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My hermeneutic subjectivity of 'Las Meninas' “Las Meninas”, painted by the Spanish Diego Velázquez, in the year of 1656, it is a work of art, which always caused me curiosity....

My first Adolence Boyfriend Introduction Some looked at me, others did not even dare to maintain visual contact with me, after all who would want to talk to a girl......

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My favorite player: Dani Alves, the crazy footballer Dani Alves is my favorite football player Dani Alves is one of those players that every club wants on his team. He......

Music in Spain since the 40s  Anna Cazurra's work is within the Spanish music of the twentieth and early 21st century. This section will show in a synthesized way the......

Modern State Structure Introduction The State is a political organization that within its elements are sovereignty, population and territory without them would not be recognized as...

Modernism and the evasion of the reality of poets The evasion of reality is almost what is written in rhetoric, seeks a way to be effective to delight, persuade or......

Micro Story: The night Boca My story focuses on the history of a man, who in a beautiful morning, goes out for a walk on his motorcycle;Through what would be......

Methods and Documents Introduction The documentary explains learning in a public school in a city in Japan. To do this, they recorded for a year the class of Professor Toshiro......

Metamorphosis developed by Franz Kafka Summary The work of "Metamorphosis", developed by Franz Kafka, tells the story of Gregorio Samsa, which might be a reflection of th...

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Mesoamerica's story since its inception The area which is known as Mesoamerica, which was the one that covered approximatepart of the center. In Mesoamerica there were many cities ...

Memes as communicative satire through the Internet Introduction The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976, within the field of communicative evolutionary theory. Other au...

Meditation during sex Introduction Many people do not know that there are guided sexual meditation forms to learn to know the same body, that of the couple and forms of......

María “A forbidden Love” When we think of love we can make our thoughts fly and we can think of that great Colombian writer named Jorge Isaacs, who for his......

Marco Antonio's speech about Julio César Marco Antonio's speech is clearly linked to emotions, playing with these makes the people question the veracity of the words of Gross, but...

Malala Yousafzai An activist with great courage Introduction This essay contains information about the analysis of the article "She is the story" about the activist Malal...

Maisy, a funny children's book character Introduction Maisy Mouse is one of the most beloved children's literature characters. Here we discover more things about this character tha...

Main structural characteristics of the Great Keops pyramid Introduction The name by which the ancient Egyptians knew the great pyramid was: the bright horizon of Jufu. The great py...

Love of Water Funds "If you jump I jump remember?”(Mundifrases, S.F.)  I start with this appointment knowing that love in most times going crazy and leads us to the point.....

Love A feeling of universal effect What is love? Love is a feeling of universal effect that you have towards a person, animal or thing. Love also refers to a......

Los Beatles in Spain in 1965, memorable event In July 1965, the Beatles spent three days in Spain, gave two concerts, one in Madrid and another in Barcelona, in total......

Logistics leadership in the supply chain Introduction. Within organizations are several processes, which help compliance with a general objective;The continuity of these processes ...

Literature in Lisgüsto General It is inappropriate to delimit the concept of literature as a semantics of manual would propose, the exercise of consulting the Royal Spanish Academ...

Literary analysis of the novel crime and punishment   In 1866 the great author Fiodor Mikhailovich Dostoievski, born on November 11, 1821, in Moscow, wrote a very important novel....

Liberalism according to John Locke Liberalism has existed in the previous century, but it was in the 19th century when the English philosopher, John Locke, began with his ideas to....

Let's talk about lobster and its treatment Introduction Generally, the technique of high pressures is applied to products that have been previously vacuum packaged, eliminating pat...

Leninist conceptions about the party press Introduction The media or fourth power have always been a mechanism for disseminating ideologies and social control, in addition to infor...

Legality of Testaments in favor of animals Are the wills in favor of animals legal? More and more people have this concern and who want to protect their pets in......

Latent danger on social networks Introduction. We all like the Internet, or at least we have used it at some point, especially now in this period, but we rarely sit......

Knowing the story of Rosie the riveter Introduction. Naomi Parker Fraley was born on August 26, 1921, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she was the third daughter of Joseph Parker, who worked......

Know how to act when presenting an assault Just as it is not possible to know exactly what will happen during the day, it is also not possible to know......

King's speech in Spain 2017 After the events that occurred on October 1, 2017 such as the call of the illegal referendum by the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia,......

Karl Marx and his philosophical aspects Introduction On this occasion we have Karl Marx and its different philosophical aspects, one of the most debated is in the subject of capita...

Journalism in Carmen Burgos's life Introduction. As we have said in the previous part, journalism in the life of Carmen de Burgos occupied a fundamental role. Not only did he......

Jealousy today  Jealousy has been a feeling that has always existed throughout humanity, the human being is jealous since it is a feeling that is a feelings that we all......

Jack The Ripper in postmodern horror movies In 1930, The Art Institute of Chicago exposed the public for the first time that it was going to become one of the......

Isabel la Católica as the First Mecna in Spain Isabel la Católica is considered one of the first patron in the history of Spain. His taste for art led him......

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Inverse logistics by the supply chain as a competitive strategy for organizations The competitiveness of the various markets causes organizations to innovate more and more, to worr...

Invention of the Nuclear Weapon: Manhattan Project The Manhattan project would allow him to play a hegemonic role in the international relations of the postwar world. It was during...

In the center of New York Introduction In the center of New York, a huge poster dominated Times Square. On the facade of the Loew’s State Theater in Times Square,......

Internet privacy in academic sense Introduction In this work you will try to address privacy from a more academic sense and learn which law protects us and what types of......

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