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Summer night dream: Bed bedrooms Introduction Some people say that a cover is different from any bed quilt, but, the truth is that they are almost the same. It is......

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Summary of the book The richest man in Babylon   This book writes some stories, taking the richest and wise of Babylon as a point referring to Arkad, but this......

Social Security Principles in the Nicaraguan Legal Order According to article number two (2) of Social Security Law Law No. 539 establishes that they will be governed by the follow...

Social Information Protection Introduction For Locke, inventions must fulfill a usefulness standard, however, the level of utility it grants is very low and would be given by the p...

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Skin histology as the largest organ of the human body The skin is the largest organ of the human body, in addition to representing 15% of body weight. This has......

Sexually transmitted diseases in adolescent Sexually transmitted diseases in adolescent has been an issue of which many of these have not had a good knowledge, and although some be...

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Sex education and contraceptive methods The work organized between the UN and more organizations (1) alludes that sex education is a right that has the objective of promoting and p...

Security in the technological area  Introduction Find out the organization's assets, including staff, hardware, software, systems and data that make up your computer system. They ...

School stress or academic stress   Academic stress that defines as that pressure that presents mental problems because of the demands produced in the educational field. In other w...

Samsung screens Introduction Access to information from your favorite cell phone brand begins with digital touches. Hence, Samsung mobile screens are the most purchased spare, whic...

Royal penguins: description, habitat, reproduction The royal penguin obtains its real title of the distinctive orange yellow feathers that begin on the forehead and run along the s...

Rights in the Constitution and due process Introduction Within the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador of the year 2008 we can realize that it is considered as a higher......

Relationship between the human being and the ecological life   There is a relationship between human being and nature, the study of this relationship is called human ecology. At t...

Reflection on the Greek Tragedy of Antigona Antigone was written by Sophocles in the attic era of the seventh century.C. The work begins with the dispute between two brothers on......

Protection of oil in the Persian Gulf Introduction The threat that was presented to the flow of oil exports to the West was so worrying that I cause powers such......

Procedures related to minors protection Introduction The LEC, after the latest reforms that it has experienced in 2015, contemplates the following procedures related to the protect...

Prevalence of chickens onphalitis Summary The present investigation was carried out with the objective of making the importance of diagnosing epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis ...

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Presumption of innocence, accusatory criminal system At present, it is sought to have mechanisms that grant efficient and protection of human rights, in which each State have norms...

Powers of the Union of the Mexican Political System Through time, we have been submerged in constant evolution, not only in regard to living beings, but a wave of changes......

Political problems in Ireland del Norte Introduction The uncertainty of what will happen in Northern Ireland is an issue that is not completely resolved. One of the main problems t...

People influenced by films  Information as an influence to reduce errors. The Kick Ass movie is mainly based on an organization of individuals called: "Justice Forever" ...

Pastive hunting as human activity Hunting is a human activity that has been practiced since prehistory, it was the main occupation of man in these times. The man began to......

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Parameters of the law in the face of violence Introduction Domestic violence is a worldwide problem that crosses the limits of socioeconomic class, age, religion and ethnic origin....

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Orcas: Aggressive and intelligent predators One of the most emblematic symbols of the ocean, orca is a charismatic species that probably has the largest geographical distribution o...

Opinion on gender equality and inequality Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution establishes that all Spaniards are equal to the law, without making any gender distinction. However...

Online carts and purchases Introduction Indeed, our life has become much easier since there are those excellent teams that make us easier routine tasks. Going shopping to the super...

Not one less: one every 30 hours Femicide is a word that has been used largely in Latin America. In a book about femicide they define it as ‘the misogynist......

Noise prohibition and legislation Taking European legislation as a model, Spain has developed not only noise laws but also action plans and noise maps with the objective of establi...

National Security in times of crisis The crisis of what has been called a new economy is a global crisis, because everyone developed, to a greater or lesser extent, has......

Multiple sclerosis and pediatric patient Introduction When there is an alteration in myelin, we can talk about a dysmicyelinizing or demyelinizing disease, the difference is that d...

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Motivation in the River of Life Introduction From the lower part of the waterfall, the healing perspective of the diseases would imply saving the individuals of drowning, which ent...

Most popular tokyo neighborhoods Introduction Within the impressive capital of the country of the rising sun, it finds a unique corner where to enjoy the more traditional Japan. Th...

Modern Constitutionalism First prediction Constitutionalism is the result of a diversity of political manifestations, which date back to times prior to the birth of cultures which ...

MINDO: A beautiful forest to visit Introduction Mindo is a small people respectful of the environment and precisely because of that is one of the best places in Ecuador to......

Microorganisms on the surface of the skin Introduction The use of perfumes or fragrances is very common in society, since it is a product frequently used by humans to transpire......

METHODOLOGY TO PERFORM THE AUDIT OF A COMPANY Audit planning The first thing that should be done in a systems audit is how to planThe design of the methods, techniques......

Mechanical Risk Management Report Introduction The risks caused by machines and tools are one of the most common factors that we find both in everyday life and in the different......

Meaning of intellectual and industrial property Intellectual property is usually related to what creations of the mind is, it is something that includes inventions as well as symbo...

Mattered woman, a silent plea    Gender violence has become an urgent social problem to be treated we are living in a macho society, in which the woman is being......

Long -term health traumas due to child abuse INTRODUCTION The following summary is based on an article made by “European Journal of Psychotraumatology´´, published on January 1...

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