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The degree in Psychology Introduction  The following work aims to identify the basic concepts of maturation, development and learning involved in human development, analyzing thei...

The deflected construction processes Deviation is a consequence of marginalization, which gives rise to social maladjustment. People modify their behaviors as a result of the relat...

The construction of the self & The child's identity Summary The construction of self-concept is based on the cognitive, affective and social part in children, so it helps them ...

The concept of the homoparental family The concept of the family has changed over time because we can currently see families composed of same -sex couples. These couples sometimes ...

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The concept of epistemology and its different approaches   In 1864 the publication of an article was made which was the first to expose the word epistemology by James Frederick......

The concept of critical theory and its importance If observed through time and from the various attitudes and behavior of individuals it can be verified that there has always been....

The causes of infidelity Infidelity refers popularly, to the affectionate relationships of the romantic type, in the short or long term, established with people other than the offi...

The Branch of Behaviorism and Gestalt Theory Behaviorism is a branch of psychology that is based on the observation of behavior, as well as its analysis, to better understand the.....

The brain and its relationship with learning Introduction The human brain is of vital importance in our development because it is the main engine of learning because there are vari...

The average and technology: neither saints nor perverse Introduction There are objects of knowledge that have been submitted to analysis repeatedly, generating a diversity of conce...

The American film The butterfly effect The butterfly effect is an American film, released on January 23, 2004. It was directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber, who have......

The abuse of video games applied to health Spending long hours in any technological medium becomes an addiction and a serious problem, especially for young people and children, sin...

The abstract art and artistic trajectory of Wassily Kandinsky Introduction Abstract art is undoubtedly a form of artistic expression with a high degree of controversy, precisely be...

Systemic Rritematoso Lupus and its relationship with rheumatic conditions Introduction  In the relationship to rheumatic conditions, colagenosis play an important role and, withou...

Summary and Reflections of the Book Crime and Punishment  The publication of the crime and punishment book was in 1866, with an atmosphere of St. Petersburg, initially with the Ru...

Suicide is described as: the act of voluntarily removing life According to Gardey and Pérez (2008), suicide is described as "the act of voluntarily removing life", this ...

Suicide as decision making and risk factors Suicide defines it as, death produced by oneself with the precise intention of ending one's life), the term is polysemic. In fact, beyon...

Suicide as a public health problem Suicide constitutes a public health problem and can be preventable if the institutions involved with the country's safety and health implement th...

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Suffering from the perspective of phenomenology Phenomenology is but what is now called descriptive psychology. The phenomenology that precedes Kant, Fichte and Hegel. It is practi...

Subliminal messages in children's cartoons The current panorama of our society reflects that it is increasing. Unfortunately over time certain subliminal messages have been release...

Study of the Homero work Introduction This work, called at the origin of the corporeality, presents a wide theme. It is a study of Homer's work, of the classic of......

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Study of gender differences in memory and positive bias Summary Introduction. In old age there is a deterioration in memory, especially in the operational and episodic memory, affe...

Study of basic psychological processes Introduction The human being is the only being that has abilities and skills that no other living being has. Indeed, these skills are all ind...

Study habits and social habits The main purpose of the research was oriented to verify the relationship between the habits of studies and social skills with academic performance in...

Studies on social movements in the Canary Islands: State of the matter Research on social movements and collective action have registered a considerable increase in recent decades,...

Studies by novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne  What constitutes the essence of effective direction is a group of voluntary followers. The effective industrial leader is dedicated to man...

Studies and analysis of harassment at primary school Introduction. Large amounts of students have an impertinent attitude, the abuse they receive can be physically, psychologically...

Stress evaluation in nursing personnel Stress is one of the most common health problems, causing a condition in at least 35% of the world's population, and in addition to this......

Strategies to apply resilience in sports training Summary There are many reasons why it is worth applying resilience in sports training. Beyond physical skills, beyond even motivat...

Stores decoration in the purchase decision The objective of the decoration of stores seems evident to the naked eye: sell more. The general public understands that the settings in ...

Statistics and hypotheses in today's society Introduction Statistics, hypotheses and research have always present throughout humanity that have been used to resolve cases of the da...

Spiritism: a doctrine developed in Puerto Rico Since the nineteenth century in Puerto Rico, an expansion of new political, philosophical, scientific, social and religious movements...

Sociobiology: Ants evolutionary perspective The sociobiological perspective explores the biological basis of all social behavior, including morality. Sociobiologists study human so...

Social Psychology and Human Behavior Introduction The psychological bases of the consultation are the ones that allow us to know more thoroughly the way in which the human being ac...

Social norms and our behaviors Introduction Human beings are social beings since the beginning of the world. Many philosophers and studies have focused on analyzing how we behave, ...

Social networks: an environment of two options That today a person does not have a profile on Facebook, or hang photos on Instagram is a very unusual exception. Especially if......

Social networks and psychological sequelae in communities Introduction In this essay, part of the social networks with which adults are and even minor will be addressed, they are f...

Socialization agents: as an influential factor in the behavior of the human being Introduction  In this essay we have as a priority the study of socialization agents. In this way....

Similarities and differences between clinical psychology and psychiatry The present essay aims to show the similarities and differences between the professional of clinical psychol...

Sexuality not only covers sex At the time of talking about sexuality, in a wide percentage of the population you can see a lack of information related to “What is......

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