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Free Pollution Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Pollution Tax Policy Name: Institutional Affiliation: Pollution Tax Policy The United Nation Environmental Program (UNEP) will introduce a tax on the main polluters in the world. C...

Writer’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date PM has some of the important natural sources. One of such all over the world is wildfires, which can contribute to high levels....

Unnatural Causes - Health Disparities Name Institution Unnatural Causes - Health Disparities Question One Environments have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of the ...

Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Title Date of Submission Ocean System Questions Question 1 When a balloon is inflated, air pressure is greatest on the inside rather than on ...

Water content in organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables Student’s Name University Affiliation Abstract Organic and non-organic foods today flood the market in non-equal pr...

Name Instructor Course Date Externalities in livestock Global warming is one of the serious issues that the world is trying to find a solution to today. The ever-increasing greenho...

Threats' Part of the SWOT Analysis of Ford Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Threats' Part of the SWOT Analysis of Ford Ford Motor Company, the company that holds the seco...

Name Course Tutor University Date of submission Preventing Lead Pollution For the industrial sites, lead exposure can be prevented through designing storages that minimize the expo...

Social-Psychological Perspectives Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Social-Psychological Perspectives Social psychology refers to the scientific study of people’s feelings...

The Benefits of Recycling Bottles Name Institutional Affiliation The Benefits of Recycling Bottles I. Introduction What do people do when thirsty or in the mood of a drink while on...

Student’s Name: Professor: Course: Date Speech on Plastic Pollution “Ladies and gentlemen, the use of plastics has significantly increased over the last couple of years. This i...

Name: Date: Class: Introduction This report shall interrogate the impact of human activity and particularly through the various uses of land along the Nashua River in Massachusetts...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The Tragedy of the Commons "The tragedy of the commons" refers to an economic problem that results when individuals exploit shared r...

Student’s name Professor’s name Course number Date Global Population and Resources. It could be helpful to us as a country and the rest of the world if we could consume......

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Why Southeast Asia and Australia’s Coral Reefs Became So Rich in Species The purpose of the paper is to explore the reasons why th...

Name Tutor Course Date Ecosystems Western (2001) argued that the current human population can be said to have grown fivefold. Aspects such as soil fertility, and water quality have...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Name Date Howard Energy Plan Every country needs to have a good energy plan which will help reduce the level of air pollution which is......

Corporate Scandals  Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract All corporate scandals ever reported result from lack of adherence of the business ethics and social morals within the ...

Students Name Professors Name Institution Date Burberry Good afternoon class. I am going to present to you my opinion regarding Burberry fashion company that has been accused of de...

Coal Student’s name Institution Abstract Coal refers to a type of fossil fuel which forms through a series of geological and biological processes. It starts when plant matter is ...

The most important curriculum components and which will have to appear in the evaluation models to be used in the project are the program mission and the vision. As noted,......

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Miasma Theory of Disease Miasma theory is an outdated medical theory that stated that pollution of night air caused illnesses such a...

Fossil Fuels versus Renewable Energy Name Institution Scientific and Technical Concepts of Electricity Production Electricity is produced from fossil fuels in a fossil fuel power p...

Student Name Professor Course Date Renewable Energy Project Considering the vulnerability of air and water pollution as a result of the use of various sources of power in our local...

Name: Professor’s Name Course: Date: The Three Gorges is considered as the world’s largest power station. It produces 98.8 terawatt hours which are used to meet the power de...

Student’s Name Instructor Date Great Pacific Garbage Patch Persistent sensitization in recent years concerning the environment has raised awareness on different factors that cont...

The Cost of Littering Date: Name: Course: Environmental protection awareness has notably increased in the recent past. However, one of the most significant challenges facing this e...

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Number Date Solid and Hazardous Waste This involves all the industrial by-products more especially coming from the chemical manufacturin...

Name Instructor Course Date Ray-Ban Company Ray-Ban sunglasses were introduced in 1937 in New York, United States. It was later bought by an Italian company, Luxottica. The comp...

Student’s Name Environmental Security Date of Submission Environmental Security The continued environmental degradation attributed to pollution and other human activities has res...

Global Health Patterns Student Name Institution Affiliation A review of the three posts identified a global health pattern associated with ischemic heart disease as the leading cau...

Reflections on Inside the Haiti Earthquake Simulation Name Institutional Affiliation Reflections on Inside the Haiti Earthquake Playing the simulation Inside the Haiti Earthquake, ...

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Name Instructor Course Date Response to Questions Q1. Automobiles like cars have become the heart of transportation since they got invented and individuals are much influenced by t...

Extinction Student Name Institution Affiliation Every year Earth is losing a certain species of wildlife. This has a significant impact on the ecosystem, hence humans should be con...

Name: Professor: Course: Date: Effect of CO2 on the Environment Greenhouse gases are responsible for the much rise in temperatures on the earth surface that results in global warmi...

Student: Instructor: Course: Date: The benefits of Hybrid Vehicles in Conservation of Environment Brief Presentation The topic of my research going by the name “hybrid cars” wa...

The benefits of Hybrid Vehicles in Conservation of Environment Annotated Demirdoven, Nurettin, and John Deutch. "Hybrid cars now, fuel cell cars later." Science 305.5686 (2004): ...

Essay #3 Research Checklist   Write a critical question or questions about your essay #3 topic to help guide your research and writing. Remember that as with your other papers,......

Student’s name Instructor’s name Course Date High Cost of Cheap Clothes I don’t pay much attention to where my clothes are made. But I care much about who made them.......

Maternal Exposure Name Date The rate of environmental pollution is increasing on a daily basis. This means that the pregnant women need to take the following precautions to avoid o...

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