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The Odyssey of my latest teaching practices Introduction My last and so longed for residences began on September 18, 2020 in the 0-118 Dra garden. María Estela Lima Páez de......

The odious debt of world crises Since last decades the world has been suffering different crises, both financial and economic, of course, the financial crisis known as the great de...

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The novel under the same star and its reflections   John Green was born on August 24, 1977 in Indianapolis, Indiana (United States). He is the son of Sydney Green......

The mysteries surrounding the Black Wolf Introduction Historically, black wolves have been hunted and driven almost to the point of extinction. The black wolf is actually a type of...

The murder of the language teacher Introduction The murder of the language teacher is written with a mixture of realistic and fantastic elements, its literary genre is of science f...

The Moses of Miguel Ángel published in 1914 Introduction The Moses of Miguel Ángel published in 1914 anonymously, was one of the five trials on art that Freud wrote. The......

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The media, Information concentration The first thing that would be asked when talking about the media is about the ability to express a truth, because the truth is that the......

The market and the types of competition Introduction The topics set out in past reports deal with how supply and demand is moved according to the consumer income and price......

The main actors in the conflict, Russia Ukraine Introduction The main actors that are involved in the conflict are Russia and Ukraine, but simultaneously in this conflict the Europ...

The magnificent state of nature: the Leviathan How and why, Hobbes and Locke see the state of nature so different, is what we are going to analyze. The postulated thesis......

The little prince and reflections of the author being small Introduction This story is like a reflection of the adventures that lived in his imagination as a young boy along......

THE KNIGHT OF THE NIGHT: THE VILLANO Introduction Considered by many as the best film in the subgenre of superheroes with a memorable interpretation of the antagonistic character r...

The Karamazov brothers: Fiódor novel Dostoyevski «What follows death is so problematic ... Nothing is so afraid of and thinking about that. Is it true that I have lived to......

The influence of malaria on the most affected population According to the data provided by a study carried out by UNICEF1 there were 216 million cases in 2016, a carafal......

THE INDUSTRIAL-HOBSBAWN REVOLUTION In Great Britain of 1750 the background of one of the most important events in global history begin. Eric Hobsbawm, famous British historian of t...

The increase in migration Introduction The increase in migration and the violation of human rights of all people who are in mobility, constitutes one of the main concerns of today'...

The importance of oral communication as a tool Oral communication is undoubtedly one of the most practical tools to transmit a message. Since its birth, the human being expresses t...

THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSICAL EDUCATION First, before starting this programming, we must know the importance given to auditions in the primary education stage. But what is a hearing? A...

The importance of acting in pandemic times   In these difficult and complicated times for people there is a small moment of liberation that is very effective, we refer to......

THE IMAGE OF GOD FROM THE CONCEPTION AND ORIGIN OF MAN Introduction The conception of man in Christianity made is based on the fact that God became a man through......

THE IDEA OF FREEDOM Introduction “The performance society is dominated in its entirety by the modal verb power, as opposed to the society of the discipline, which formulates proh...

The hypothesis and its methodology Introduction The role of the hypothesis guides a definition and a methodology to be used in an investigation. A structured hypothesis correctly i...

The human being is good or bad by nature What is good? It is that manifestation of goodness, leads to a favorable course. What is evil? A relative negative condition......

The history of Hanminamut Princess of Egypt Introduction In 3010 to.C, a princess was born the third in the order of succession to the throne of Egypt, daughter of the......

The history of Central American countries Introduction The history of Central American countries except Costa Rica is very similar, and has its origins in the colonial era, the inh...

The heroes of the neighborhood Introduction Once upon a time there was a young man named Arthur, worked in a supermarket, lived in a very poor neighborhood. I had a......

THE GUARDIAN BETWEEN THE CENTENO: THE HISTORY OF A CURSE BOOK Jerome David Salinger was an American writer born in New York in 1919. Known mainly for his only long......

The greatest splendor period of English theater: the Elizabethan Theater After the 100 -year war, England knows a period of prosperity in the reign of Isabel I and, together with.....

The great economic depression The First World War Gender Severe Economic Results by creating an international economic disorder in the second half of the 19th century. Economically...

THE GOOD EAT FRUIT AND EXERCISE Introduction Vegetable consumption is recommended in any diet, with the aim of improving health. In the case of athletes this was not going to......

The future of cell regeneration  When the loss of a part of the body occurs, the cells that are in the affected place have two options: heal or regenerate. In......

The first video game never created The first video game that was created in history was Tennis for Two, this was created in 1958 by William Higginbotham. This video game......

The evolution of rice cultivation in Paraguay Summary The expansion of rice cultivation in Paraguay observed in the last 5 agricultural campaigns, together with the new technologie...

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The empowerment of women in society Throughout history, the role that women play in the different communicative contexts has been guided by stereotypes that have a patriarchal and ...

The elements of the Baptism Party The baptism party is a two -part event: religious importance and social activities. Although it is true that the religious ritual produces the soc...

The difficult understanding of the art of war The war book is one of the most difficult books to understand but interesting, since it does not tell you how to......

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The dementia of Raskólnikov and its reflection in crime and punishment In the work and punishment of Fiodor Dostoevski the author announces that Raskólnikov a young student who, ...

The dark side of K-Pop music The K-Pop or Korean pop is the phenomenon of the moment that is breaking visualizations records such as the Black Pink women's group that......

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THE CURRICULUM, LEARNING ROUTES AND, MAP OF PROGRESS As we know the curriculum is the curricular basis where the general principles of education are, it is also a very important......

The consequences of the feminist movement in the e.AND.OR.A The international movement for the right to vote, carried out by the callists, was a movement of social, economic and po...

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