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Cross of Templars: Hispanic warriors The Templar Cross encloses a controversy as many have wanted to end. The meaning this cross comes from the Middle Ages. It is the templar......

Critical thinking in the modern information era Critical thinking or The Critical Thinking is intended to analyze the information objectively and perform a reasoned trial. This imp...

Criminal Law as Criminal Prevention Introduction What is the subsidiary nature of criminal law? “In a social and democratic state of law, criminal prevention mechanisms must impl...

Concerns and differences presented between rationalism - Empiricism A long time ago both rationalism and empiricism generate many concerns and open many questions against the compl...

Concept of citizenship and requirements to grant citizenship Introduction In this work I will present my concept of citizenship specifically, trying to complement the above with wh...

Comparison between Ramón María del Valle-Inclán and Pedro Salinas In this essay on modernism, a comparison will be made between two great authors of this literary movement: Ram�...

Comparing the pictorial works: the monalisa and the cry The "Mona Lisa" and "The cry" are works that are located in a totally different time and talking about a...

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Comparative approach to qualitative research Introduction. Through the history of science, various currents have emerged such as empiricism, dialectical materialism, positivism, ph...

Communication as communication sciences for the human Introduction Communication as indicated by Andrés Novoa (1980) "is as old as life itself, since it belongs to the most b...

Clinical pharmacology: drugs that affect the results of clinical biochemistry tests Introduction In analytical tests there are substances of interference, their origin can be organ...

Civil Law from its origin to the present Civil law has changed so much as time since its origin has been very important, since it entertains contracts between family, relationships...

Charles s. Peirce and his idea of pragmatism Charles Pierce was an original and very intelligent thinker who opened roads in philosophy and semiotic research, was also one of the.....

Characteristics and style of abstract art “Art is generally understood as any activity or product carried out with an aesthetic and also communicative purpose, through which idea...

Cash flow optimization Introduction. According to Condusef, SMEs are small or medium -sized companies in terms of revenue volume, equity value and number of workers. This same clas...

Carta Magna and its principles Introduction Within the Magna Carta, several fundamental principles and rights, which must be complied with by the State in general, and under no cir...

Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach Introduction Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, was the most important composer of Empfindsame Stil, the German variant of the Style French galant, and, more gen...

Book The Little Prince, a classic work   The book of the Little Prince is considered the most important works for the author Antonie de Saint-Exupéry, has already sold more......

Book Summary The Alchemist In his first part, this book tells us about Santiago, someone very close to his sheep because he thought he had a connection with them, he......

Becquer's Liii rhyme study The poem "Liii" belongs to the poet liked by Adolfo Claudio Domínguez Bastida better known as Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, belonging to the moveme...

Basic notions of logic and importance Introduction The basic notions of legal logic were created so that they can help us to know what are the main logical structures in......

Axiety states valuation According to Beck t. & Clark a. The states of anxiety are multifaceted and these states are in turn experienced by people differently in the face of......

A VISION TO THE SCIENCE OF SOCIOLOGY IN THE FIELD OF STUDIES Sociology there is no doubt that it is one of the most important sciences in the field of......

Atomic Theory: Bohr Atomic Model The atomic model of scientist Niels Bohr, who influenced contemporary physics There were two emblematic contributions made to atomic theory, Danish...

As water becomes drinkable Introduction Water content is a very important factor on which coligative and texture properties depend, it also greatly influences chemical, physical an...

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Art History: Past and present in dialogue What is the art? What requirements should a work have to be considered art? Throughout history, there have been attempts to give various.....

Aristotle, the intellectual multifaceted Aristotle, the multifaceted intellectual. The Greek philosopher Aristotle is recognized as the founder of western philosophy with his teach...

Angels in the New Testament So far we have stopped almost exclusively in the Angels of the Old Testament, whose visits and messages have not been in any way;But when......

ANALYSIS OF THE PENALITY OF THE CONCISION INTRODUCTION Among the crimes against the Public Administration-of Delites committed by public officials specifically the crime of concuss...

Analysis of the first round to the world of Magallanes and Elcano explorers Last Friday we attend two conferences from a seminar on the relationship of the first return to......

Analysis of the first critical theory of rationalist positivism: Empirism Introduction With this work, the approach of the first criticism of positivist rationalism is presented, w...

Analysis of Pablo Neruda Poem 18 Introduction. The poem "I love you here" by the poems "20 love poems and a desperate song" belongs to the Chilean author Pablo ...

Analysis of Pablo Neruda Poem 13 Introduction. Poem 13 is a composition of the Chilean Pablo Neruda, one of the most important poets of the twentieth century and a member......

Alfred Hitchcock: Filme Rebecca (1940)   This film that we are going to analyze, produced in 1940 by the British director Alfred Hitchcock, can be framed within the so -called......

Alcoholism and science behind addiction Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that has been used for several centuries and is legally accepted in any country, despite the toxic prope...

Accusatory Criminal System in Latin America and the case of Mexico The reforms in justice systems in the Latin American region have emerged since the last century by support from.....

Accounting as an accounting research program INTRODUCTION This brief refers to the theme of scientific research program, which is addressed in an article by the author Leandro Cañ...

Accounting, Accounting Processes and Accounting Books Introduction Bringing the accounting of a business is important because it is the guide to make current or future decisions, b...

A Camino de Santiago, the Royal Camino de Guadalupe Introduction With as much history as the same Camino de Santiago, the Real Camino de Guadalupe rises as one of the......

Abstraction at the avant -garde: Italian futurism The concept of abstraction can be understood with the etymological sense of the word "abstract". It is defined as “sep...

Student's name Instructor's name CourseDate Introduction Since the inception of modern social laws, studies have emerged on the effects of employment and labor laws to the contempo...

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