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Dracula and the celebration of the dead Introduction There are many traditions around the world that suppose more than a celebration, more than a party or a part of our......

Cyberinteligence to face threats and challenges Introduction There is no doubt that cyberinteligence is key to face threats within any organization, especially when it is more diff...

Current basic computer security A good reliable antivirus program is a basic requirement of any cyber security system. Apart, anti-malware software is also essential. They work as ...

Cuba, Health Development: Elimination of HIV/AIDS Transmission and Syphilis from Mother to Son HIV is a virus that affects body immunology, which is subsequently developed as AIDS,...

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Crimea: The eternal struggle of national interest between Russia and Ukraine in the light of classical realism Introduction Before continuing with the study on the possible relatio...

Crimea's annexation As for the armed intervention, it should be noted that the use of force by Russia in Crimea violates article 2.4 of the United Nations Charter that prohibits......

Copyright: Intellectual Property Protection Introduction. The idea is mental representation, that obtained in the act of understanding and understanding instantly originates, not r...

Cooling of the cut flowers Vacuum cooling The empty cooling method is effective in products that have a high surface area ratio with respect to volume. The vacuum is based......

Consumer protection in electronic contracting and electronic commerce First, the regulations on electronic contracting and electronic commerce is very wide, either at the national ...

Consumer protection in current trade Due to the current situation that has been faced during these months, electronic commerce has established itself as the main means for the acqu...

Conflict prevention in the letter of essential principles For the development of this work that is the prevention of conflicts, emphasis is placed on the legal advice and advice of...

Computer security and problems facing SMEs Introduction Computer security (Wikipedia, Computer Security, 2019) encompasses the safety of computer equipment and also information sec...

Colonization in America by the Spaniards Colonization throughout America in Latin America at the end of the 15th century a fleet led by Cristóbal Colon would arrive in America in....

Chronicle from the trenches: a United Kingdom nurse recounts her day to day Introduction Juanita Nittla, 42, Chief of Nurses of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Royal Dree......

Child sexuality: natural instinct or protection Aberrations by sexual instinct occur due to an obstacle in development and infantilism. Adult sexual instinct originates from the im...

CHARACTERISTICS, ORIGIN AND CURIOSITIES ABOUT BUHOS Owl. They have predominantly nocturnal habits and are predators of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. They can be found on all...

Causes of current international migration International migration is the circulation of people through borders to reside permanently or temporarily in a country other than birth or...

Cause of food poisoning in our diet Did you know that a good part of the percentage of noncommunicable diseases worldwide is constituted by food poisoning? Even if you don't......

Carlomagno's army and his battle Introduction Parallel to the effort to establish an organized and centralized administration, Charlemagne sought the regulation of the army in rela...

Biosafety Principles The sanitary measures or (principles of biosafety) is the grouping of preventive measures aimed at conserving control of exposure factors in order to reduce or...

Because Egypts love cats Introduction Imagine living in a time and a place where each home was full of small and dangerous beasts. Some new threat lurked in each corner:......

Basic concepts about emotional intelligence Basic concepts Intelligence Intelligence throughout history has allowed the human being to survive in various situations or factors that...

Bad habits when driving Introduction Some handling habits that every day damage the vehicle bad practices when driving can cost a lotof vehicle components. The oldest of all bad ha...

Bad faith acts Introduction As a starting point I will give a brief definition of what “possession” is, since this is one of the most important issues of civil law,......

Bachelor developed in the Physiotherapy Area Introduction Health: State where there is a physical, mental and social balance. Disease: It is the imbalance where signs and symptoms ...

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Asylum for refugees The right of asylum is a protection mechanism through which a State guarantees the protection and assistance of those who have fled their country of origin for....

Argumentative essay: Book of Life Mary Beth, a tourist guide from the museum, takes a group of school detention students to a secret tour of the museum, counting them, with......

An important time in Paris Introduction ‘Çibdad is all that place that is closed from the walls’. The city of Paris is located in northern France, in the center of......

American propaganda evolution in the Vietnam War   The Vietnam War, which occurred between 1955 and 1975, was a war conflict whose background is due to both the cold war......

American Human Rights Convention Background and emergence The states of the American continent were together since the end of the 19th century, to be more exact since 1890, in the....

Amami rabbit conservation Introduction Known by his scientific name as Pentalagus Furnessi, Amami's rabbit or short ears rabbit is a kind of lepóridos family lagomorph. Former inh...

Alternative energy: A benefit to the environment All of the governments of countries around the world have an interest in alternative energy, especially because there is recently a...

A lot of noise and few nuts: sound pollution Introduction Evaluation of vehicular sound pollution based on Supreme Decree N.º 085-2003-PCM Regulation of Environmental Quality Stan...

Aging and factors that cause molecular and cellular damage Introduction Aging is composed of many factors that influence human being, most are composed of molecular and cellular da...

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Advances of the malaria vaccine Over the last seventy years they have been reduced, after much effort, areas with active malaria cases around the world. The first advances correspo...

Adelia Penguins: Habitad, curiosities, eating habits The Adelia penguin is a Antarctic penguin, closely related to Gentoo and Barbijo penguins. Together, these three species are kn...

According to countries of the Central American region, Introduction This treaty was signed with the countries of the Central American region, where the trade of goods, services, in...

Ethical Concerns in Research Name Institution Affiliation Introduction Ethical consideration is very critical while conducting research. One should recognize the acceptable and una...

Literature: Name of Student Name of Institution Charles Dicken highlights instances of child abuse in the Victorian Era including forced labor and sexual harassment in the society....

NameInstructor Course Date Nutrition Day One Everybody has varying carbohydrate needs depending on many factors including activities. Carbohydrates are largely the source of body e...

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