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Tips for having a happy marriage today Introduction Are you going to get married soon? Do you want to renew and strengthen your relationship? Or do you plan? Well, you......

The tax as a public and mandatory law Introduction As we have seen after this reading, there is a great controversy among those who decide or not pay their taxes.......

THE STATE OF THE THEATRARY IN SPAIN   The Covid-19 Pandemia has damaged innumerable industries mainly that of face-to-face entertainment such as cinemas, fairs, circuses and of co...

The Spanish Inquisition from Muslim, Jewish and Christian peoples The research work aims to analyze the Spanish Inquisition within the social and economic field experienced by the ...

The shackle of an elephant, his moral The elephant shackle clarifies the mental barriers that we can have to get stuck to something, when we can do much more to......

The most unequal areas in the world Introduction Latin America has charged for years the sad title of being one of the most unequal areas in the world, because most......

The Hammurabi Code Introduction The Hammurabi Code is one of the oldest laws of laws that exists, it appears written in a large trail of 2.25 meters high, was found......

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The digital gap and ICTs When we talk about information and communication technologies (ICT) and in relation to computer science we refer to a set of resources to the availability....

The budget and the cost of volume and utility 2 Introduction In today's businesses, it is essential to make the most of every idea, option and investment. To achieve this,......

Teaching methodology and the influence of digital technology   The massification of technology and its inclusion in all areas of development and human coexistence, have led in a v...

Symbolism and Faculty of Humanities Introduction In order to understand the dynamics in which food is handled, a broad study of how do we feed ourselves?, Because eating for each.....

SWOT ANALYSIS IN COMPANIES Introduction Finally, a SWOT analysis, an important planning tool used to demonstrate the internal and external factors that naturally influence both pos...

Surveillance: Freedom of Business Introduction The Political Constitution of Colombia establishes in Title XII the economic and public finance regime that has to govern the Colombi...

Study of the revolutionary ideals of Ernesto Guevara Within the context of the Cold War or indirect confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States that visualizes a c...

Studies by novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne  What constitutes the essence of effective direction is a group of voluntary followers. The effective industrial leader is dedicated to man...

Sports life after a transplant The decision to practice sports after a transplant is not easy. Although we understand and assume that the exercise is always good, there are still.....

School uniform and its relationship with the law  Introduction Under the former Law 149 of July 15, 1999, “Organic Law of the Department of Education” according to amended, in...

Salvadoran State Book Report Introduction ATTACH will find a report on accounting expertise required by that Court, in the criminal proceedings that are instructed in Michelle Mari...

Sales in today's society Introduction At present, most business people invest a lot of time to devise and invent new products, when sometimes the solution to business problems is t...

Sales as the need to maintain business stability Sales are essential for the maintenance of economic stability in a company, since it depends on its volume the income and profits.....

Rights when acquiring a property Introduction Property is the right of belonging on a certain thing, assigning to the individual the ability to enjoy and dispose of it according to...

Right of separation due to lack of dividend distribution Introduction The Capital Societies Law (hereinafter, LSC) introduces, after the 2011 partial reform, the 2007/36/EC of the ...

Review about the SWOT model New companies in the market When they enter to compete, they have estimated a plan, these organizations are governed under the aforementioned document, ...

Research, structure and different approaches This essay will address research based on the same that is defined as that study base that is aimed at looking for answers and giving.....

Representation of Social Responsibility Introduction The idea of CSR as voluntary self-regulation, or even as the market and the one driven by the NGO self-regulation, has invited ...

Quantitative research and the importance of generalization The quantitative approach within scientific research highlights the importance of the generalization or universalization ...

Prosocial behavior and their relationship with parenting patterns Introduction Establishing the relationship between pro -social behavior and parenting patterns is an arduous topic...

Proposal for the Professional Ethics Code for Economists The code of ethics of economists was created to find the ethical principles and values ​​to which to be guided. It has....

PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND GESTPION Introduction There are currently various entities related to project management and their methodologies vary depending on the type of project. I...

Presentation of the school uniform Introduction The uniform plays a very important role in the identity of a certain profession in this essay we will specifically talk about the im...

Porfiriato in the history of the nineteenth and twentieth century in Mexico Porfiriato marked the history of the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth....

Physical abuse in older adults Introduction. Old age is one of the most misunderstood stages. People who are considered older adults are 60 years old and more and are likely......

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Objective of man in search of meaning The main objective of the book is the story of personal experiences, narrated by a psychiatrist who is admitted to a Nazi concentration......

Nutrition in newborns   Over the years, medical advances have improved their guidelines as soon as the nutritional support of newborns; At present there is sufficient evidence to ...

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Neuromarketing consumer behavior Introduction This technique every day is gaining more strength in market research and there are a greater number of professionals focused and promo...

My Being and I, Personal Evaluation We are in a plane of interpellation and interpretation to understand the subject. The dynamics to be used, reference from the complex the libera...

Muscle strength and longevity: everything you should know As we become older, muscle strength work plays a very important role in preventing aging by the passage of time. But at......

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Most popular tokyo neighborhoods Introduction Within the impressive capital of the country of the rising sun, it finds a unique corner where to enjoy the more traditional Japan. Th...

METHODOLOGY TO PERFORM THE AUDIT OF A COMPANY Audit planning The first thing that should be done in a systems audit is how to planThe design of the methods, techniques......

Metamorphosis A Kafka work Introduction The most appropriate reading that can be made about the similarities between the works of Kafka and Dostoevski refers to the central theme p...

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