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THE IDEA OF FREEDOM Introduction “The performance society is dominated in its entirety by the modal verb power, as opposed to the society of the discipline, which formulates proh...

The hypothesis and as stated Introduction A hypothesis is an assumption made by someone with respect to any situation or some phenomenon in particular, which can be proven or in......

The human mind in the student's time Introduction I consider that we as humans have the ability to create both ideas and our own thoughts, where we acquire through texts......

THE HISTORY OF EQUALITY IN SOCIETY Equality is defined as a fundamental characteristic within the society in which the same rights, obligations and principles for all its members m...

The fusion between ballet and contemporary dance While, in the origins of modern and contemporary dance, ballet appears as a model to reject or a strange field, in the second......

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The focus of a thesis applying qualitative research Introduction. In his writing entitled how to do a good thesis project with qualitative methodology, Miguel Martínez Miguélez, ...

The first industrialized countries Introduction The origin of the first globalization is given thanks to the transmission of industrialization. The first direct consequence is an i...

The fear of death, uncertainty of the unknown Introduction In order to understand the existence of the human being, it is importantHe has when facing the world or how it......

The existence of God and the evil of the world To understand this question we are going to analyze what is understood by “bad” Santo Tomás (1996) it specifies it......

The economic crisis and inflation in Argentina Currently, Argentina is a victim again of an economic crisis: President Macri failed in his attempt to stop inflation. Likewise, pric...

The cynics do not serve this trade, good journalism "The cynics do not work for this trade", with the subtitle "about good journalism", it is an essay by the Po...

The criticism of the family structure of the Victorian period in "Doll Casa" "Casa de Dolls" is a dramatic work written by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen...

The consequences of emigration in Venezuela   It is impossible not to recognize that at present the problem of Venezuelan migration in the country brings with it consequences both...

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The confidence between the family and the importance of the family union Introduction The trust between the family is vital so that there is a good family union and each......

The community, people and racism as discrimination Racism is discrimination by a person or community towards another for believing in a superiority either by skin color, opinion, r...

The causes and realities of Honduran migration Introduction Honduras is a country full of wealth that offers a variety of tourist places and that contains a lot of potential to......

The audit and its types in accounting branch Introduction Accounting is the registration of all operations that are carried out within an entity, whether small or large, within thi...

The Alzheimer's impact on caregivers In cases where the caretaker is a woman, she is usually the wife in almost 20% in charge of taking care of her spouse and......

The 1984 book, political novel   The book "1984" is a political novel of dystopian fiction. It was written by Erik Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell in 1948......

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Technology in the student and professional field At present, technological development processes applied to architecture require a more trained professional in information manageme...

Tax Reform for the Improvement of the Country Introduction Implementing a tax reform is of the utmost importance for the development and improvement of a country, since, it depends...

Taxes paid by a footballer Introduction More and more players are investigated by the Treasury for the evasion of taxes, which leads us to ask ourselves, how many taxes a......

Superhero Party Introduction Who does not like superheroes? I think we have all dream of having a custom created uniform, the powers to be able to fly, climb, swing through......

Summary of my sister Carrie Introduction Plot: everything starts in the city of Columbia City in Winsconsin in August 1889. We find a young Caroline Weeber or also called lane,......

Suffering from the perspective of phenomenology Phenomenology is but what is now called descriptive psychology. The phenomenology that precedes Kant, Fichte and Hegel. It is practi...

Studies by novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne  What constitutes the essence of effective direction is a group of voluntary followers. The effective industrial leader is dedicated to man...

Stress and job satisfaction Introduction According to his thesis entitled: “Stress and job satisfaction” study conducted with the collaborators of footwear, clothing, electroni...

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Spanish dialects and pronunciation improvement practice in Spanish class The countries different from studying what are the Latin American countries that are currently the best lan...

Society exerts a strong influence on our behavior and attitude Introduction To elaborate this essay I will address as society and the way it is organized affects our daily behavior...

Social networks and their influence today Communication is very important for human being because it is a social being that throughout its life is in contact with other people, suc...

Smart ambulances could help save more lives It is likely that most people should depend on the attention of an ambulance from time to time throughout their lives. But in......

Sisypho's punishment thanks to its ambition Introduction Sisypho's punishment. Sisyphus is the most cunning of mortals and the least scrupulous. He is the son of Eole and belongs t...

Siginified of the Bible and its origin: Old Testament Introduction According to the National Pastoral Plan: the Bible comes from the Greek Bible that means written daughter or writ...

self-reflection: academic plagiarism Introduction First, as an introduction the term of academic plagiarism is defined and the problematic situations in which it is difficult to de...

Sales personnel today Introduction The main force of every company is its staff, since it is this who establishes the direct relationship between the client and the company that pr...

Rumors of the movie The Avengers Introduction Exhausted presales, collapsed systems, early hours ... even without being released, Endgame Avengame was already a success. A job dire...

Rosalind Elsie Franklin: Double DNA scructure Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) was an English chemistry and crystallographer, responsible for important contributions to the unde...

Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction This technology progresses and this is immersed by different sciences, the main one is the medicinal field where it causes an imp...

Review: movie the lord of the rings Introduction Review the Lord of the Rings, by Julio Inostroza: the cinematographic journey of a visionary. Films that were based on the writings...

Republic: the state justice and the individual Introduction In book II, Plato at the time of Socrates to answer the question of what justice is, creates a city. His thought......

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