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Marketing in companies and businesses Introduction Marketing or also known marketing is all that covers activities and logistics and marketing both sales of a product and service, ...

Marketing, Digital Media campaigns   In the head of all consumers are the digital revolution processes. Now they have them, because now, even, the opportunities to generate new bu...

Marketing and Political Communication Introduction Policy in marketing is a systematic process that includes theory, models, management, practices and applied communication for the...

Manifestations of art and its history over time In this essay, I will develop the theme of art and its history, from the analysis of all the topics seen in......

Management Leadership in Management Quality Introduction. Education is considered one of the development pillars of all societies, in this sense, it is important to ensure and guid...

Management and quality tools in the hotel and tourist organization Summary In this work it is about demonstrating the importance of quality management and tools in general that are...

Malignant melanoma, classification and diagnosis Malignant melanoma classification Surface extension melanoma Specifically in this pathology, surface extension melanoma becomes the...

Male in current times The masculinities are something controversial in these times, and they have been constantly presenting, since there is the variety of circumstances where we a...

Magnetic levitation engine Introduction Magnetism is a property presented by magnets and electric currents by exercising actions at a certain distance, examples of these actions ar...

Magic in pre -Columbian cultures Introduction Magic appeared simultaneously to the desire to influence supernatural phenomena. With the passage of time, an animistic system was ins...

Madame Bovary and the transcendence of his work The literary work "Madame Bovary" concerned the French writer Gustave Flaubert, appointed one of the best western novelist...

Lying late hinders the possibility of having sex The advance of technology and digital channels has modified those in habits in which television, cinema and series are consumed. On...

Luther, controversy about the value of indulgences The text to be treated is a selection of questioning to the power and efficacy of indulgences, better known as the ninety -five.....

Lupus erythematosus and its complications in pregnancy Description Systemic lupus erythematosus (Les) is a multisystemic, chronic pathology that is identified by the aberrant autoi...

Luck and its relationship with the book 50 Things to know about Philosophy Introduction In this essay I will deepen the subject of whether it is bad or not to......

Long -term health traumas due to child abuse INTRODUCTION The following summary is based on an article made by “European Journal of Psychotraumatology´´, published on January 1...

Literature review: Political influence in society Introduction Maurice Duverger was a French jurist, politicologist and politic. This law states that majority electoral systems to ...

Literary language and similarities in the cinematographic world Literary language works similar to cinematographic: reproduces mental creations through images whose relationship gi...

Literary criticism and its translation Introduction Generally, when listening to literary translation it can be inferred that it is the translation of a specific work such as the B...

Words: 1979

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Liberal leadership in Colombia's disciplines and sciences Leadership is a topic of interest in all areas, disciplines and sciences of humanity. That is, because it is leadership th...

LGTBI, aggressive behaviors and homophobia   The recent report on the evolution of hate crimes in Spain indicates that the three areas with the highest number of registered incide...

Let's talk about what alternates the story of the farm Introduction The first, let's talk about what alternates the story, of farm rebellion. With which he manages to form a......

Legados from the Chicago School of Communication Introduction The Chicago School of Communication maintains great legacies that have had a great impact on great social authors in L...

Learning strategies and students Learning strategies are admitted from different approaches and from several countenance. In the educational, the statements that have been raised t...

Learning, school practices and teaching In order for the educator to better do his work he must stop to reflect not only in his performance as a teacher, but how......

Leadership, irradiation and importance The paradox, a story about the true essence of leadership; It provides teaching that allows reflection on personal and group actions, having ...

Leadership in a company When I think about leadership my mind immediately goes to my father, he has the ability to take any negative situation and turn it into many......

Leadership and negotiation in the business world Introduction Every leader is aware of the value of a well -defined business strategy. Few, however, pay attention to the necessary ...

Leadership and different types of leaders in organizations When talking about leadership in an organization we must touch several important issues such as capacities, styles, purpo...

Leadership and being a true leader   Many organizations depend on a fixed structure, where the leader is established by a position in senior management. However, leadership includ...

Leadership ability    “Leadership means that a group, large or small, is willing to entrust the authority to a person who has demonstrated capacity, wisdom and competence."...

La Regenta: The book Introduction I used to think that the worst that could happen to my life was to finish alone. But not. The worst is to end people......

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Language, the biggest communication sign  Language, being an instrument of communication, is linked to our daily life. Day by day, we interact, we communicate and interact. Becaus...

Labor absenteeism in the company The concept of work absenteeism is used to refer to when a worker is absent from his job, this situation can be caused by different......

Kuiper's belt: its formation, structure, surface and systemion with Neptune Kuiper's belt is located in the outer areas of our solar system, just after Neptune's orbit, and it is b...

Knowledge theory and its adaptation in situations A theory is established based on common and related factors, with which a perspective adopted in the face of a situation is reflec...

Knowledge in natural sciences and their relationship with the past As we already know, knowledge has been present throughout the evolution of the human being and has allowed it to....

Knowing Greek myths Greek mythology is that the set of myths and legends rejoice the culture of the old state of the Balkans, which deals with its gods and heroes,......

Karma exists in love relationships   Love relationships are considered, by some, an interaction that can negatively affect a person due to the amount of feelings involved, the lev...

Karl Marx and his philosophical aspects Introduction On this occasion we have Karl Marx and its different philosophical aspects, one of the most debated is in the subject of capita...

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