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US Collective Conscience about Abortion Name Institution US Collective Conscience about Abortion The collective consciousness is an essential concept of sociology that describes a ...

Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination Student’s Name: Institution: Although a therapeutic relationship between a social worker and their client is bound to end at some ...

When confucism delayed progress The reform speaks fundamentally of moral nature. The stability and harmony of society, both in the family and in a major group, depended on the mora...

Walt Whitman's winter locomotive The poem ‘to a locomotive in winter’ written by Walt Whitman is exactly what the title says. The title explains that it is a train. Does......

The swimmer and its characteristics Introduction Swimming has been registered since prehistoric times, the oldest swimming files are paintings made in the stone age, approximately ...

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The study of hysteria: the paternal metaphor What is in the paternal metaphor? Properly, it is what has become a primary symbolization between the child and the mother, put the......

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The Society of Ignorance and the Knowledge Society The Knowledge Society or the Society of Ignorance have been having changes in recent years due to lack of interest in young......

The otherness in the story "The smallest woman in the world" Throughout time the colony invaded different parts of the world influencing ideologies, cultures and much mor...

The origins of the energy of the mitochondrial or mtdna DNA Introduction The main theme in this essay will be the mitochondrial or MTDNA DNA, for this we start from......

THE MUNICIPALITY AND ITS ORGANIZATIONS Introduction Municipalities are consolidated as a decentralized body within the State of Chile, indispensable for the execution of a series o...

The importance of socio -emotional education in learning Regarding the importance of the importance and benefit of this type of learning in the learning of a person, the psychologi...

The importance of Big Data today At present, the ability to generate data is very large since a smartphone has the ability to produce large -scale data, such as navigating......

THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION The history of television has been brief but exciting. In fact, it has been so short that many of our parents were there from the beginning......

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The genetic factors of Alzheimer's disease   In EA patient autopsies, neurofibrillar ovillus formed by TAU protein pads inside neurons are observed, giving rise to an insoluble ba...

The garbage classification Introduction Garbage containers, without pretext to avoid recycling. In our communities you can hear from neighbors with ideas to organize waste, but non...

The figure of a judge in society Introduction The work of judges and magistrates, as administrators of justice and servants of general interest, acquires utmost importance for the ...

The existence of God and the Responsible Society Introduction. Within this text, different positions and authors such as Dostoevski, Sartre, Nietzsche, Kant are confronted where it...

THE EVOLUTION OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Introduction. We are immersed in the era of communication. When talking to our friends, with our family, at work or when going to make the....

The evil of man according to Rousseau According to the philosopher Rousseau, the man was not, but became unfair and evil, reproducing the imbalance of society. Therefore, it is und...

THE CURRICULUM, LEARNING ROUTES AND, MAP OF PROGRESS As we know the curriculum is the curricular basis where the general principles of education are, it is also a very important......

The colonial nation-state in the Indianism of Fausto Reinaga In the preceding lines it was found that Western modernity produced the state-state, for this reason we can assert that...

The cell and its structural characteristic The cell was discovered by the English scientist Robert Hooke in 1665 who, when observing with a microscope manufactured by it, saw fine ...

The achievement of sports challenges and their implications Sports challenges are the main source of motivation for the athlete. Throughout the season all athletes must establish s...

Team coaching: the company's keys "There are no special awards for those who arrive alone to the goal" - Coaching since its inception has been the promoter of human capit...

Surveillance: Freedom of Business Introduction The Political Constitution of Colombia establishes in Title XII the economic and public finance regime that has to govern the Colombi...

Study on the Pasteur quadrant Research when formulated with the objective of responding to a problem, social or natural phenomenon, must be framed and delimited according to their ...

STUDY OF THE INCREASE IN THE BIRTH RATE BY SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS OF CE At present, many women who are pregnant prefer childbirth through surgical intervention such as caesarean se...

Stress: differences between sexes   Many specialists have begun to wonder why, according to the latest data, the woman practically doubles the risk of stress -related disorders. T...

Starbucks coffee shop history analysis In 1984, the original Starbucks owners, led by Jerry Baldwin, bought Peet’s. During the 1980s, total coffee sales in the USA. UU. They decr...

Specialized language Since the beginning of the 15th century, the invention of the printing press, the development of telecommunications and the beginning of the digital era favore...

Sexual education to understand sexual orientation   The objective of learning is to master the basic concepts of development psychology by applying knowledge of matter with other ...

SCHOOL ABANDONMENT: A problem that is increasingly worried In pandemic contexts, school abandonment is not a minor topic. The lack of connectivity, devices and the organization of ...

Samsung screens Introduction Access to information from your favorite cell phone brand begins with digital touches. Hence, Samsung mobile screens are the most purchased spare, whic...

Run in group, an excellent activity to share Introduction Physical exercise is very good for the mind and body, and running is one of the most popular physical activities of......

Reproductive health and family planning Introduction. Family planning more than being a strategy to reduce maternal mortality is a permanent tactic that will fully achieve sexual a...

Reflecting on works of art and progress The work of art has an incarnate meaning, a thought that is expressed, in a nonverbal way, through each of the symbols that......

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Reading challenges in the Internet era Technological advance and information management have currently transformed the learning process, for those who use it, one of them are digit...

Public power as a state element based on the 1991 political constitution The public power is exercised by the government, whether de facto "in fact", or based on a predis...

Productivity and economy in Latin America Introduction Latin America after more than a decade of insertion into the world economy, it has not been able to overcome its problems of....

Preventive music therapy as a medicine form In healthy active aging aspects to achieve well -being, in order to improve the quality of life during the aging stage, increasing socia...

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