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The promise of capitalist happiness, self-help and psychoanalysis Reading covers different issues such as the promise of capitalist happiness and self-help in relation to psychoana...

The president's facts Introduction To stop the pandemic and address it in the best possible way, the former vice president proposes a national free coronavirus detection test progr...

The perfume: the shocking story of Jean Baptiste Grenouille On July 17, 1738, in the most horrible place in Paris, Jean Baptiste Grenouille was born between the waste, it was......

Theories of doubt Introduction Descartes, on his way to the encounter with certainty, already raises the methodical doubt: he rejects as absolutely false everything in which he cou...

The oldest cave paintings in Europe The oldest cave paintings in Europe have been found in recent years in Spain. These are prehistoric paintings that are around 65,000 years old.....

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The Northern Manchegas Witches In the Castilian-Chanchegas lands, the phenomenon of witchcraft was little extended compared to other areas of the Peninsula. There is not much docum...

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The new three -wheeled electric vehicle Introduction The three -wheel electric scooter due to its design and style, is a popular transport vehicle for adults who want to make funny...

The Naval Battle of Midway in World War II Introduction In this essay we will announce about the Naval Battle of Midway, it is considered as "the battle that complete......

The natural world and its costumes The natural world has always been a great source of inspiration for the creation of costumes, because with so many animals in nature, both......

The most common injuries in the world of football Soccer is the majority sport in many countries of the world, including Spain and several South American countries. Therefore, know...

The Matrix under the deterministic look The objective of this work is to analyze a scene of the film Matrix Reload that revolves around the theme of determinism and moral......

The major depressive disorder Introduction It is a very frequent disease in humans, comes from Latin depressio and means knocking down. This term describes very well the syndrome, ...

The Machiavery Prince and his Theories Reading is a political doctrine agreement which was written by Nicolás Machiavelli, writer, diplomat and also political and Italian philosop...

The little prince and reflections of the author being small Introduction This story is like a reflection of the adventures that lived in his imagination as a young boy along......

THE LITERARY WORK THE TRIBULATIONS OF THE STUDENT Törless The literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless", was a work written by the Austrian author Robert ...

The invention of the radio, its history As with the vast majority of inventions, the radio is not born with the same purpose for which we know it today, which......

The influence of drugs on student performance Educational institutes can be part of a drug trafficking chain where drug addicted students and in threatened special cases are seller...

The incredible and sad story of Candida, review The incredible and sad story of CandidThe question is in this book you may tell something that can happen in Colombia? Or......

The importance of hydraulic fracturing for the environment Why use hydraulic fracturing (fracking)? The first and not least in what we have to think about is the world energy deman...

The importance of acting in pandemic times   In these difficult and complicated times for people there is a small moment of liberation that is very effective, we refer to......

THE IMAGE OF GOD ACCORDING TO SAN JUAN Introduction The Gospel of St. John, is one of the constituent canonical gospels of the New Testament. It stands out for stylistic......

The howlers: bigger monkeys in the New World Howl monkeys are a very particular species belonging to the New World. They can be found in the tropical areas of Central......

THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION The history of television has been brief but exciting. In fact, it has been so short that many of our parents were there from the beginning......

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The history and event analysis Introduction History is the science that aims to analyze the events of the past, traditionally of humanity, and as a procedure, that of social/human ...

The heroes of the neighborhood Introduction Once upon a time there was a young man named Arthur, worked in a supermarket, lived in a very poor neighborhood. I had a......

The gestational pregnancy process Pregnancy is a natural process inherent to the human being, which contributes to human reproduction, Menéndez, Nava, Hidalgo & Espert affirm ...

Theft and technological crime Introduction Today, a good part of the various activities that we carry out part of the economically active population are developed through digital p...

The Film Festival as Social "Field" Beyond the film industry, the figure of the film festival has an undeniable social meaning. It is within the festival where certain so...

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The fall of the Byzantine Empire Introduction Both inside Islam and within Christianity there are internal divisions. As for Islam, we identify various currents or groups such as S...

The existence of God and the Responsible Society Introduction. Within this text, different positions and authors such as Dostoevski, Sartre, Nietzsche, Kant are confronted where it...

The empowerment of the patient in the health system Interest in patient empowerment in the health care sector has been increasing in recent years. The patient's potentiation focuse...

The doubt and individuality of the people Introduction Before starting to develop the dissertation, we must ask ourselves what identity is. Well, if we look for it in the dictionar...

The concert tribute to the South African black leader Nelson Mandela Introduction One billion people, in more than 50 countries, witnessed yesterday the tribute concert that musici...

The best children's books Introduction There are books that go unnoticed, others that become bestsellers many years after publication and others that are number one in sales from d...

The beautiful tropical flowers Introduction Tropical flowers, the most beautiful and strange flowers. I could not be missing in our blog dedicated to flowers, a page to explain and...

The atypical values of our society Many are the signs that reflect that something worrying is happening in our society. Our society supports a serious language crisis. Every prospe...

The argument behind religious radicalization We are going to begin by defining a series of concepts, the first is fundamentalist, it is an antiliberal movement, mostly religious, r...

The Altamira cave Introduction 30 meters after the lobby, is the great room of the polychromes. It is here where most of the drawings and engravings are that we have......

The 1984 book, political novel   The book "1984" is a political novel of dystopian fiction. It was written by Erik Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell in 1948......

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Thanks to Coronavirus;Netflix increases exorbitantly number of subscribers  The platform ranges from the 16 million subscribers in the United States and 183 million worldwide, wit...

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