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Educational Management and its benefits in the workplace   Every company, business or institution must guide their actions to obtain the expected result and achieve the objectives...

Ecuador is not prepared for automated systems On October 17, the technical visit was made to the Coca Cola industrial plant. In this place, Electronics students could know the impo...

Dracula's work and the purpose of the character The work itself begins when Jonathan Harker, a young English lawyer promised with the young and beautiful governing Wilhemino Murray...

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Disagos of the Mercado Objective: Competition analysis Introduction. Globalization has led to the emergence of new markets, but also, innumerable competences;That is why companies ...

Differes product marketing services marketing For Kotler and Keller (2016), "A product is anything that can be offered to a market [...] including physical goods, services [.....

Different types of business demonstrations to develop the country's economy The economic system in which it is based on the creation of wealth, for this it is vitally important to....

Despair and transparency in the literary works of Chul, Rimbaud and Baudelaire When we refer to the term "transparency" we talk about everything that represents being cle...

Dehydrated Pina Export Market Study Market study Dehydrated pineapple or pineapple snacks has a very high level of consumption current. Dehydration of these does not provide any ch...

Decision making with artificial intelligence At present there is no talk of companies to produce efficiently, but of organized companies to generate knowledge and apply it for the ...

Crowdfunding as a source of financing for entrepreneurs Introduction One of the main problems that entrepreneurs have, once they have already validated their idea of the business a...

Critical analysis of the airline Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines is the main low -cost airline in the world. And a clear example of which low cost does not mean poor......

Creation of Law 1314 of 2009 in Colombia Since the creation of Law 1314 of 2009 that regulates the convergence to International Financial Information Standards and Regulatory Decre...

Corporate culture and their characteristics Introduction Corporate or organizational culture is known as those values, customs, habits, guidelines, beliefs, rituals, symbols, model...

Container terminals seek automation on the path of the automobile industry Automation is a process that is reaching all sectors of the industry with different approaches, sometimes...

Comparison between Ramón María del Valle-Inclán and Pedro Salinas In this essay on modernism, a comparison will be made between two great authors of this literary movement: Ram�...

Company cost management center Over time any organization that carries an economic activity, has always tried to have systems in which its different financial movements are reflect...

Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Introduction. The MLQ considers other variables related to organizational consequences, such as: extra effort, effectiveness, satisfacti...

Casablanca A love story Introduction White House. "Casablanca" is a 1942 film that will focus on the character of Rick, who will have several love dilemmas, but will not ...

Carlomagno's army and his battle Introduction Parallel to the effort to establish an organized and centralized administration, Charlemagne sought the regulation of the army in rela...

Branding through a specialized book "The essential book in the knowledge of the methodology of the brand development process". Indeed, in addition to explaining the impor...

Aviation reached zero emissions in 2020 The two faces of the currency for this industry, because this year suffered losses never expected, but it is also the year in which......

Apple's story and its world context In the world context the market has changed, it is no longer a predictable and stable environment, it is now a place that is......

Apple, in 1971 Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs were known Introduction Startups are born in moments of total uncertainty and are based on an innovative business idea, but that is......

Animal experiments and research throughout history Animal experiments have been given throughout history, including recognized philosophers were participants in this practice, such...

Amazon and its technological base to function Amazon has a very solid technological basis to manage the orders of millions of people in the world. As technology evolves, its techno...

Amazon and its position in E-Commerce sales Amazon has become one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world and many entrepreneurs wonder what is the key to reaching such......

Amazon: a great company that has everything Introduction Amazon s.L. (LIMITED COMPANY) It is a company originally from the US. UU., Its main market is electronic commerce together ...

Adaptation of the Kentuky Fried Chicken franchise Introduction The present work is an investigation into the coupling of the transnational Kentuky Fried Chickn KFC in the Ecuadoria...

Abortion theories according to Fernando Rielo According to Fernando Rielo if you want to define the person, we must start from the metaphysical absolute because the supreme express...

3D printed food, the future of food Introduction Printed food, although it will never be too similar or equal to real food, it aims I think that the point of......

Functional Behaviour Assessment Name Institution An FBA (Functional Behaviour Assessment) is a multi-faceted concept used in the description of some methodologies that allow practi...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Truss Roof Markers Immediately after the death of two brave fire service men, Todd Aldridge and Mark Benge, in 1989, they saw...

New Ice Cream Flavor Name: Institution: Abstract Successful business calls for innovation and product advancement on a continual basis. Thereby, in an effort to attract a new pool ...

EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT By Student’s Name Student ID Professor’s Name Course Title Date of submission Interview Questions for Leaders: General How w...

Aviation Student’s name Institution Data and the treatment of the data The data needed and the means of obtaining data In this study, the data that is needed is the......

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Larsen Traditional and Sustainability Views According to Larsen, businesses are currently compelled by the existing changes to think on the effect o...

Name Instructor Course Date of submission Case Study: PepsiCo, Inc. Unusual Gains and Losses The selected firm is PepsiCo, Inc in the food industry. The company has in the recent.....

Mechanical Systems Used in Commercial Building [Assessment of Mechanical Systems Used in Commercial Building] Student’s Name Institution A man has continuously manipulated his li...

IPad: a disruptive innovation Name Institution     IPad: a disruptive innovation Disruptive innovation defines a process in which young companies with little resources can succ...

Hershey's Marketing Strategy Name Institution Affiliation Hershey’s Chocolate Hershey’s chocolate is one of the leading producers of chocolate in North America. Although the co...

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