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Gender roles and social expectations Introduction Gender and social expectations. The social construction of gender identity. Each culture defines, a set of ideas, beliefs and valu...

Gender and manifestation of violence Introduction Gender violence is one that is exercised, for Beltran about women by their partner, these and due to the inequality that exists be...

Gay adoption, a repressed right For some years in the world we have been talking about human rights and the idea of ending any type of discrimination;In particular, sexual discrimi...

From maternal and paternal roles to family limits The family is the center of everything, which is why it must have some type of organization which is unconsciously but existing,.....

From Ausubel to Pozo: Review to Good Learning Questioning the functioning of educational models and systems seems to be an endless practice. Question, then, if the methods are adeq...

Freud in the 21st century, consequences of its discovery Introduction First "Freud in the 21st century. Consequences of its discovery '(Bolívar Ochoa, 2008), is an article th...

Freud in the 21st century. CONSEQUENCES OF ITS DISCOVERY Introduction Sigmound Freud in the 21st century took the step to discover through its theories psychoanalysis with a backgr...

Freedom and religious belief Introduction. In 1492 the arrival of Christopher Columbus was transcendental for European economy and society;But, unfortunate and painful consequences...

Forensic psychology in the Dominican Republic. Introduction. The identification of documents, and the study of the evidence left on the scene. Philosophy can occur to the principle...

Forensic psychology in penitentiary facilities Introduction. Psychological evaluation and adaptation processes The environmental characteristics of penitentiary establishments (ove...

Forensic Psychology as a specialization Introduction. Within the area of psychology, we have the possibility of studying different specializations. One of them is forensic psycholo...

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Forensic Psychology: Application in judicial processes Introduction. In this article, we will analyze the value of psychology in the decision -making process of the court, so we wi...

Five greats and their personalities Introduction The model of the great five, known in English -speaking countries as The Big Five Model, is a questionnaire that analyzes and evalu...

First school day in the USA. UU. Introduction It can be said that Ivy Lee was a pioneer of RRPP as the initiator. He begins to do the first RRPP......

Final essay of the Module Learning Theories Introduction The theories of learning that were presented to us in the following module, deal with the knowledge acquisition processes t...

Fight to combat homophobia and transphobia "The question of sexual diversity refers to the condition of being diverse, that is, to the fact of being different and suggests a d...

Fauvism: Origin, influences, characteristics Origin of Fauvism Fauvism is a movement of French origin that was based mainly on painting and lasted only four years, from 1904-1908. ...

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Family with children with disabilities Introduction The reason for this essay is to know some considerations for interventions in families that have people with disabilities under ...

Family relationships today Introduction The family is;a social structure that is built from a process that generates consanguinity or affinity links among its members. Therefore, w...

Faculty of Education Sciences Introduction What demonstrates data on integral education in sexuality? What kind of language should we establish with youth? Sexual education is a st...

Factors that make up bilingualism and its advantages and disadvantages Introduction It is not easy to delimit or specify the term bilingualism. As the first instance, with bilingua...

Factors of violence in courtship and violence in marriage Violence in courtship, is a process that begins to be given from the biopsychosocial development of a teenager, taking int...

Face loneliness: Understand the effects and causes When taking some simple steps to address feelings of isolation, we can improve our physical and mental health. __________________...

Explaining marriage, monogamy and polygamy INTRODUCTION The human being develops a first bond with a person who will over time transform into a romantic link (Bowlby, 1969). Unfort...

Experimentation in essays and animal abuse Introduction In this essay I will talk about animal abuse, trying to explain some types and examples of this, in this same document I......

Existential theory about the meaning of life Existential psychology does not assume determinism in order to explain human behavior, rather it means that people are free to choose t...

Existentialism in the second sex Existentialism against stereotypes according to Simone Beauvoir and transmitters in gender and religion through normalization in people's thinking ...

Excessive use of social networks at the Miguel Grau school Summary We can currently affirm that our reality is different from that before, since over time technology has been progr...

EVOLUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT The human being by nature is a sociable being, from the caverns the human being has had to delegate and organize how the tasks were distributed,...

Evolutionary Psychology of Development and Change in Human Being Although, development psychology aimsevolutionary process of each individual, in order to intuit the alterations th...

Evolutionary Psychology Focused on Children and Adolescents: Example of Free Spanish Writing   Evolutionary psychology is the part that occupies a space in general psychology that...

Euthanasia: a decent death Over the years and currently euthanasia is a very controversial issue due to people's different positions in the world. Euthanasia is described as the ac...

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Ethnography within professional nursing care Introduction Nursing is a professional discipline that covers autonomous care and in collaboration offered to people, families, groups ...

Ethics in donation of organs of older patients Introduction The world lack of organs for transplants and the continuous improvement of the strategies for the preservation of the or...

Essay on the work: Metamorphosis It is a very interesting story in addition to being able to show as Gregory little by little it ceases to be a human converted......

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Essay on the concept of problem solving The concept of problem solving can be defined in several ways, depending on the perspective of the author that is analyzed. However, there.....

Essay on the book The Art of Amar de Erich Fromm Introduction In this essay I will talk about the book ‘‘ The art of loving ’’ of the author......

Essay on strategic market groups INTRODUCTION The essay is a wording that is characterized by the development of a topic, based on reflections, is commonly expressed freely and per...

Essay on team coaching Companies to enhance the skills of their staff need to apply coaching, which is a method to be ableallowing him to leave his comfort zone, generating......

Essay on society, culture, identity, multiculturalism and complexity. Society Introduction We live in a society controlled by the economy. Public and private policies that work in ...

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