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Changes and competences of the organizational environment Introduction In the following test, the organizational environment will be discussed and the change verifies that it will ...

Case analysis, of the 'Go' team The work presented is centered on the analysis of Roche's “Go” team, which consists of a combination of seven researchers from the Departments o...

Carl Jung's work and analytical psychology Carl G's work. Jung began to be systematically translated in 1999, seventy -seven years after they ended up translating Freudian works an...

Carl Gustav Jung's archetypes Carl Gustav Jung was an important psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who developed a psychoanalytic theory in which he introduced two main ideas: the coll...

Burnout syndrome and mental collapse The “burnout” syndrome or burned worker syndrome is a type of chronic work stress, is the most common among workers whose work is related t...

Bullying or bullying, causes and consequences Concept The word bullying was created by Dan Olweus, a Norwegian researcher, who points out that "Bull" means bull, so Bully...

Bulimia as a food factor   Bulimia, as a dietary factor, has become a big public health problem world adolescence at ages between 12 and 25 years (1). The rise......

Bulimia and anorexia problems in Ecuador Introduction Bulimia and anorexia are food disorders that are presented in adolescents, may be due to various circumstances such as family ...

Brief summary about man in search of meaning Frankl's personal and professional life is a brief summary, gives the missing data to briefly complete his story of the stay in......

Book psychoanalysis The art of loving The book that I decided to read is titled: The art of Amar, was written by the social, psychoanalyst and philosopher Erich Fromm, being......

Book a happy world, a futuristic society   "A happy world" shows us a futuristic society where the inhabitants of this have been created by science, with a complete huma...

Bipolar disorder at an early age Bipolar or previously called depressive maniac disorder until 1980. (f.) It is a chronic mental illness with a greater incidence in women, it is......

Biological and social effects of drug use On drugs, we can define these simply as medicines, since that is the original definition, however, today has adopted another concept, in m...

Biography of Jorge Francisco Luis Borges This recognized writer named Jorge Francisco Luis Borges Acevedo, was born on August 24, 1899 in the province of Buenos Aires in our beauti...

Bioethics and sexually transmitted diseases INTRODUCTION Ethics, a fundamental pillar in the foundations of our societies, is the one that has tried to form the conditions and bala...

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDWARD THORNDIKE: Behavioral psychology Edward Thorndike was a psychologist and pedagogue considered the predecessor of behavioral psychology. The main contribution...

Benefits of studying in groups If we talk about studies, it is easy for our children to fall into stages of apathy and demotivation, mainly during adolescence. In these ages,......

Benefits of exercising and running as a couple Introduction More and more people choose to run as a couple. When accompanied, a series of benefits are experienced that it is......

Beliefs of mental disorders through time .People over time have evolved in terms of the beliefs of mental disorders refer, banishing the ignorance that was previously on this disea...

Behaviorism, the current of psychology that studies the behavior of the human being Behaviorism today is known as a current of psychology which studies the behavior of the human be...

Behaviorism, humanism, and theories of different authors Everything that covers learning, as carried out, its definitions, as well as the theories of several authors, the applicati...

Behavioral Manifesto According to John Broadus Watson This article is a behavioral manifesto by John Broadus Watson that he published in 1913. A fundamental article in the history ...

Beauty and health for an aesthetic image Introduction It is no use to deny that we live in a society where the aesthetic image is given great importance. We aspire......

Basic concepts about emotional intelligence Basic concepts Intelligence Intelligence throughout history has allowed the human being to survive in various situations or factors that...

Background of Organizational Development Hernández affirms that "the origin of organizational development is in studies on human behavior and relationships". A large num...

Autoimmune disease Systemic lupus erythematosus Introduction  In the bandage of rheumatic apologies collagenosis have a central role and, without suspicion, systemic lupus erythem...

Words: 3502

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Audiovisual media in the science of psychology Introduction As we know, psychology is a science that tries to understand the human being taking into account three dimensions: behav...

Audiovisual media as support for the understanding of the message Psychology is understood as the science that refers to the study of the behavior of the human being. (Larousse, 20...

Atypical values of our early stages From our childhood each gesture or comment has a great influence on the formation of our judgment and we also learn to differentiate the......

A study on emotions Introduction The report presented below covers the results of a study conducted to 100 students of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Cuenca to......

Asthma and its main causes Asthma is a bronchial disease characterized by the obstruction of the lungs, often occurs from an early age being difficult to diagnose, however it can.....

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As sport has developed in Colombia According to the magazine (El Tiemp. Studies have been done, as there is very little information on this science, they launched an award for......

As psychology affects the criminal procedure Psychology and criminology are unified in the 21st century, since then a current information of psychology called "criminal psycho...

As English empiricism influences behavioral analysis Empiricism is a psychological and epistemological current based on the fact that any type of knowledge comes from experience an...

As drug legalization can help fight drug trafficking Background of drugs in Peru Aware that this problem is not now, it can be seen that illegal substances appear thanks to......

As art performance can save your life   The truly beautiful art is the ability to save your life. Recently, I read an Internet publication that made me think a......

Art Philosophy Introduction We are faced with an extract which corresponds to the first part and to respective first chapter of Hipólito Adolfo Taine writing. Which is one of his....

Artificial intelligence and mathematics The AI is a device, software or machine doing the work of a person, universally in computer systems, transport, finance, medical analysis, b...

Aristotle and his opinion about the soul to achieve wisdom For Aristotle, the soul is what allows usHe possesses it in power, but we have always wondered how human beings......

Apple UX emotional design Emotions in humans cause a great effect on their decisions, responses and motivations, there are even studying that are responsible for communicating as s...

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