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From Emigration Country to Illegal Immigration Country Introduction If we stop to analyze the state of Europe from a historical point of view, we can verify that in recent centurie...

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Foreign policy: Mexico and Africa relationship Introduction In this integrating learning product we will analyze in a concise way the relationships that exist between Mexico-Africa...

First Public Business School Introduction The first business school in Spain was founded in 1955. There are currently many. These are institutions specialized in higher postgraduat...

Film 'In search of happiness'   Faithful to the real history on which it is based, "in search of happiness" is set in 1981, in the city of San Francisco,......

Fight against youth unemployment Unemployment remains one of the fundamental concerns throughout Europe, especially for young people, since without any doubt it is the most vulnera...

Family model and guidelines to govern Introduction The traditional family model has evolved over time. Currently, society preaches other values ​​and very different criteria ar...

Fahrenheit 451 and the obstacles to society's happiness In Fahrenheit 451 we tell the story of a man, Guy Montag. At first, our protagonist enjoys his firefighter profession, but i...

Extrajudicial agreements and conditions Introduction One of the best scenarios that could occur in a relationship or society where figures such as the creditor and the debtor decla...

Expectations and reality: The search for a job Introduction In the last thirty days, I have had multiple conversations with intelligent work, attentive and workers on the serious l...

Exercise buttles with elastic band Introduction Working buttles with elastic band is one of the many existing alternatives to stimulate the musculature of this area, which should n...

Evolution in Art History Introduction. Vasari, is quite important, because thanks to his contribution as art historian, we now have numerous biographies of artists from the Italian...

Essay on professional duties Professional duties are the professional obligations that go intimately linked to moral. That is why through this essay it is intended, to present what...

Epochs and periods of violence in Colombia If we had to talk about violence we would have to start for a very representative period known as the time of violence,......

Entrance to the University in Peru Introduction First, most young people, due to their early age, are not prepared to handle and control the great academic pressure of the universi...

Entertainment electronic sports Introduction The future of entertainment in Spain with electronic sports, internationally known as eSports. An unknown world for many and a dream fo...

Emotional salary and their relationship with employee job satisfaction Currently, companies, regardless of the branch to which they are directed, must accept both scientific and te...

Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt Summary In this book, Arendt Delibera in the likelihood of elaborating moral and historical judgments and how they transcend to pure legal ju...

Edition and address of films Introduction Who has not happened to him that when he sees one of his favorite films, the scenarios, the special effects and everything that falls......

Economic policies to deal with inflation   As in any national territory, there are rules that govern the political system with the reason to increase economic growth and promote a...

Economic difficulties that lead to unemployment Introduction In the May-Junio-Julio 2019 quarter, the unemployment rate of Metropolitan Lima was 6.0%, presenting a decreasing trend...

Dynamics: Causes that cause the movement of bodies The dynamic is the part of the mechanics that study the relationship between the movement and the causes that produce it (the......

Dr. Fausto's work Introduction Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's Fausto work had its first appearance in the year of 1829, many writers tried to represent the legend of the pact with......

Dorothea Lange: The migrant mother Introduction Who was Dorothea Lange? He was born in 1895, at 7 years he suffered from polyomyelitis, and due to the treatments of the time......

Dorothea Lange: An influential woman Introduction This photo was taken by the artist Dorothea Lange in 1936, in which the protagonist is Florence Owens Thompson (1903 - 1983). The ...

Do not despair in the search for a job Introduction The search for a job requires patience, since it is not an easy task to do. You need to deliver......

Documentaries and information collection Introduction There are several proposals for definitions to about documentary research, among which we can mention them: according to Baen,...

Division and Classification, Population segregation Introduction Part of the characteristics of discrimination and division in South Africa and the invention of the forced transfer...

Disputes between China and Japan Introduction We are facing a book that includes a series of essays on the territorial dispute between Japan and China due to the islands of......

DISCUSSION ON THE AMPIATION OF THE MATERNITY LICENSE IN COLOMBIA The work to be observed is carried out in order to express the knowledge acquired regarding the subject concerning ...

Departure from the United Kingdom of the European Union Introduction In this table you can mainly appreciate the age group of the United Kingdom population and its decision of stay...

Current world at difficult times Introduction Crisis times in today's world, to everyone's knowledge, it is not the same as 11 or 90 years ago. 90 years ago the world......

Corruption in Latin American socialist governments Corruption in Latin American socialist governments. Corruption in socialist governments is a full issue that is lived in Latin Am...

Corporate Finance and Capitalism Introduction. After training professionally through higher education studies, he begins the job search in the world of work. People try to find a h...

Corporate culture and their characteristics Introduction Corporate or organizational culture is known as those values, customs, habits, guidelines, beliefs, rituals, symbols, model...

Constitution: synonym for legal and political codes Introduction State workers are those who occupy a position in what is public management whether they are appointment, contract o...

Consequences of migration in Venezuela Currently in Latin America there are many people who emigrated from Venezuela and have created many colonies in the world of Venezuelans and ...

Concept of the Constitution and where it was developed Introduction This essay will try to answer the question of what is the Constitution? Since we can realize that it is......

Commercial and institutional brand Introduction The institutional brand is the form of the organization and identification in front of the other entities, “it is a type strategy ...

Child well -being in different fields Introduction While the tradition of subjective well -being has shown special interest in the study of affections and satisfaction with life, p...

Child's behavior Theories Introduction Continuing with the emphasis on people, and continuing the approach of the sociological school, although making strong criticisms, other auth...

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