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The origin of the construction of the Grand Channel The construction of the Grand Canal, one of the largest and most spectacular architectural works in the world, aimed to connect....

The oldest cave paintings in Europe The oldest cave paintings in Europe have been found in recent years in Spain. These are prehistoric paintings that are around 65,000 years old.....

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THE NEED FOR A BUSINESS INVENTORY Every company uses at least some level of inventory management system. The best inventory management systems will not only maintain the product co...

The misuse of natural resources and their impact on the environment  The environment is the space in which the life of living beings (flora, fauna and human beings) develops and.....

The Mako Shark and its great speed Introduction Bluish color, which is clarified on the sides and with the belly completely white. Its strong and rigid tails are conceived to......

The logistics importance of the inventory Introduction Company: It is an entity in which capital and labor intervene as production factors, in industrial, commercial activities or ...

The lack of human rights regarding female genital mutilation Introduction To come assimilate in a more understandable way regarding this issue it is necessary to know certain defin...

THE INTERRELATION OF HUMAN NATURE Introduction Since ancient times, man has remained in constant interrelation with the environment that surrounds him. There is a science for this ...

The influence left by the artistic process on social practices Although we know that the origin of art is intrinsic, that is, it is its own, with the origin of......

The importance of cleaning in the files Cleaning and basic sanitation constitute two of the main strategies, within the actions that must be implemented in the field of conservatio...

The home visit, the place for health practices Introduction There have long been people who have dedicated themselves to the care of patients, it is for the preservation and surviv...

THE HISTORY OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AND ITS VARIANTS Introduction Before us entering into the subject and knowing the history of what is the Spanish language we must first know......

The garbage classification Introduction Garbage containers, without pretext to avoid recycling. In our communities you can hear from neighbors with ideas to organize waste, but non...

The game and game therapies for children Introduction When a child plays, he learns to tolerate frustration, regulate his emotions and highlight in innate tasks, practice new skill...

The Forest Girl Introduction Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucia, she was a girl who lived alone in a wooded area, she was an orphan girl.......

The five qualities of a good teacher When talking about the qualities of a good teacher we can find a lot of articles about it. That can even create more......

The evolution of the bodies and the growth of the mind Introduction A characteristic that usually differentiates science fiction from any other genre is that science fiction not on...

The era of the guano in Peru   The investigation has as a design to respond. To what extent can it be affirmed that Peru lived only a “fallacious prosperity”......

The emergence of modern architecture  The term modern architecture began to be used since twentieth, in which modernism was: the new concepts that were being implemented and which...

The effect of content marketing on the sales cycle? The main objectives of any marketing strategy are to raise the profile of a business, improve knowledge or reputation between an...

The differences between modern and contemporary architecture According to Agrazal, he considers that: “Modern architecture differs by the simplification of forms, the absence of ...

The company's inventory system Introduction The permanent inventory system controls the company's inventory. When tracking incoming and outgoing units, costs and sales, inventory c...

The company as a system Introduction This essay focuses on the analysis of the concept of company as a system, trying to identify the most important factors involved in its......

The city as a great ecosystem The ecosystem is nothing more than a set of organisms that share the same habitat or biotope. These organisms can be biotic, those living......

THE CHILD WHO DOMO THE WIND - TEST As described by the film at the time of starting is based on a real story. In this I was able to......

The book of the metamorphosis of the famous German author Franz Kafka Metamorphosis written by the famous German author Franz Kafka in 1912 is one of the most distinguished and......

The boiler of the South China Sea An extensive sea that is a third of maritime traffic worldwide, two islet chains with a high geostrategic, economical and with great natural......

The Baroque Church and style The baroque style begins to emerge with the works of the late 16th century, as is the case of the Church of the Jesuits of......

The Baby of Desiree and the Nordic Cuna Introduction Are you looking for a Nordic for crib and you don't know which one to choose? We have done for you......

The art of war and its strategies Introduction In this essay we will see what the book of art of war was discussed, talking about this literary work leads to......

The advantages of Flex Neon LED Introduction The introduction of neon light is produced in tubes that contain neon and other gases that by means of an electrical reaction and......

The accounting of costs, objectives, purposes, technical and legal bases Introduction The test presented below refers to issues which are very interesting and in turn of great impo...

TEST FOR RESOLUTION Devproblems It is very important to point out the project model that was carried out in this case, and that is, if specifying it from the beginning,......

Teratological art and Noah Serrano “You never get to know why devote yourself to sculpture, when you already have it clear, you are already inside.”(Noah Serrano, 2018) Today t...

Words: 647

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Technological advance, nuclear dentistry   Today and with the advancement of technology, it is necessary to implement new techniques and/or profits that facilitate the diagnosis a...

Techniques for wrapping a gift Introduction When you buy a gift almost never imported to small details, such as how to wrap a gift. Many times for the practical we......

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Take actions and precautions to a disaster Introduction It constitutes an intermediate phase between the preparation and the response, it is that it is defined as a declared state ...

Summer night dream: The best edited Introduction Are you looking for a summer comforter and you don't know which one to choose? We have done for you an analysis of......

Words: 1481

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Summer night dream: Bed bedrooms Introduction Some people say that a cover is different from any bed quilt, but, the truth is that they are almost the same. It is......

Words: 1192

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Studying steel: composition and function Today the human being has developed certain skills for its development in society which caused results such as the existence of constructio...

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