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Financial Development of China vs Hong Kong Introduction Hong Kong became one of the first areas of Asia to industrialize. Economic liberalism vs. China, the second economy in the ...

Financial crisis and the imbalance of the demands Introduction The financial crisis is the monetary loss that governs in a country, region or whole world, causes the imbalance of t...

Film 'In search of happiness'   Faithful to the real history on which it is based, "in search of happiness" is set in 1981, in the city of San Francisco,......

Favoring the Silk Route to China Introduction In the old and legendary China the silk worm was cultivated and subsequently the product of this crop industrialized the silkworm. Thu...

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FAST FASTO CURRENT Introduction Zara was founded by Amancio Ortega, who currently occupies the fourth place among the richest men in the world with a fortune of more than 66000......

Factors that influence the demand for voice services on Internet Voice on Internet protocol, also called Voice on IP, Voice IP, Vozip, (VoIP for its acronym in English, Voice Over....

External debt in Ecuador in recent years Introduction The indebtedness of countries in recent years has been mainly for many of them the primary source of financing and a transitor...

Explaining Bitcoin: History, characteristics, pros and cons Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer decentralized network. No institution or person control. Bitcoins cannot be printed and their ...

EVOLUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT The human being by nature is a sociable being, from the caverns the human being has had to delegate and organize how the tasks were distributed,...

Ethics Code in Workers In this case, the UDOCZ company is dedicated to contributing all these students, teachers, people who are related to investigating, that they can gather info...

Ethics and contract rights Introduction All these rules and principles arise with the need for state entities to begin to regulate and self-regulate in order to meet these objectiv...

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Essay on the Geopolitical Book of Hunger by Jean Ziegler The book of the Swiss Jean Ziegler is divided into six parts, to talk about him I will list each......

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Equity of the Construction Company Introduction It is essential that the construction companies must have a code of ethics, in order to bring excellent management of the establishe...

Epistosis and the inheritance of the habit of the plant and the quality of the fruit Introduction The pepper (capsicum annuum l.) It is a domesticated ornamental angiosperm plant, ...

Environmental Policy of the Government of the Republic Guatemala The Government of the Republic of Guatemala, through the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, presented t...

Entrepreneur Elon Musk Introduction Elon Musk's figure is a reference for many entrepreneurs. He is a leader, a visionary. It cannot be said that he would raise his empire from......

Enron Corporation, the scammers of the century Enron was valued as one of the 7 most successful companies in the energy field, considered the most profitable in the United States,....

ENRON CASE, set of bad administrative decisions Enron company faced several financial problems, product of bad administrative and operational decisions. The curious thing about the...

England in ancient times Introduction The Great Britain of the 18th century was a rural nation based on petroindustrialization, that is, an industry in the field organized by compa...

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Email marketing: its use and its benefits Email advertising can be done on bought lists or in an updated customer database. In general, the term email marketing usually refer to......

Electric skate The new transport for adults Introduction At first glance it may seem that the electric motor scooter is a transport vehicle only for the fun of the little......

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Effects of financial crises Introduction Given this evolution, the percentage represented by the savings banks in the total credit volume ascended to exceed the banks: 49 % for the...

Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an issue that exists at least 100 years CacioPpe, Forster, & Fox, which d...

Economics of a country: Gross Domestic Product Introduction The Gross Domestic Product) is the value of all goods and services produced by a specific country or region, these will ...

Economics during Porfiriato in Mexico The continuous wars, political conflicts and foreign interventions had an impact on the economy of Mexico of the nineteenth century. During th...

Economics and globalization The economy is an issue that deals with human behavior in the context of several social events. The consumption of goods and the production of goods in....

Economic policies to deal with inflation   As in any national territory, there are rules that govern the political system with the reason to increase economic growth and promote a...

Each change in the market Introduction Each change in the market, each disorder in the economy, each change in technology and every change in the attitudes and perspectives of cons...

Drug trafficking war in Colombia and the relationship with the United States It has been demonstrated that the war that Washington carried out with Bogotá's approval against drug ...

Drug test in Mexico's economy Introduction Drugs in Mexico's economy is a very interesting and important topic in the world. Every year the Government of Mexico loses money with th...

Direct investments abroad Introduction Direct investment is understood abroad (FDI) as the direct transfer of capital, technology, management capacities and production and marketin...

Desalination: Methodology necessary for Latin America The consumption and use of non -potable water in Latin America, and especially in Colombian regions, have significantly increa...

Demography, Population Study Introduction Demography is knowledge about populations, therefore it is linked to social, legal, political, cultural, etc. The industrial revolution oc...

Democracy The constructive sense of a state Introduction Democracy and development are enormously confused and dirty resources, which cannot be packaged in precisely limited object...

Crowdfunding as a source of financing for entrepreneurs Introduction One of the main problems that entrepreneurs have, once they have already validated their idea of the business a...

Criminal Law and Arbitration Laws Introduction The arbitral agreement, although the first step to explore and the obligatory reference in the international commercial arbitration i...

Creation of Law 1314 of 2009 in Colombia Since the creation of Law 1314 of 2009 that regulates the convergence to International Financial Information Standards and Regulatory Decre...

Corporate Finance and Capitalism Introduction. After training professionally through higher education studies, he begins the job search in the world of work. People try to find a h...

Conflicts and challenges in urban planning Introduction Conflicts as challenges in urban planning, is an issue that arises thanks to how a city is composed and how it assumes is......

Computer security and problems facing SMEs Introduction Computer security (Wikipedia, Computer Security, 2019) encompasses the safety of computer equipment and also information sec...

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