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Vietnam The Modern Society Conversion Introduction To understand the political and economic evolution of Vietnam, a country with great geographical and cultural diversity thanks to...

Venezuela refugees Approach Venezuela's refugees are people who have been forced to flee from Venezuela as a result of the violation of their rights, violence, insecurity, persecut...

United Nations for Children Introduction  The history of capitalism is marked by important displacements of human groups that have been in need of abandoning their traditional set...

Transformations of society into the industry During the last centuries, the industry has constituted a key sector for the economic development of the countries. The expansion of in...

To the conquest of the New York sky after the financial crisis of the early 21st century Introduction In 1916, through the Urban Law Building Zone Resolution, the foundations of......

Totalitarianism a controlling system Introduction This concept as such has many definitions in general, but if we see it from the most common point it is a point of view......

Total Imperialism Control Introduction Through this work, I will explain the concept of imperialism of the nineteenth century, emphasizing the one carried out by the states of Euro...

To really serve ethics Introduction As for the content, which in the Maraña of formalities seems irrelevant, when it is precisely the important thing and that is why it is......

The world financial crisis Introduction Since the world financial crisis broke out, some of the words that are heard daily are: speculation, recession, inflation, interventionism, ...

The story of El New Deal Introduction The Crack of 29 was the most devastating stock market fall in the history of the stock market. UU. And the hardest economic......

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The state, role, what is and what is it for in a country The issue we are going to analyze is the state. What is, what is your role, what......

The Social Sciences and The Time Time The main idea of this essay is to talk about social sciences from its fragmentation with time and space, where the teacher must......

The second French empire and its intervention In 1851, Carlos Luis Napoleón Bonaparte gave a coup d'etat, the following year he was proclaimed emperor and that is how the second.....

The school-family relationship in the development of the pedagogical model of the Educational Institution Summary The knowledge integrating project (think) is carried out in order ...

The roots of a conflict that I end up in time: Arab-Israeli War The conflict between Arabs and Hebrews lies in the dispute of these two peoples that coexist in......

The role of women and ethics in journalism of the 70s The plot of The Post (2017) focuses on two general and notorious aspects throughout the film: the problem of......

The role of Latin America in the consolidation of world capitalism in the 19th century First, the role of Latin America is considered important in strengthening global capitalism d...

THE REPRESENTATION OF CRITICAL MARXISM Introduction Critical theory refers to the new doctrine developed at the Social Research Institute of the University of Frankfurt, later that...

The representation of communism in society Introduction First and main would be for the type of society in which you are raising, since in the 21st century there is a......

The Renaissance and the evolution of being Introduction John Stuart Mill. Goodness or evil is no longer personal but collective even if it harms people because it is intended to......

The poverty existing in Latin America and its consequences Investigative history The poverty existing in Latin America is a reflection of the great inequality that threatens econom...

The phenomenon of globalization Introduction. There is much talk about globalization, but we don't We have stopped thinking of their origin, causes, consequences and impact on the ...

The passage from modernity to postmodernity according to Harvey The passage from modernity to postmodernity, there is Harvey possibility to expose the wide meaning of modern, in a ...

The parents of Sociology: Marx and Durkheim Marx and Durkheim were two of the parents of sociology, both macrosociologos. To understand their approaches, it is important to context...

The other war: replacement of pesticides in Ecuador Introduction In order to reach food sovereignty and acquire the activities of the field as a business, they have disturbed and a...

Theory of the dependency of the twentieth century His first indications arise for the twentieth century based on past events such as: The decline of the imperialist powers by the.....

Theory of the Communist Party Manifesto Introduction Marx gives a broad description of what communism is, as theory and as a political movement. Perhaps the most significant aspect...

The nineteenth century in Spain vs.euu A strong reform toured the United States at the end of the 19th and early twentieth century. Many Americans asked for changes in the......

The new treatment and its impact on the US economy When Franklin D assumes. Roosevelt The Presidency in 1933 was approved several laws in Congress as assistance funds for unemploye...

The monroe doctrine of the United States and protectionism Introduction In this work we will announce important data and a rigorous analysis of the monroe doctrine of the United St...

The Mexican Revolution and the Luis Potosí Plan “The ejido was a Spanish institution transferred to America also based on the community property of a well -delimited field or pr...

The ladies of Avignon by Pablo Picasso The work I am going to analyze is the ladies of Avignon, by the Spanish artist Pablo Ruiz Picasso. The canvas, made in......

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The Labyrinth of Soledad by Octavio Paz The labyrinth of loneliness is a literary work in which Octavio Paz seeks to explain the reason for being of the Mexican, which......

The inequalities in society and their evolution Social stratification has been primarily in the development of societies, however, for a long time more than a topic of reflection h...

The impact of socialism and capitalism on the world economic system Production modes are essential for man since it allows us to do a good job and product. When talking......

The ideology of consumerism for the impulse of trade Introduction Consumerism, by traditional definition, is ‘the protection or promotion of customers' interests’, or rather, a...

The horrors and changes of the First World War Introduction ¨The World War I was one of the most deadly and prolonged war events that, until that moment, had lived......

The hopeful economist The economy is very prodigious and covers everything about our life since everything costs, everything is used and everything is spent.That is why the writer'...

The history of the wars of the twentieth century Hobsbawm refers to the warm events that marked the twentieth century, where world wars were the protagonists and the United States....

The history of the Enron company case Throughout history, the economic aspect is directly linked to the political by establishing laws that govern financial markets, but in turn, c...

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