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Free Learning Theories In Education Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Educational Psychology Student’s name Institutional affiliation Educational Psychology Feedback by students and response by teachers are vital psychological aspects in the educat...

Effects of High-Stake Testing on Early Childhood Education Student Institutional Affiliation Date Abstract High-stake tests have been employed to significant effect on the educatio...

Name: Date: Class: Presentation Script: The Benefits of Arts Integration Opening Remarks Since the inception of mainstream curriculum development, advancement in education has been...

Assignment 2 Social Structure and Social Interaction (Student name) Introduction to Sociology (Date) Status Set List 5 statuses that you currently have. Label each status as either...

Developmental Theory Name Institution Affiliation Developmental Theory Developmental theories are essential to understanding cognitive development from childhood to adulthood. Some...

Persuasive Prompt Student’s Name (Institution) Persuasive Prompt Many schools are not only in competition but also in business. As a result, they tend to advance students to the ...

Student’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Date Legal Protections LGBT Students Even though in June 2015 a verdict to allow and protect the rights of the LGBT people was passed by......

Medical Administration Institution Affiliation Date Abstract Medical administration is considered to be the process by which knowledge and skills, based on medicine, are offered by...

CJ Discussion Board 8 Name Institution Discussion Board Post. The Frontline article is a great read. The changes described in the article are very desirable. The changes in the leg...

Student’s name Professor Course Date Dilemma in safety, rights, heath, and safety requirements of students The American education laws encourage staffs to tolerate pregnant stude...

Student’s Name: Course: Instructor: Date: In the United States, there exists a positive deviation in population for both female and male genders. According to the 2010 population...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Critical Analysis of Game Mechanics: World of Warcraft The purpose of this examination is to scrutinize the mechanics of the famous ...

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Student’s name Tutor’s name Course number Date Cyberpsychology Survey What were your total scores for each subscale? TOTAL SCORE TIME 1 Social Integration subscale: 17 TOTAL SC...

Name Professor Course Date IntersectionalityIntersectionality according to Crenshaw’s work refers to the concept that explains how the reality of race and gender bias as forms of...

Data InterpretationReliability in research methodology refers to the degree in which the same solution can be achieved using the same instruments when solving the same challenge...

The Value-Added Performance Model for Teachers and Administrators Student’s Name Course Title Institutional Affiliation Tutor’s Name Date The Value-Added Performance Model, Use...

Roles and Application of Project Management Concepts Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Even if project management appears new to most individuals, it plays a vital role in...

Saudi Gulf Airline and Habitat Furniture Industry Name Institution Abstract Different businesses have different dynamics to operate there is a distinction between the service indus...

Name Instructor Task Date Equality and Diversity It has become important for teachers to educate children about diversity in the classroom. The intent is to create and promote a cl...

Research Questions and Literature Reviews Name Institutional affiliation Research Questions and Literature Reviews Abstinence-only education promotes the idea that adolescents shou...

Curriculum Models/Curriculum Orientations Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Curriculum Models/Curriculum Orientations In his article on the questions of curriculum, Dillon...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Recruiting and Retaining College Students at STLCC-Meramec Introduction The biggest challenge to colleges and universities has alway...

Name Instructors Name Course Date This chapter has widened my thinking regarding followership as the process in which individuals agree to adhere to the influence of others to achi...

Influence of Affordability of Alcohol on Educational Disparities in Alcohol Related Mortality in Finland and Sweden Name: Institution: Abstract The income level of an individual an...

White Privilege Authors Name: Institution: (Word Count = 634) White Privilege In the movie “BlackKKKlansman” by Spike Lee, one common theme seems to stand out. Although the mov...

Name Tutor Class DateApplication Letter College educates students and helps them to develop skills that will enable them to be productive in the society. Besides studies, instituti...

Virtual class and advances in education Introduction Distance education is not a new topic. For years it has been being carried out. It is given thanks to the Internet and......

The term of coeducation and the effect on children Is segregated education and differentiated education the same? If segregated education is the same as differentiated education, h...

THE SCIENCE OF SOCIOLOGY, DEFINITION AND FUNDAMENTALS IN EDUCATION Introduction This argumentative essay aims to translate the definition, characteristics and main foundations that...

The influence of a teacher's leadership in education When a teacher always wants to go beyond his established performances, having commitment to his work and wanting to achieve tho...

The importance of Aistotle Introduction Aesthetics is a philosophical discipline that study Discipline that has not always existed, before being able to categorize correctly, there...

The German Federal Republic in the 60s In the Federal Republic of Germany, after the term of World War II, under the context of the Cold War, in 1949, Germany......

Social inequality throughout the world Through the years inequality in the world has been taking relevance, becoming an issue in which people want to concentrate efforts in order t...

School dining room, the main source of feeding in children The schedule allocated to the complementary school dining service will be up to two hours from the end of the......

Reading compression as a tool in education. Introduction. Reading understanding is defined as a double process: on the one hand, a process of decoding a written message and on the....

Poetry is not seen in high school This work is intended to offer a vision of poetry that is not commonly appreciated in the high school classroom. This was recalled......

Pedagogical Model for the Improvement of Education Education has been improving over the years, despite the lack of state public policies, since, in the country with the arrival of...

Organizational culture as corporate development Introduction This text deals with the organizational development that allows the company's compliments to have a high domain of unde...

Mediation in Education In both research loops, it was possible to show that one of the ways of learning that allowed children to acquire learning, was through the mediation that......

Language and socialization Introduction Another work that stands out for the relevance it gives to otherness in education, is the article entitled Reflection and Pedagogical Transf...

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