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THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AS A ACADEMIC SUBJECT The Spanish language is an academic subject whose objective is to teach students to communicate correctly, orally and written, in the Spa...

The scientific revolution, effects on society If today we asked a child if he is able to imagine a world without technological means such as computers or cell phones, we......

The portrait of poetry Introduction In the text the painting of Lizarda the beauty Sor Juana describes the difficulty that implies to elaborate a portrait, because for her in her.....

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The moon can affect the dream Introduction Over the years, the full moon has been blamed for everything from the crime peaks to madness and baby booms. But could it......

The methods of the legal interpretation  The interpretation of the legal norm, through different methods has been a need that the human being has seen since the law has become......

The importance of the appointment in writing Academic and investigative writing is a rigorous process, which requires the proper use of authors -based arguments, which have previou...

THE IMAGE OF GOD ACCORDING TO SAN JUAN Introduction The Gospel of St. John, is one of the constituent canonical gospels of the New Testament. It stands out for stylistic......

The hypothesis and as stated Introduction A hypothesis is an assumption made by someone with respect to any situation or some phenomenon in particular, which can be proven or in......

The history and event analysis Introduction History is the science that aims to analyze the events of the past, traditionally of humanity, and as a procedure, that of social/human ...

The construction of the identity of the protagonist Literary elements Introduction Leila Slimani is a writer and journalist, winner of the Goncourt Award in 2016 with her second wo...

THE COMPANY EL SUBARDER S.A. Introduction On February 15, 2019, D. Luis Jara arranged with the company El Sunset S.A., An insurance contract against the theft of a collection of......

The characters: Secondary Papers Introduction What secondary character does the most important role have? They approve an admirable text that by using this embellish writing taking...

The 1984 book, political novel   The book "1984" is a political novel of dystopian fiction. It was written by Erik Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell in 1948......

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Techniques for the realization of documentaries Introduction Documentary research techniques. Documentary research is a very important part of the entire research process, since th...

Table of the roles and responsibilities of psychologists Introduction Private consultant- is responsible for granting his point of view on a specific topic. When we talk about the ...

Statistical book report and its document Introduction We can define the statistical report as the document by which the statistical analyzes carried out in a study are shown. Throu...

Security in the technological area  Introduction Find out the organization's assets, including staff, hardware, software, systems and data that make up your computer system. They ...

Resources to improve the English language Introduction Have you ever wondered how you could improve your pronunciation in English? Or how to help your children in this aspect? In g...

Real estate guarantees Introduction Thanks to the validity of this law, contracts for transferable guarantee are more formal, because these must be submitted in writing, in additio...

Poems analysis of Garcilaso de la Vega The poems "while pink and lucena" by Garcilaso de la Vega and "while competing with your hair" by the poet Luis de Góngo...

Plato's banquet, the greatest symbolic work of ancient philosophy Plato's banquet is considered one of the greatest symbolic works of ancient philosophy. The characters of this wri...

ORIGIN OF ACCOUNTING AS TECHNICAL SCIENCE Introduction Accounting is a technical science that allows us to classify in an organized way all the operations that are carried out with...

Organize your job search Introduction I have always mentioned that looking for work is a complicated task that requires a lot of time. Many times you have a goal: to......

Narrative journalist: Diffinition and what the profession consists Narrative journalism is a way to move the reader showing a story with more details that they can find in usual ne...

Mental health: decisions in the health context This article expresses a transformation of a paternalistic model, based on authorities that previously possessed a therapist doctor t...

Medical abbreviations for the use of medicines Medical abbreviations that shorten a word, dose or medication have evolved over time and today are widespread in the writing of docto...

Mechanisms of Criminal Justice Introduction Due to the various background in the application of transitional justice for conflict resolution, a sufficient range of mechanisms for t...

Martin Seligman: meaning of life Seligman is considered the greatest promoter of positive psychology. For him, happiness is boycotted by pain. Think that the concept of happiness i...

Literary genres and the different concepts of this There are various meanings to define the concept of literary gender within literature. This is why, according to the reading of v...

Lenin's position before the right The texts on the right written by Lenin are few, but they are mostly connected to their conception of the State and concept of proletarian......

Historical review of black death Introduction. In 1346 the first infection outbreak occurs in China, where the Mongol Empire ruled begins to strengthen its commercial routes (writi...

Historical comment of a Greek text The text of this practice is a text of historiographic origin, dating from the year 121 D.C, in the full republican Rome, it still......

Historians and their classification Introduction The history. This term can be classified as a chronological record of events (such as those to see a nation or an institution) ofte...

Essay on the purpose of the Courts When we talk about the case seen in procedural matters, we refer to the decision made by the judge on said subsequent cause......

Plagiar Plagiarism is considered as the action of presenting the content of another author as his own. This can be literary, scientific, artistic, among others. The same arises at ...

Densidation of the density of a sodium chloride solution (NaCl) To be able to carry out an experiment effectively it is important to know some concepts that facilitate the understa...

Cyberspace: Types of Crimes In the beginning of the times “it was the word, then the writing, later the role and thus subsequently has reached computers and its interconnection i...

Critical review of comedy written by Aristophanes: La Paz   This comedy presented and written by Aristophanes was first published in 421 to.C. With him which he received his secon...

Criminal Law and Arbitration Laws Introduction The arbitral agreement, although the first step to explore and the obligatory reference in the international commercial arbitration i...

Consequences for the use of cell phones Introduction Today, the cell phone is a vital part of our lives, much of our time is found in it, without a doubt......

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