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Méxican policy and as viruses have no ideology The 1987, the writer Roger Bartra publishes for the first time, at the University of California in San Diego, a fundamental text......

Metamorphosis A Kafka work Introduction The most appropriate reading that can be made about the similarities between the works of Kafka and Dostoevski refers to the central theme p...

Mental Health Laws in Peru Introduction The current situation of the care of the human mind is an important pillar of the conditions in which most Peruvians find;However, not every...

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Mental health as a perfect balance Introduction The present research work determines that, given the epidemiological health emergency presented in the first months of the year worl...

Mental disorders over time The human being over time has tried to respond to issues such as mental disorders, this has led them to believers, philosophers and scientists to create....

Memory, Attention and Learning Processes   The man, in the midst of his development and his eagerness to adapt to the environment had to use several cognitive and psychological pr...

Meditation is a discipline practiced in the eastern world Introduction Meditation is a discipline practiced in the eastern world for hundreds of years, due its apparent benefits in...

Medicine and Nazism, learn from history Medical experiments Nazi doctors arranged in the concentration and extermination fields of thousands of people deprived of liberty who were ...

Media educational values Introduction. People along a single day receive an immense amount of messages of all kinds through the media. These communicative means, more specifically ...

Maternity in adolescence Adolescence is defined as the period between 10 and 19 years of age, is a stage characterized by accelerated body growth, the appearance and development of...

Mary Shelley, a film that highlights machismo The movie "Mary Shelley" by the director Haifaa to Mansour was first published at the Toronto Film Festival in 2017. History...

Martin Seligman: meaning of life Seligman is considered the greatest promoter of positive psychology. For him, happiness is boycotted by pain. Think that the concept of happiness i...

Man of man: book review The heart of man: Erich fromm The heart of man is a book that analyzes the state of man through psychology: if it is a......

Malnutrition in children, Learning effects Introduction  Malnutrition in infants is the consequence of insufficient food consumption (in quantity and quality), the lack of adequat...

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Male health care analysis Introduction Care itself, as a historical concept that involves the conception and the referent on itself and, to that extent, on the others. In such hone...

Major depressive disorder, a pandemic in our time According to data from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that more than 350 million people in the world suffer from.....

Main methods of interaction of autistic children Starting from the current social situation that surrounds us, in which it is not common to know cases of people with autism, being....

Magic realism of Gabriel García Márquez Introduction Gabriel García Márquez publishes his novel ‘Chronicle of a death announced more than 45.000 copies sold in Mexico in just...

Love from psychology and social psychology The scientific study of love can be addressed from different theoretical views. In our work we start from a culturalist point of view, un...

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Love A feeling of universal effect What is love? Love is a feeling of universal effect that you have towards a person, animal or thing. Love also refers to a......

Literature focused on the little ones Introduction SEPPIA et al. They express that in children's literature, productions are found in which siminutive use, complicated onomatopoeia...

Literary comment on the work of art Tartufo Tartufo is a literary work that corresponds to the French playwright, actor and poet Jean Baptiste Poquelín, a member of the small......

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Learning arithmetic operations in students with Down Syndrome According to Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of Acneae educational quality: it is students with...

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Leadership models within the 'New Amsterdam' series The series entitled "New Amsterdam" focuses on the health management that takes place in a public hospital in New York...

Leadership and decision -making era INTRODUCTION    In every organization, leadership is fundamental at the time of decision making, this implies that a good part of this work is...

Law of attraction for your life Introduction The idea about attracting good events to our lives just by imagining them sounds like a fairy tale and another form of collective......

Language through history Introduction. Language is the means by which man communicates what he feels and what he thinks, either verbally, which can be oral or written, or nonverbal...

Labor satisfaction in workers INTRODUCTION Labor satisfaction (ST) is an issue that is still very resumed today because it is very important for workers to feel satisfied to do the...

Kubrick's cinematographic art Introduction Cinematographic discourse, that is, audiovisual exhibition before an audience, can produce an exhibition of the terrifying feelings that ...

Knowledge theory and its adaptation in situations A theory is established based on common and related factors, with which a perspective adopted in the face of a situation is reflec...

Keys and benefits of positive parenting Being parents is a challenge. Every day it can be exasperating - especially with young children - and it is very difficult not to......

Julio Cortázar and Magic Realism Cortázar used fantasy a lot, the magical and connected reality with the fantastic, often making the character delirious and confuse the reader, c...

ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria   The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, better known as ISIS, or simply as the Islamic State responds to a heterodox doctrine,......

Interstellar: a new science fiction approach Interstellar is a science fiction film released in 2014, directed by the acclaimed director Cristopher Nolan (who had already directed ...

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Interpretation of body movements Introduction Nonverbal communication covers an extensive field, even more when it is related to the study of body movements which are abundant comp...

Intelligence theory and emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence is the ability to express, understand and manage emotions before this we will talk about intelligence theories...

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Influences on which psychoanalysis and behaviorism is based Introduction The work to be treated is based on the theories of psychoanalysis and behaviorism, as we know within psycho...

Influence of social networks on young people at a psychological level Introduction The Internet era has long arrived, and with this a new way of relating: the social network, which...

Influence of entertainment media in violence Violence is any act that leads to physical or verbal force to a person, animal or object, whether voluntarily or accidentally. Most of ...

Influence of empiricism in the development of behavioral analysis Human behavior and thought is something that over the years has wanted to understand by philosophers. Certainly, m...

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