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Customer service, after -sales and loyalty Introduction As the main purpose of this content, it is to show in an orderly manner some bases and tools for the implementation and......

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Customer service, achieving your satisfaction Customer satisfaction It is the evaluation of a service carried out by the client, this assessment depends on, if the same needs and m...

Current smoker psychology In this work we will talk about the different visions of tobacco both from the smoker, from those who are with the smoker somewhere and from a......

Current or Movement of Psychology: Behaviorism Behaviorism is a current or movement of psychology which was structured by philosophical and psychological movements which had a dire...

Critical reflection of the behavioral manifesto  Introduction Next, a critical reflection of the behavioral manifesto published by J is going to be made.B. Watson will be analyzed...

Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...

Criminology and the study of criminological theories Criminology, as an empirical science, aims to a multifactorial study of the world of crime and diverted behavior for it the obj...

Criminology and its importance in the psychological understanding of criminals Introduction The study of criminology is very important for professional training in legal and legal ...

Criminal Psychology: Behavior, inheritance and factors Introduction Since ancient times the human being has criminal behavior, he is attracted to performing actions that most would...

Criminal personality characteristics. Introduction As you will remember, in the subjects of criminological theories, criminal psychology and criminal sociology you studied the orie...

Criminal Law and its History Introduction Criminal law is part of law in general that as we have already studied, it is responsible for complying with the legal norm that......

Criminal behavior and criminology Introduction Criminology was born with Cesar Lombroso, although it has been retaken by other authors such as UNINATEL, Laurent etc. In such a way ...

Crime and punishment: inevitable dementia The nineteenth century was the period of industrialization in Europe, which brought with it a change of ideology at the social and economi...

Creativity in stages of knowledge processes Introduction Knowledge has been a question that humans have seen the opportunity to give an explanation to what surrounds us and especia...

Covid19 isolation in the family The importance of this project is to know more about social isolation by COVID-19 and the family, both in how it affects each of the......

Corporate Social Responsibility Proposal of the Yanacocha Minera in Cajamarca Currently, companies are no longer seen as simple profit -producing entities for some, work for others...

Coping with death Introduction Death and the process of dying is common to all cultures and coping before it can be carried out in different ways. On the one hand,......

Contemporary history and its methodology Introduction This work of difficult understanding encompasses the methodology and characteristics of the historiographic current in which t...

Contemporary Applications of Psychology Development Introduction In this essay I will be discussing psychology. I will cover more about the origin of psychology. I will talk about ...

Consumer behavior in different places Introduction Marketing managers study consumer buying behavior to know the needs, desires and demands of the consumer with the aim of providin...

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Conscious from the behavioral point of view Introduction Before entering the central theme that is the "conscious from the behavioral point of view", I want to give my in...

CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS: Behavioral management of jealousy Introduction. The term jealousy comes from the Greek Zealous alludes to the emotion we have before the suspicion that we crea...

Concept, areas and applications of psychology What is psychology? Psychology is an interesting science by itself, it is a discipline that studies human behavior, as well as mental ...

Computer science, advantages of online education   Over time different ideological and cultural changes have been experienced. They have made great scientific discoveries very imp...

Compulsive and Mental Health Disorder in Chile The obsessive compulsive disorder, better known as TOC, is classified within the DSM IV (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental ...

Components and classifications of emotions Concepts and components of emotion  It is known by definition of emotion to the set of organic responses that a person feels when he rea...

Complementary therapies and spirituality in health problems The articles analyzed highlight the therapeutic capacity of spirituality in health problems, encompasses the dimension t...

Comparison between crime and punishment (Fiódor Dostoyevski) and El Cuervo (Edgar Allan Poe) Introduction Through this work, an analysis of each work was carried out such as the c...

Comparative approach to qualitative research Introduction. Through the history of science, various currents have emerged such as empiricism, dialectical materialism, positivism, ph...

Communication and sign language Introduction Talking about language and communication is a way of expressing ourselves, of talking about our ideas and thoughts in many different wa...

Colors and emotions: indispensable for design Human beings always have had the need to communicate, with the passage of time, we were looking for and at the same time using......

Color Psychology: Tips for choosing the best color for brands The color is very strong and unconsciously influences us. Based on an investigation published by the National Health I...

Cognitivism as the development of intellectual, communicative and logical skills Introduction Cognitivism was a dominant current in the experimental psychology of the twentieth cen...

Climate change, phenomenon caused by the increase in temperatures Climate change is a phenomenon caused by the increase in temperature at a global level, this occurs dueknown is ca...

Children's quality of life improvements through child psychology Introduction This essay will talk about child psychology, whose objective is to improve the quality of life of chil...

Child Psychology, Definition and Importance Socially, children are almost always related to smiling faces, fun and games. However, in them it is also possible that anxiety, stress,...

Childhood lessons and its feeding Introduction Cheyenne Perry is a 21 -year -old psychology student who lives in South Carolina, United States. She would go quite unnoticed if not ...

Chess in school education Chess is the best known strategy game in the world, where thousands of people practice it and participate in international tournaments or competitions, th...

Characteristics signs of battered women   Bad treatment and gender violence have become two more and more visible concepts both in politics and in health and, of course, also in.....

Characteristics of the philosophical thought of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages In ancient Greece, the first approaches of thought were philosophical, and with it different ori...

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