others, until then there were people who influenced others because they were t...

Organizations that promote health promotion Introduction There are different national and international organizations (UNESCO, WHO, Council of Europe, Ministry of Education) that a...

Organization and structure design Over the years, companies have had to evolve, this due to the technological advances that occur in a very fast way, which creates a great advantag...

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