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Influence of doubt in knowledge Introduction How does ethics influence certainty and doubt when acquiring knowledge about the authorities? Ethics can be defined as a way of underst...

Infidelity in the times Introduction The issue of infidelity is so important these days, that it is usually one of the main reasons of conversation or appears almost safely as......

Industrial Revolution and Social Class Differences Introduction During the revolution there was a notable difference between social classes, the upper class (bourgeois) was the mos...

Individuality and self-assessment for educational purposes Introduction In this self-assessment, I intend to analyze the work that I have performed in the subject of Educational Co...

Individualism enhances the character Introduction L’Etranger, by Albert Camus, tells the events corresponding to Mersault's life, an adult man, from his mother dies until he is a...

In a small town there was a house Introduction In a small town there was a house, which was not inhabited what most caught the attention of the inhabitants of......

Importance of verbal and nonverbal communication   To enter into context there will be a brief description of the discipline denoted as volleyball and as this sport is composed. T...

IMPORTANCE OF READING AND READING UNDERSTANDING The texts need a global understanding which is essential to have a general idea of the text or what you want to imply, although......

Importance of internal control in Covid-19 times Our country is going through a strong economic crisis;After the Pandemia for COVID-19, many of the companies have struggled to stay...

Importance of communication in organizations   Through the thorough review of specialized texts and authors, epistemological orientations that contextualize communication as an ac...

Impact of the human being on ecology The study of the different kinds of relationships that exist between human race and nature is called human ecology. This correlation has existe...

Image of God: Jesus Christ as God became man Introduction. The theme of Greek philosophy and Christianity have always been very controversial issues for many, the study of the diff...

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If God were a human rights activist With respect to this text by Saussa Santos (2014) it could be mentioned that he determines a new ideology that has been prevailing......

Hydrogen cars: A near future Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant chemical element of the universe. It is mainly in the form of hydrogen gas in the stars and......

Hydrogels are unions of polymeric solid materials Introduction Hydrogels are unions of polymeric solid materials with long chains that are cross -linked, forming three -dimensional...

How to write thanks in a grade thesis Writing thanks in a degree thesis to express gratitude for supporting those who, in one way or another, helped or contributed any......

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How to move with a pet Introduction Moving is a complex activity, generally, it is a stage of a lothouse, organize and accommodate your belongings on your new site to......

How to link a boy and get to fall in love with you Introduction Knowing how to link a boy is very easy, just applying some seduction techniques and of......

How to avoid column problems due When column problems appear due to bad positions in the gym, the situation of a person who has not had advice is usually given.......

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Homosexual marriage in the formation of the family There is no historical information when the first homosexual was born (whether this woman or man) or when he was the first......

History of Islam in South America Introduction Although the term terrorism has its origins in the 18th century, reality indicates that over time the actions that characterize and d...

History of female suffrage after World War I First World War In 1914, the First World War occur, this fact was a fundamental cause in the course for the emancipation......

Historical review of notions Beauty Introduction. In summary, the first Christian vision of this term, mentions that beauty is found in all things, however weak its presence, since...

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High Society Women in the Middle Ages Introduction First it must be said that there is a big difference between the High Middle Ages and the rest of the medieval......

Happiness: The common denominator of emotions What is happiness?, Many could call it as the set of factors that cause a person to feel cheerful, others would say that it......

Hamlet: An obsessive revenge Introduction Hamlet: an obsessive revenge Has it happened to you that from one moment to another you feel that everything is going wrong?, Well, Hamlet...

Guernica: The story behind the work Introduction A little history behind this work of art is that Spain suffered a catastrophic and devastating war between 1936-1939. The factions ...

Good living vs Globalization Field of Operations: Pandemia Introduction For this essay I want. A contrast between both. In the why? If both show such viable options because they do...

Give birth: You can become a blackout Bring a child to the world, it can be, one of the best emotions that a family can have. But nobody imagines that......

Gilgamesh the oldest literary work Introduction Gilgamesh is an Akian poem, whose first version goes back to the Babylonian Paleo, approximately in the first third of the second mi...

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Gift on special occasions Introduction Delivering a small gift on special occasions is always a detail that is appreciated and that transmits distinction and recognition towards co...

General Waste Management Laws The General Law for Integral Waste Management (LGPGGI), is responsible for establishing the procedures for characterization, identification, classific...

"General Theory of the Right of Obligations ”: Unilateral withdrawal of the mandatory relationship Unilateral withdrawal (in TGDO) is defined as the power that, traditionall...

Fundamental Parameters of Quality Management Introduction This essay is a small job in which the fundamental parameters of quality management will be announced, as well as the impo...

From the Neolithic tribes to the present According to what the anthropologist and philosopher Esteban Krotz says, one can recognize and identify oneself in the encounter with the o...

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Free fall: straight line movement with constant acceleration ABSTRACT The description of the free fall remains directOne of the ideas raised, the essence of researchers who gave wa...

Forensic Psychology: Application in judicial processes Introduction. In this article, we will analyze the value of psychology in the decision -making process of the court, so we wi...

Food waste at home Introduction Most people do not realize the amount of food they throw every day, from the leftovers that are not eaten to the products in poor......

Flower business name ideas Introduction Name ideas for flower business Flowers are a special detail for particular dates, they represent the appreciation, love or love that is take...

First Public Business School Introduction The first business school in Spain was founded in 1955. There are currently many. These are institutions specialized in higher postgraduat...

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